Beg, Steal or Borrow – Copious Curriculum
by Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Copious Curriculum
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Sun Feb 08, 2009 @ 7:22am
Location   Quartermaster's Office
Timeline   SD8, 0730

Petro sat at the desk in her office, a stack of PADDS sitting to her right. She picked up the first one and continued where she had left off.

~An Officer's duty is to the benefit of the fleet without regards to personal desires.~

She read the first line of the next section in a near whisper and continued reading in silence. At the end of every lesson there was a question and answer quiz that she had to fill out and file with the Academy. Were it not for subspace communications she would have had to return to earth in order to complete her assignments. By the third 'book' she realized that under normal circumstances, returning to the Academy for Officer training was the norm. Apparently, Captain Tahir had pulled some strings in order to allow her to remain on the station and perform her studies via correspondance.

Reading and remembering information was something that came natural for Petro, but the vast amounts of studies that she had to pour through were beginning to hurt her eyes. After the third PADD, which seemed to be the equivalent of twelve standardized textbooks, Petro leaned back in her chair and sighed. She didn't know how long she had been studying, but her eyes burned as though she had been reading all night long.

Her mind kept wandering back to her visit with Rakka. Her friend was hurting and there was nothing she could do to help ease the pain. As it was, the little J'Naii was waist deep in her own complications. Whoever said that becoming an officer after having a better understanding of how things worked in Starfleet obviously never left the academy to learn such things.

The amount of errors and misrepresentations in the books compared to the real life situations were immense. For instance, under Starfleet Policy Officers and Enlisted were not to associate outside of their roles as personnel. She had seen and acted in contrary to that policy more times than she could count; and she could count pretty high.

Another thing that seemed to be good for the textbooks but not so with reality was the assignment of quarters and uniform regulations. It was against Starfleet Regulations to replicate a uniform for any reason except under the direct consent of the Quartermaster or Command Officers. The usage of the replicators for such means, as it states, takes an unneccesary amount of provisions given for the use of the replicator. In reality, the means to replicate a new uniform was the equivalent power drain of having a three course meal prepared. Since the computer logs all replications made and by whom they were requested, Petro could see what was made by whom and when. There were a number of 'unauthorized' replications of uniforms throughout the base to which no one seemed to care about. The drainage of all said replications was about the same as the energy produced by a shuttle craft explosion. This was the reason for the replication directives.

However, since the said offenses were done over a large period of time and not all at once, as the textbooks would preclude, the drain on the systems was so minimal as to be barely noticable. It seems that the authors of such regulations only see things in clumps of information and do not allow for the allotment of time to be considered.

The hardest part of her studies, Petro concluded, was that for the quizzes and tests, she would have to go by what the books say and not her own experiences. One was for the guidance of soon to be officers and the other was for the guidance of living. Though the two seemed to be in conflict with one another, she could surmize that when the situations become pressed then the regulations would stand.

As she continued to go through the information, she could mentally assign consequences for just about every regulation violation for nearly every member of Starfleet that she knew of on the station. Granted, the punishment for these violations was usually minimal, but with the Court Martial of O'Dwyer at the forefront of her mind she couldn't help but wonder if the Captain or anyone else who had made the trip to earth would be called upon to answer for their violations in protocal.

Petro set the PADD she had in her hand on the desk and rose to the replicator. ~Article Seventeen dash fourteen paragraph forty two states that personnel below command positions are not required to have replicators in their offices but that if such amenities are present, the usage of said amenities shall be limited to the needs of the station and not for personal gain.~

Petro thought about it before ordering a large extra hot chocolate with whipped cream. "The duty of the quartermaster is to see that all members and non-members of the Federation shall have available to them the necessities of a pleasant stay while guests in any and all Starfleet Vessels including but not limited to Starbases, Warp Class Vessels and other transports." Petro quoted. "Well, a pleasant stay includes a pleasant officer who would make such requirements available and therefore the ordering of a non alcoholic beverage for the enjoyment of said officer is not for personal gain but for the benefit of those he or she or it is here to serve."

As her cup materialized, Petro smiled. Regulations and reality can go together if one understands the complexity of the regulations. It is best to understand fully the rules of the game in order to properly break those rules without undue consequences.

With a bit of froth on her lip and a smile on her face, Petro continued with her reading.

~Article Ninety-One dash twelve in conjunction with Article Seven paragraph thirteen states.......~


Warrant Officer Petro