Beg, Steal or Borrow – Overtaken on the first rise. . .
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Overtaken on the first rise. . .
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Tue Jul 14, 2009 @ 10:14pm
Location   Commander's Office
Timeline   SD9 08:25 After 'Surfacing'
Gabriel exited the turbolift and walked across the Operations Department. The repair teams were moving fast to replace the systems that were negatively affected during the previous attack. It was almost as if an attack had never happened.

Gabriel could see through the glass doors that Davies was meeting with the JAG Officer that had introduced herself as the earlier meeting. Part of Gabriel wanted to find out why a JAG was launching an investigation on his station without informing him first. Obviously there was something going on that had piqued Starfleet Command's attention.

"Officer, I'm here to see the Commander." Gabriel said to the officer sitting at the console.

Robert stood from the console, confused at the request from the Chief of Security
"Sir. You don't permission, you have automatic department access and privilege." He advised, feeling foolish to have to impart the directive to Commander Gabriel.

[In the CO's Office]

"You will hear a great deal of complaining about Lieutenant Gabriel, the Chief security officer, but I have found him practical and useful. Lieutenant Freeman is a magical engineer. He seems to know when something needs repairing before the station does. As for the other crew, well, I think you should form your opinions yourself." He advised with a knowing nod. "It's the civilians that we have no control over, except for their safety that gives me the greatest concern, those and the marine contingent." Davies added, leaning back into his seat watching some rivulets of water track their way down the outside of the glass.

"I'll keep an open mind, then," Karen said placing her cup down. "If there's nothing else I'll thank you for the tea and wait to hear from you regarding your departing XO."

"Thank you Commander. I will keep you informed, once I have spoken to T'Lan." He said with a nod, "and then I will register you as active on DS5." He watched as she stood and could see she was as apprehensive as he had been yesterday. "Don't forget to see Petro." He added as she turned, "Tell her I have requested special quarters for you, we don't want to let any cats out of the sack yet!" He grinned.

"Cats firmly in bag," Karen said with a wink. She was about to say something further, but it was that moment that Gabriel walked in.

Gabriel entered the room and addressed the two officers. "Commanders." He said as he placed his padd on Davies' desk.

"I've completed my Departmental Report regarding the Romulan attack. Among other things, I made sure to mention that while Commander Da`Nal's assistance protecting the station was useful, it was a blatant dereliction of his duties as a Starfleet officer to standby and watch as the lead vessel in the attack and its crew simply walked away." Gabriel said, still quite displeased with the event.

"I'm concerned that his negligence will come back to haunt us." Gabriel added as he briefly glanced at Commander Villiers. "While I'm here, I'd like to be informed regarding the concurrent investigation onboard this station." Gabriel stated.

Glancing at the clock, he listened to Dorian, but thought it best to allow the CSO to carry out his duty.
"recrimination or reprisal may well come our way and I hope for all our sakes that it doesn't. Any information we receive, you will be kept in the loop Commander." David rose from his seat. "If you will excuse me," He started as he made his way around the table, "but I have other business I must attend to." But David did not wish to impart information that his wife was heading to DS5. "So I shall leave you in the company of Commander Villiers."

"She's JAG, for the price of her education, Starfleet could have created 10 type-III phasers. They don't just send JAG Corps. members across the galaxy for the sake of it." Gabriel said to Davies as if the woman wasn't in the room.

Davies was making his way to the exit, but stopped as he approached the door, feeling the unease between the two.

Brailsford had not been exaggerating when he said that he did not seem to care who he antagonized, Karen thought, she operated a one strike policy but in this case she would extend it to two as the man did not know that she was about to become XO - once that information was out, then she was not going to be so nice.

"Lieutenant Commander Gabriel, isn't it?" Karen said evenly without waiting for a response. "As Commander Davies has just informed you, there is no investigation therefore there is nothing you need to know about. My remit at this time is quite simple. As I informed the collected department heads; I've been briefed to make an assessment of the need for a permanent office. As I'm here and all that time and latinum has already been spent on that education of mine and carting me across the galaxy Starfleet thought it would be efficient if I took the time to check that any demands to the RSE that the Federation makes for recompense after the recent attack fully reflect the situation. That's the only explanation I am required to give to you, Commander Gabriel."

Gabriel raised an eyebrow as he turned to look at the woman. "You're here for simply an *audit*?" Gabriel asked incredulously. "All the resources that Starfleet has at its disposal and they send a *Commander* to perform the lowly task of due diligence." Gabriel continued. "You are a lawyer, I would've expected you to be a better liar." Gabriel said with a smile as he turned back to Commander Davies. "In addition, Commander, I would also like to be informed the the Klingon Amba--"

Karen straightened her shoulders, "You're out of order, Mister Gabriel. Make another allegation like that and you will find yourself facing a disciplinary hearing ... for starters," she said evenly. Without taking her eyes off him she continued. "Commander Davies, I apologize for my bluntness but I will not take insubordination from a policeman."

Gabriel tuned back towards her, he was starting to get to her. Maybe that would get either her or Davies to admit to what her true purpose on this station was. "Policeman? What would you know about Law Enforcement from behind the safety of your desk? The heaviest thing you've probably had to lift was a pencil." He stated.

Gabriel turned to face both Commanders. "It is bad enough that I'll have to divert my attention to maintaining the peace between the Klingon-Cardassian-Romulan embassy that will all be on board and keep them from spying or shooting one another, but now an Administrator is going to be on the station conducting 'quality control'" he stated.

"Lieutenant Commander Gabriel, as much as I give you free rein on the station and as much as I admire you, Commander Villiers is a superior officer and you will treat her with due regard whilst she is aboard." His look stern, he didn't want Dorian to put himself in an awkward position, though he knew full well that the man was equally adept at getting out of a hole as easily as he got himself in one.

"I really must go, but I want you to play nicely!" He half teased as he left the two of them eying each other and though he didn't want them to see, he had a smirk on his face.

As the doors closed behind Davies, Gabriel continued to maintain his glare. "As Chief of Security, I'm in charge of conducting investigations that are germane to the well-being and security of this installation and its inhabitants. Therefore, I should be made aware of any extrinsic investigations that are proceeding, Commander" he stated.

Karen walked around the desk and took Davies chair. She lifted her hand and dropped her finger indicating the seat that she had recently vacated, "Sit down, Mister Gabriel," she said before touching the tips of her fingers together.

"Should is a weasel word, it is merely an indication and carries no legal weight and indicates no obligation; that is why you will not find it in a well drafted agreement. But let's not quibble about semantics."

He was a difficult one, Karen thought, So let's see if he's just paranoid. "You are correct about the extent of your authority as you describe it, and as such Starfleet will keep you informed by official channels of any germane investigations - if you have not been informed, then Starfleet has deemed that you do not need to know," she wanted to see how he would react to her implication that he might have been excluded from a loop.

Gabriel was beginning to like this woman less and less. "I'm not a child, Commander, therefore I'm not in the mood for playing 'Guess who'" He said sternly. "Why in the hell would I be left out of a security matter on my own station?" He asked.

"And I was not in the mood for trading tit-for-tat insults and competitive posturing in front of my commanding officer, but we'll put that aside for now," Karen said ignoring his question for the time being - he was astute, she had to give him that - now was not the time - so far the Romulans had made no move, and unless they did there was no issue. "Why don't you tell me about your Embassy problem? I have a lot of experience in dealing with that particular mix of cultures," she leaned back in the chair, her hands hanging loosely over the ends of the arm rests, "I don't have to be an enemy."

Gabriel's fingers dug into the back of the chair as he continued to stand. He might not have possessed the extensive education that she did, but he knew when he was being jerked around. "I don't have time for this crap." He said as he stood up and straightened his uniform.

"My Embassy problem is being taken care of." He said, "If you want to know more than I suggest you either put on a Gold or Purple collared uniform. Other than that, you can read my report when I file it Commander Villiers" he said with obvious disdain at having to answer to a paper-pusher. "Good day Commander," he added as e turned to exit.

A wide smile spread across Karen's face as he left, "You've just eaten up your chances, Mister Gabriel," she said beneath her breath, she hadn't become an endurance runner by giving up when someone overtook you on the first rise.

As the door closed behind him she crossed her ankles on the edge of the desk she added, "I'll put on a red one, I think, and when I do I am going to insert the business end of a rusty rake in your arse."


Commander David Davies

Commander Karen Villiers
JAG Office

Lt. Cmdr.
Doiran Gabriel
Chief Security