Things Past – Moving in Part I
by Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt

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Title   Moving in Part I
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt
Posted   Sun Nov 04, 2012 @ 8:03pm
Location   DS5
Wyatt stepped out onto the promenade, he was wearing a pair of beige cargo shorts and a white shirt accompanied with his blue toms. He took a moment to glance over his shoulder to see if Abby had left the transport yet before emerging into the main walkway.

Observing his surroundings he noticed how much like Deep space 5 looked like Aleron however apart form the obvious lack of green marine uniform which had been transformed into a flurry of Starfleet and civilian attire, something he would have to learn to get used to.

Upoin looking further another unfamiliar sight was children. After coming from Aleron such presence was scared mostly due to anyone who had sense either left or stayed inside but also that the Base had a strict guidelines for personnel and one was no children because it was simply to dangerous. It was almost nice to see such homely things.

"This is much nicer!" said Abby from behind his left shoulder nudging er dad slightly smirking from ear to ear. She knew he was doing a full tactical scan of the area it was his nature but she felt that he needed to relax a bit. "Shall we find our living quarters?" she asked but before he could reply she shot for the Quartermasters office a few feet form the current standing.

As the pair walked in Luke slightly behind Abby Chris noticed how happy she was and how she had a slightly spring to her step. he knew that the move away form Aleron was a good choice for her but he couldn't but help think that was it a good move for him. Standing at the deck he smiled, wondering how Abby would react to her little 'surprise'.

Abby looked over at the main sat behind the desk and cleared her throat, but before she could speak her dad beat her to it and asked her to let him do it, looking puzzled she questioned him, "but why?" he father looked at her and smiled gently "Because he doesn't need both of us clogging up the office" he replied in a firm but fair tone of voice.

Luke waited for Abby to walk back out before turning to the desk, "Hi, I am Luke Wyatt I have just been transferred from Aleron base and my daughter is with me to". The Clark didn't take much time before he started tapping at the console in front of him and handing him two key codes. Smiling he nodded, he asked for three which could only mean that his surprise was already here.

Leaving the office excitedly he passed one of the key codes to Abby, "here you are" he said as the pair moved off "Dont loose it though" luke joked.

She looked at him throwing him a sarcastic smile as she cocked her head side ways "I wont" she replied.

Abby couldn't be much more happier when her dad told her they were moving the only thing that would make it better is her mother's company.

-A short walk later-

The two stepped up to the room and Abby excitedly tapped her code in. She watched as the doors opened and upon walking in noticed that someone else bags were in the middle of the room, and that there was humming coming from the shower room. Looking puzzled she looked back at her dad who simply shrugged as the doors closed behind him.

This must have court the humming persons attention as the shower stopped and they could here footsteps coming towards them. Abby positioned herself behind her dad but as the figure and the smiling face of her mother turned the corner she almost knocked him to the ground as she made a beeline to hug her mum.