Interlude – Arrival of Viper flight
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Arrival of Viper flight
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Thu Sep 16, 2010 @ 9:37am
Location   Deep Space Five Air Space.
Timeline   Back Post

Derek checked his scanners a second time. They showed that his flight was holding tight in the normal diamond formation that they had trained in. Each fighter was only about 2 meters from the wingtip of the other. "Alright Viper flight stay in tight accelerate to half impulse on my mark." said Derek calmly he made a couple course adjustments and the flight accelerated smoothly

Several voices came back over the comm a few seconds later. " Viper 2 ready, Viper 3 ready, Viper 4 ready." said Each of his flight mates.

"Alright Viper flight Increase now and come to heading 182 mark 39 comms quiet ans sensors on passive only Let's show them how veterans fly." said Derek firmly the flight made their turn and approached the station alot faster then would have been considered normal for fighters.

Dunham watched with a small smile and a nod to himself from flight control in operations on deep space five. His senior Non-commissioned officer stood at his side and mumbled something about 'cocky bastards.' Dunham had to chuckle at that. He was a bit of a brash pilot himself, and had once or twice done the same manoeuvre himself. But the new wing of Valkyrie Class Space Superiority Fighters did look beautiful in the gleam of the lights from the station as they banked in unison for their final approach. Their stream line look, white wings and black cock pitts, put Dunham in mind of white swallows. But these fighters were birds of prey. He pressed the comm badge on his chest. =^=Lieutenant Fredricks please report to the CAG's office upon arrival =^= Dunham looked at the monitor one more time and headed to his office.

Derek heard the message and pushed the comm buttion twice but said nothing else he was focused on the landing. "Alright Viper flight combat landings hot and heavy." said derek curtly the fighters pointed their noses at the main fighter bay and still running now at a quarter impulse the flight approached and at the last minute flared their brakes and slammed the thrusters into reverse the fighters settled down on the deck with a soft thump as the engins cooled down.

"Viper flight take care of the fighters I am off to see the boss." said Derek about 10 minutes later as he opened the cockpit and climbed out before jumping from the mid point on the ladder to hit the deck already walking his halmet undre his arm he headed for the CAG's office.

It took him a few minutes to find the office and rang the chime to wait for admitance. He might be a brash pilot but he knew well enough not to barg into the office of his CO one time had seen fit to take care of that.

"Come in please" said Dunham from his office. An office nick named 'the crows nest' by his piers. Dunham was never sure if they were taking the mick or if it was out of some sort of respect

"Lt. Fredricks reporting as ordered sir." Said Derek bluntly as he stood on the other side of the desk from his new CO.

~A guy could get use to this~ thought the newly promoted officer to himself. It seemed to be different getting called sir from someone that was not part of the regular working of things on Deep space five. "Please take seat Lieutenant, can I get you drink?"

"No thank you sir." Said derek as he sat down he would drink with his flight later now he needed to be all business.

"Fair enough." Said Dunham setting that aside and moving onto more professional matters. "So Viper wing, how are the men and how are the planes?" Dunham used the old twentyth century nick name for the star fighters. The question was asked with genuine query.

"A little shook up and knocked about but other then that we are in good shape. Though I should warn you we started out with a full squadron 12 fighters. A couple Pirate attacks later and well the four of us is all that is left. Though you will not find a tougher bunch of fighters or pilots in the fleet." said Derek flatly

"urrrmmm do you mean that in a past tense?" He pointed his index finger at one end of his deck to emphasis what he was saying. "Or, do you mean on the way here?" He moved his finger to the other end of his desk.

"I mean to say on the way here. You will notice that none of my fighters came in with ordinance. We Left SB10 with a full combat load. Half way here we were ambushed by 4 Pirate ships. They took out 2 fighters before we knew what was happening and I lost 6 more fighters in a running battle. Though I can assure you that is the last time those pirates will have to worry about anything. when we left they had 2 ships left and were totally adrift. The men I came in with were my flight leaders, as with most squadrons we had gotten a new batch of rookies to train up and well I am sorry to say none of them survived their first battle." said Derek bluntly he was not going to pull any punches in this report his fallen comrads deserved nothing less then his full and complete honesty.

"Hmmmm" said Dunham thoughtfully, his normal sunny disposition turning dark, as he leant back in chair, he rested one elbow on the arm of his chair and nestled his fist into his cheek. These pirate attacks had indeed got worst. But he had never heard of them attacking starfleet vessels, "You'll get pay back Lieutenant, starfighter wing will be participating in a joint Starfleet/Romulan task force that will be bringing an end to these pirate attacks. Where their no other starfleet vessels in the area to come to your assistance?" If this was the case Dunham would have to have a word with Tan at Strategic ops and tell him to tighten up his patrols. Dunham was also curious as to why the fighter wing had travelled all this way to deep space five at low warp on their own. But that was perhaps a question for another time.

"sir the only other vessel in the immedate area were a couple of freighters and from what we saw those were the intended target. As for and starfleet ships there was nothing on scanners and the comms were being jammed. Even if we had wanted to we could not have called for help. we did what we could and I would do the exactsame thing again. Though hopefully with a more experianced squadron. the bulk of my squadron were pilots on their first tour." Said Derek flatly. "Oh and before you ask our orders were cut as a priority from sector command there were no ships going out here from SB10 so we were cleared to make our own way." He added

~Blimey, Star Base Ten, that was a long way, he hoped they had worn self recycling space suites, that was a hell of a distance. Dunham nodded in agreement to the pilots words. He rubbed the stubble on his chin in thought "Ok, put a fighter task force together with multi role capability, take what you need from Peregrine Heavy Fighters the Razor Interceptors and the Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighter." He paused a moment as worked out the numbers. "Twenty fighters in all, to accompany this joint task force, have them ready for anything."

Derek looked like christmas had come early. "You want it you got it sir." said Derek bluntly what he was having the chance to do was every squadron CO's dream. He was already working out what he would be able to get. "Sir can I have a roster of the wing. I would rather not send green pilots out again experiance pays as I am sure you have see." He added

"No problem....." said Dunham as he mulled about his desk sorting through the pile of PaDD's stacked their. "Ah here we go" he said finding the one he needed and passing it to the Lieutenant "Any other Questions Mr Fredricks?"

"None at the present sir. I will have you your task force by morning and we will be ready to begin flight operations shortly there after." Said Derek flatly. He knew that it would be important for this kind of a group to train togather if for no other reason then to get a feeling for each other.

Dunham gave a nod in agreement. "Carry on then Lieutenant."

derek rose from his seat and after a quick salute he turned on his heel and headed out the door. "see you in the morning sir." Said Derek as he exited the office.


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham


Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Fredricks
NPC'd by Bradshaw