Time is Fleeting – Ore-Mining - An Advanced Course?
by Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Ore-Mining - An Advanced Course?
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Wed Sep 09, 2009 @ 8:27pm
Location   Bajoran Cafe - Promenade Deck 4
Timeline   SD14 - 08:00 hrs
Jenna looked across the table at John, her cornflower blue eyes misty. "I love that we've made a habit of this. It's so special to have our own table that they always have ready for us every day. Can we keep doing this even when we're old?" she bubbled, reaching along the side of the table-for-two that they'd taken to frequenting, entwining her fingers with his and squeezing them softly, hoping he felt the same.

John smiled and chuckled at the Vulcan. "I wasn't aware we were that far along with our relationship," he replied, his smile more of a grin. Not that he really did mind her company at all. Her fingers were soft and warm and calmed him in way he didn't understand. It had only been a week but so much had happened.

"Oh I didn't mean *that*, I mean, even if we're just *friends* for always, we could still come here for breakfast.... couldn't we?" her eyes searched his looking for a familiar expression to reassure her she hadn't assumed too much.

"As long as we are both on this station, I would certainly hope so," John said warmly, squeezing her hand gently. But he was slightly concerned. "So, we're just friends then?" he asked, his voice softening slightly.

"No, actually I'd rather we were *more* than friends.... because...i..... " she ground to a halt, realising she couldn't say what she would like to.

"Ok, why don't i just commandeer an Ore-Mining Pneumodrill to help me dig this hole?" she sighed and shrugged, looking helplessly at him, waiting for him to laugh at her and tell her she was crazy. She had wondered if he might do that several times over the past five whole days of never seeming to have been able to escape from her loopy ideas of things to do but so far he'd been very tolerant.

Lately, these had ranged from the maze on the first night to a 'green' picnic where every item in the basket had to be some shade of green, to a snow-bound Honaglian mountain log-cabin with an outside hot-tub and an inside log-fire which had been last night's most outrageous surprise.

John shook his head and laughed. "You are the most interesting Vulcan I have ever met," he told her, taking a drink from a water glass that was sitting idle on the table. "I thought we were more. Especially after last night." He flashed her a cheeky grin, but the coloration in his own cheeks gave him away. "You have a special place in my heart if you want, even if it is a bit snug in there, haha."

"Oh John" she sighed with relief. "I think I'm *much* more human than Vulcan actually, and yes, I *would* like a special place in your heart, I don't care how snug it is, in fact, the closer the better."

After a moments thought she smirked and added "Could I place an order? Shall I make it official?" she took a small, slimline padd from her belt pouch and filled in an official requisition form, the kind she used at work.

With a sparkle in her eyes, she wrote in the details onto the preset format. It began with the heading in bold: "Requisition". Underneath that, it said: *Item* and she filled in 'One heart - piece of - size indeterminate. Under *source* she wrote 'formerly owned by Ensign John Elliott'.

Under the next section where it detailed the terms of the order, she chose the option: 'Call down on further order, as required at later date.' In the next section she selected: 'For immediate delivery to Jenna Minton' and in the next: 'For reasonable and careful use under licence'

Finally she completed the last dropdown which detailed the *Value for insurance purposes* where she simply wrote: "Priceless"

Turning the padd around, Jen offered it to John to read and whilst he was looking it over she deftly completed another of almost exactly the same detail but saying the 'piece of heart' was 'formerly owned' by her and was for delivery to him. This one she signed at the bottom and handed it to him too, grinning at the look on his face.

John furrowed his brow in curiosity as she handed him the note, but his expression quickly turned to a grin as he read on. He looked up after reading the note a couple times. "You know," he began quietly, reaching across the table and running his fingers along her cheek. "I have a feeling you don't need a form to get what you already have." He cheeks were ablaze, he was sure.

Pushing her breakfast around her plate, Jenna's stomach seemed busier doing somersaults at the idea that she was *special* to him, rather than actually accepting any of the food on offer.

"What time are you on duty today?" she asked hoping there would be time for them to spend together. "Or do you have other things you need to do? I realise I've been monopolising your time a bit lately." She tried to be thoughtful so she wouldn't spoil things by being too demanding.

"I have a new operations officer, so I don't have to be in till about 11 or 1200. Oh wait, I have a meeting with Commander Gabriel at 0900 at there are those War-Games afterwards. Maybe after?" John grinned. "I don't mind you taking my time. It's either you or getting yelled at by my superior officer." he laughed at his own silly joke before realizing it may have sounded bad. "Not that I don't mind spending time with you, I meant..ah..yeah." his voice trailed again, feeling like quite a fool.

Jen smiled affectionately and squeezed his fingers again. "You know what? You and I perfect for each other, we're both as good with that ore-mining pneumodrill as each other, aren't we?" she laughed.

"So, apart from mining and getting yelled at by our superior officers, what else are we both particularly talented at?" She already knew lots of things they both liked, and it wasn't often that she actually got yelled at because Mercy and Bryan were too busy being loved up to get mad with anyone, but she wanted to make John feel better.

"How about ice-skating? Are you totally brilliant at falling down on ice-skates? Cos I know *I* am!" she grinned. "Maybe we could try that later?"

"Ice skating, huh?" John replied. "Well, I have never been before honestly. I spent most of my youth playing Holo-Games...but it does sound like fun. As long as you won't make fun of me too much, haha."

"Cooool!" As they left the cafe together Jenna reached up and wound her arms around John's neck. "So, you'll call me later, when you're free?" she asked, already knowing the answer.

Instead of a verbal reply Jenna planted a soft kiss gently on his lips and releasing him from her embrace, blew another one as a goodbye.

John returned Jenna's hug and returned the kiss gently. He felt sad when she pulled away from him and walked off, but he knew he would see her soon. He enjoyed the way she made him feel and really hoped this lasted. It had only been a short amount of time, but she felt right. At the very least, he'd enjoy however long he had with her.


A JP Between

ENS John Elliott
Assistant Chief of Operations - DS5


CPO Jenna Minton
Administration - DS5