Cascade – It starts with a ... (Civilian thread) - Part III
by Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC) & UFP Ambassador Valtek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Arrival Stovon Reece & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   It starts with a ... (Civilian thread) - Part III
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC) & UFP Ambassador Valtek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Arrival Stovon Reece & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Tue Oct 23, 2012 @ 7:12pm
Location   The Box Of Delights
Timeline   SD70 14:00



Vedra rocked slightly back as the verbal tsunami hit her, "And I'm very sorry sir, I'll go see what's happened to your order."

"Are you deaf? What have I been standing here for? Just to look pretty? Perhaps your universal translator isn't working correctly. How about you go get me someone who was born speaking English." He said dismissively.

"Yes, sir," She hurried off, her usual sexy stride more of a scared scuttle.

Pip looked on, part in shock, but part awed by what she was seeing. She had a long standing burning ambition to even things with the thing that had destroyed her colony and by that her life, but she had been blinkered in her approach. There was only one man she needed to kill to be avenged, that's what she'd thought at least, but she was seeing now that there was another way ... she was living in a corner of a cargo bay with nothing whilst a murderer and the people who protected him were free to do what they wanted. It wasn't right, but it could be put right.

Pip moved a little closer to Rene. "What do I do?" she asked in a whisper. Her heart was thumping as she realized that she had found people who could show her another way, "I want to help you."

Rene's attention shifted from the young girl and the growing disturbance by the bar. "Take a look over by the bar, notice how the alien owners of this establishment are preparing to simply cast himself instead of directly dealing with his grievance." he said, pointing in Karl's direction.

"Do you think they would act so cavalier if a Romulan Ambassador were in the same situation?" He asked.

"They don't really care unless you've a shiny badge," Pip said softly.

At the bar, Kaelin startled at the sudden, booming voice made his distress known and turned to look at him. Ai'lani was already looking his way. "Great, they've started early tonight," the civilian said dismissively. Kaelin looked a little nervous. "Do you want to leave?" he asked his friend, silently hoping he'd say yes.

"Are you kidding? Things are about to get interesting!" Ai'lani said with a slightly excited tone, but calmed when he saw the look in Kaelin's eyes. "We'll leave if things get a little too exciting," he promised. After all, he had no interest in getting into the conflict himself but, pacifistic as he was, he found watching others constantly struggle to get in and out of verbal and physical conflicts to be fascinating.

From the entrance, Har'Silar, the huge Gorn doorman turned to look at the cause of trouble. Yolanthe saw it too, and immediately began heading that way, holding up a pale lilac hand to stop him intervening.

"what seems to be the problem, sir?"

Karl looked at the tall woman before him. Over her shoulder he could see the stern Gorn still by the door. "Problem? What could possibly be the problem? Maybe the fact that I've been here longer than most of these peo-- whatever they are, and I still have received service." He said angrily.

"Maybe if I was some alien who's government was feeding off of the Federation's teet, I'd receive preferential treatment." he continued. "But unfortunately, I'm just a regular human, so that means I'm pushed to the BACK of the line." he added, his voice quickly rising.

"THAT'S my problem." He declared.

Ambassador Valtek somehow seemed to reappear during all the fuss. The opportunity to get closer to one of these 'Pro-human' enthusiasts had seemed to present itself. Without any real motivation to be seen from his actions beyond decreasing escalation, he very calmly reached over the bar, grabbed a glass and one of the alcohol containers and poured some into it, before setting it down in front of the annoyed human. He tilted his head a little, as people began staring at them all. "As the owner of this establishment is not from a Federation world, I find that quite difficult to believe."

Karl's face darkened as his glare went from the glass to the hand of the tall alien that placed it before him. "Who the hell are you?"

"I am Ambassador Valtek." He looked entirely non-plussed at the current events.

"Figures. . .it damn well figures!" He responded angrily. "Let's calm down the human! We don't want them making our alien guests upset! So let's shut him up before the aliens get offended." He said to nobody and everybody at the same time.

"Why am I not surprised to see a Vulcan trying to silence a human? I guess us finally developing warp 5 without your help wasn't good enough. Now you have to find a way to interject yourselfs into our personal lives, too!" He railed angrily.

"Now who the hell do I have to screw just to get SERVICE around here!?!" He demanded more impatiently.

If Valtek's expression could talk for itself, it might've said something sarcastically along the lines of isn't this gentleman delightful?. Instead, the man was met with the ever consummate Vulcan visage, with only two arched eyebrows for his trouble. "I see no one silencing you. If you were to stop frightening the young lady who is on duty," he said, his gaze landing on a woman holding a tray and looking particularly unsettled, "I have no doubt you would receive adequate service."

"Thank you Ambassador, I'll take it from here," Yolanthe said firmly. Grotty customers were one thing. Being undermined in her own bar, by a man, was quite another. She turned to Karl, "I apologise for your inconvenience, as you can see we are unusually busy this afternoon, and I can assure you it is nothing to do with your species." She looked at the shorter human, trying to see if the apology was being accepted. Hard to tell. Probably not, she knew the type. "Now, you can take your seat, stop harassing my staff and enjoy some drinks on the house. Alternatively, this isn't the only establishment on the station that sells drinks. I'm sure they would welcome the custom."

Valtek nodded and swept away, tapping some information on a PADD as he did. Interesting night. He had heard of these 'Pro-human' people before, including the incident at the Romulan Embassy, but getting face to face knowledge was something else. From what he'd picked up from the unruly human at the bar - anger, revenge, destruction, chaos - were the products of a disordered mind. But this sect (and its sympathizers) was not all made up of fanatics, and the sentiment was becoming more pronounced throughout the Federation. While he surmised that his little self-insertion hadn't been welcomed... it did give him some useful information. He continued tapping through his files as he strolled out.

Karl carried a lifetime of hardship and disappointment on his face. The skin around his eyes were creased like a wrinkled shirt, showing clearly the scowl that he perpetually carried on his face. Those same lines traveled down to the corner of his mouth which was quivering. His hand gripped the bar stool that stood between him and Yolanthe tensely as he clumsily moved it out of the way. He inched forward, as if daring her to repeat her previous statement with such a smarmy tone. He was so intent on the woman in front of him that he didn't see the larger Gorn coming towards the two.

"Sir, would you like to take a seat, and I'll personally make sure you get everything you order as promptly as possible." It looked like he wasn't going to give up and go quietly. She shifted her weight. If he kicked off, better she handled him than Harry, who was moving forward again, having seen the signs himself. At least if she did it, the human might get up again.

"Pay careful attention, child." Rene said as he jumped to his feet and began to make his way through the gathering crowd towards the confrontation that was escalating from a conversation to a violent conflict. Rene's stride increased and he began to push others out of his way in order to assist Karl.

Still advancing towards her at a slower pace. "I don't like your little smug attitude." Karl said while raising an accusatory finger in her face. "I bet you ---" he said as he was interrupted.

She looked at the finger he was waving in his face; if he'd been a woman, she would have... But he wasn't. The calm violet had finally given way to irritated yellow. "Never bet." She firmly pushed the hand away. "You've had your chance , I'm going to ask you to leave now.

Wayne had watched the entire situation unfold and resolve itself. He had heard rumor of these pro human people as well from differant sources and while they were not a large group they were growing and they could cause trouble for a company like his who delt with so many differant races it was hard to count. It was not something he was looking forward to bringing up at the next board meeting but it might be something that would have to be addressed and the sooner the better.

Rene managed to push through the last circle of gathering on-lookers. He immediately reached out and grabbed Karl's arm before he could rightly respond.

"No. . .not here." He said, his voice was barely above a whisper despite the loud environment.

Karl was pulled away from the color-shifting Barkeep by Rene, while Pip was in tow. It was not until the trio were outside the boundaries of the bar that Karl finally turned to look at his human companion. "What the hell are you doing!?! We could've taken those freaks in there, especially that tall one with the funny colors." he said. He could still feel the effects of the adrenaline still pumping rapidly through his body.

"Stop thinking with your fists. We will still accomplish our goals, but not in a room filled with witnesses." Rene said in that same measured tone that hardly changed octaves. "Besides, what sort of example would be providing to our young friend here?" He said, referring to the obviously excited Pip.

"I've not really got anything against them personally," she said, her head swirling with an idea that she hardly dared put into words, "but we've got to look after oursel's first, no-one else is going to do it. I'm Pip, by the way," she added, unable to remember if she'd giving her name in all the excitement.

Karl stared at the small girl for a few moments before looking back towards Rene. "Whatever, I know that the next time I catch that walking Christmas tree ornament, me and her are gonna have a real long 'discussion'" he said ruefully as he straightened his clothes and rolled down his sleeves.

Rene smirked, "Very well, we'll meet later to further discuss things." He said knowingly. "Until then, avoid drawing attention to ourselves."

"What should I do?" Pip asked, this was an anti-climax, she'd thought she might be part of something but now ...

As Rene watched Karl walk off he turned back to the younger girl. "Yes, you were telling me about Ambassador Getal and your acquaintance with him?" he said as he and the girl began to walk from the bar.