Judgement – It Cuts Both Ways
by Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   It Cuts Both Ways
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Sun Jan 09, 2011 @ 11:12pm
Location   Pathology Lab, Main Sick Bay
Timeline   SD35 - 18:10

"Sir, respectfully, whether or not you order me to continue with the autopsy, I'm going to have to speak with Commander Adams about this. I'm sure you can understand the position it puts me in?"

She hoped he did. And she hoped he would opt for an appointment with Chelsea and Lance, even though she had the feeling Trellis was reticent to do that.

"I understand, and if need be, I will speak with Dr. Adams after I have concluded my investigation." he replied. "Is there anything else or are you free to conduct the autopsy?" he asked.

If need be? After the investigation? Bridget sensed something was wrong here. Why didn't he want to work with the CMO?

"Yes, sir, I am free to conduct it. But I want to go on record as stating that I am discussing this with Commander Adams immediately."

She gestured toward the room he'd recently exited. "You are welcome to watch, as before." She turned on her heel and headed back toward the Pathology Lab, keying her comm badge as she purposefully strode.

=^= Computer, connect me with Commander Adams, please. =^=


=^= Adams here. How can I help you Bridget? =^= Chelsea replied to the comm hail.

"Commander, can you come to Sick Bay? I've got the Chief of Security breathing down my neck."

=^= Um... it's a bit difficult Bree, i have all the relatives here. I can get out in about an hour? Will that be any use or is it urgent? I'm sure they'd understand if you need me now....=^= she replied.

"Well, it's just that he's ordering me to perform an apparently second autopsy on an Orion woman's body. He wants me to do it instead of Doctor Kaelin, who is all pushed out of shape about it, by the way," Bridget said, wincing slightly. She entered the Pathology lab and began scrubbing up, fully aware that now Trellis was going to be able to hear the conversation from the speakers in the observation room.

=^= Bridget, he doesn't have the right to do that. *I* am your Head of Department and even if I didn't outrank him, he couldn't come into my department and order my doctors around. Only Command Staff could do that or Flag Officers. If you are in anyway uncomfortable about this... or if you are being put in a difficult position with Kaelin, then i can step in for you. You were right to come to me. I'll come down and speak to him at once. =^=

=^= I'd appreciate that, ma'am, =^= Bridget replied, and looked through the glass at Trellis. He didn't look happy. His brows were drawn together and his arms folded across his chest. =^= Stapleton out =^= she said formally, as she looked at him.

Chelsea made her excuses about an emergency at work and left the relatives to socialise amongst themselves for a while, taking herself quickly to Sickbay to Bridget's defence, as she saw it.

Trellis was reviewing his padd when the fuming officer arrived. He promptly jumped to his feet upon her arrival.

"Hello Commander, pleasure to see you again." He commented.

"And a pleasure to see you too Lieutenant. You are always welcome here although I understand that tonight your visit seems to have ruffled a few feathers, namely in that it appears you have been giving my doctors instructions that they can't confirm are appropriate. I have been deferred to for confirmation, quite properly, and I wonder if you could explain it to me please?" She was the model of the long-time perfected doctors' impenetrable straight face and monotone.

"That is correct, I am in the middle of conducting my investigation into the untimely death of Ms. Kila" He responded.

"I see, and how does that involve you ordering a re-autopsy without going through the proper channels, Mister Trellis?" Still the totally neutral tone and level expression.

Not being one for confrontation, Trellis attempted to be diplomatic. "I wanted to confirm that the results from the autopsy would be valid and. .ahem. . .beyond scrutiny due to . . .external factors." He said uncomfortably.

"I'm unsure what external factors you mean, Lieutenant, Dr Murdoch is neutral in this case as he has no connection to the victim, well unless you know different? And he *is* a fine surgeon, for all his other foibles...."

"Yes, I understand that," He native accent become more pronounced as the stress in his voice became evident. "However, I believe the investigation would be carried out more effectively if the autopsy results were handled by an individual who did not have a tendency for attacking his fellow officers." He replied.

"Ah. I see. Well I note your point Lieutenant but then Kaelin, who is our Pathology specialist is a Deltan, he is completely pacifist and a tried and tested expert in the area, it seems odd to me that you would have picked out our newest team member, Dr Stapleton, who is equally qualified in my view but no more so than either of the other two. What made you decide not to come to me with your request? For what 'bias' did you rule me out too?"

Again Chelsea's tone remained reasonable and neutral. She seemed to be simply curious as she was gathering details about what was in Trellis's mind and behind his odd behaviour before making her own judgement of what to do about it all.

"Commander Adams," he said in an exasperated tone. "i would appreciate if you allowed me to conduct my investigation with minimal interference." he said as his patience began to wane.

"My decision to go with Dr. Stapleton was grounded in wanting to have the autopsy results done in an simple and efficient manner. You will find that I plan on running the security department in a much more deliberate and effective manner than Commander Gabriel, an inmate for whom you appear to have a bias in favor of." he said referring to her support of Captain Tahir's inappropriate removal of the murder suspect.

"My opinion on Commander Gabriel goes back to my experience of the man over several years, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with my ability to see that an autopsy is done correctly in my own department. I have to say it is hard Lieutenant, not to be tempted to resent your assumption that your own *simplicity* is something that needs to be replicated in MY department which, as we all know, is one of far more complicated skills, specialties and sub-divisions than meets the *untrained*, *unqualified* eye." She was losing the neutrality a little at this point.

"You might do well to ask yourself what you should have had to say if *I* had marched into *your* Department ordering your officers about, behind your back, demanding that they re-do a procedure you have authorised and cleared?" She asked.

"That is neither here, nor there, Commander." he responded.

"You have just admitted to me that as, in my *other* role as Second Officer I expressed an opinion supporting the CO in her ability to look at a situation with a *wider* overview, which your blinkered eyes apparently could neither see nor understand, this made you assume me to be a Department Head who cannot be trusted to oversee a simple task such as assigning the most appropriately skilled staff to a routine medical task?"

Her chin rose which was never a good sign. "Lieutenant Trellis I will do you the courtesy I would do any Department Head and ignore your rude and insubordinate accusations by putting them down to the stress you must be under from being *new* ...... to your post. I will grant your *request* which is what it *should* have been so why don't we *pretend* you put it forward in the proper way instead of that *inappropriate* manner in which you have behaved towards Dr Stapleton earlier...." She was making several points with that.

"I will authorise a review on this autopsy as you have requested. The appropriate person to do it with neutrality is Dr Kaelin, but I will oversee the review myself and just to be *seen* to be totally fair to your own opinion, on *whatever* it was based, I will have Dr Stapleton attend too. I will let you know our findings and they will be final. Are you satisfied with that as being *without bias*, Lieutenant Trellis?" Her eyes were not as neutral as her face or tone.

"Very well," he replied in a pointed tone as he picked up his padd and began to walk towards the door. "I will await the results of the second examination." he added.

Chelsea turned on her heel and went back into the Morgue. She looked at Bridget. "I take it you heard all that?" she asked approaching her friend. "Do you mind if I call in Kaelin? I feel he has a right to be here for the review, unless you object?"

"Yes, I did," she said with a sheepish expression. She had been listening to the conversation between Chelsea and Trellis, but it had felt as if she were eavesdropping.

"And no, no objections whatsoever," Bridget continued. "Actually, I'd appreciate being able to talk to Kaelin again." She felt apprehensive about it, but did her best to hide that in a confident tone of voice.

Chelsea called in Kaelin and after the preliminaries the new autopsy began.


A JP Between:

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Bridget Stapleton
Doctor (General Practitioner) - DS5


Commander Chelsea Adams