Database: Monteros Enterprises

Founded by Terran businessman and adventurer Gregori Monteros after he left the service of the Federation Monteros Enterprises is an Athens, Greece based corporation which specializes in shipping, pleasure cruises, exploration, and natural resource commodities, as well as other diversified holdings.

Amongst the many industries in which Monteros Enterprises has gained a foot hold are casinos, private hospitals, trade route security, and colonial management, as well as shopping centers and entertainment venues. There are Monteros holdings operating in every system in the Federation, along with a surging business in the Klingon Empire and Ferengi Union.

Monteros Enterprises is always looking to expand and as such is currently working on business ventures in the Gamma Quadrant, the Cardassian Union, and Romulan Star Empire, and as such has just completed the buyout of Weiltzer Corporations' 9421st fleet at Deep Space 5 to expand Monteros Enterprises' scope of operations in the region.

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