Judgement – Permission to dock?
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Permission to dock?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Feb 05, 2011 @ 7:33pm
Location   Selen'ai cockpit, Ops
Timeline   SD36 13:30
Tag   FLIGHT - Commander Dunham
"Akamu?" the voice bled though into Ka'er's subconscious, summoning him back from his dreams. As awareness returned, Ka'er shivered; it was cold. "Akamu?" the voice repeated again, Ka'er was still disoriented and couldn't quite tell where the voice was coming from. It seemed to be all around him. "Hey! Moron! Wake up!"

Suddenly, Ka'er remembered where he was, what was happening, and who the voice belonged to.

"Sorry, Prince," he said, sitting up. He seemed to have fallen asleep in the pilot's seat. Not the most comfortable position, particular where his neck was concerned.

"Don't scare me like that," Prince scolded, sounding a bit like a his mother. "I thought you might've succumbed the hypothermia. It's nearly zero degrees in the cabin."

Ka'er rolled his eyes. "My medical implant regulates my core temperature," he said. "You know that. I may be freezing on the outside, but inside is toasty warm."

"It's not quite that simple," Prince muttered.

"Aww, how sweet, the little computer's so worried."

"Of course I'm worried. You die, all these Alphans are gonna start taking me apart and trying to figure out how I tick." Ka'er chuckled. "Never seen a half-decent A.I before." Prince added darkly.

"So, any particular reason you woke me up, other than a bit of selfish concern for your own metal hide?" Ka'er changed the subject.

"We are now within hailing range of Deep Space Five," Prince explained politely. "We will be docking in just under three hours."

Ka'er sat forward, flicking a few switches on his console. =^=Deep Space Five, this is the GCS Selen'ai, come in please.=^= There was no immediant response. =^=Selen'ai hailing Deep Space Five, please respond.=^=

Robert was having a busy day with three Federation starships, a Talarian freighter and nearly thirty craft now docked at the station and he still had the Vulcan Star liner and the Romulan Deridex enroute when the hail came through.
"Deep Space Five responding. State your class and intention." Robert replied automatically whilst checking the supplies to the Relentless and the Falcon were going to the correct ship.

"Telian light cruiser, Harbinger Class," Ka'er responded, though he doubted if the Starfleet officer had any idea what a harbinger class cruiser was. "I've taken heavy damage. I'm leaking drive fluid and my outer hull is on the verge of collapse. Requesting a bit of help."

Rushtone tapped at the console, firstly to alert security as he had never heard of the Telian race, let alone a craft and neither had the database.
He took a deep breath, releasing it before composing himself.
"Telian? Can you confirm your race, our database doesn't recognise your species?" He questioned, preparing an internal bay on deck 200, secure and easily monitored usually kept for Romulan small craft.

"Yes, Telian," answered Ka'er. "There's only about three hundred of us in the Alpha quadrant, I'm not surprised you haven't heard of us. My species of native to the Gamma quadrant. And don't worry, we've got no affiliation to the Dominion, beyond an uneasy peace."

He listened, entering details into the computer as the Telain advised him. "And your ships drive fluid, how bad is the leak?" He followed.

"The rupture is in my primary line," Prince interjected, cutting Ka'er off before he even got a chance to respond. "It is currently about seven centimeters in diameter, though it could expand before I reach the station. I am down to below %2 of my total reserves."

"Any help would be appreciated," Ka'er interjected for good measure.

The communications officer sent through a message to engineering, that a damaged gamma quadrant vessel would be docking in approximately three hours.
"I have made arrangements with engineering, but do you need aid immediately? I can dispatch a repair ship from her to meet you if needed." He offered, putting a repair crew on standby for good measure.

Robert was doing his best to keep the comm channel clear whilst talking to the disabled Talian vessel and its crew, but the closer ships were demanding his attention and he could not hear with any clarity in the response from the ships captain. He tapped at the comm opening all hailing frequencies.

=^= "Attention all ships in the immediate vicinity of the station and awaiting docking instructions. Clear the communication channel. I have a disabled ship that requires priority attention. You will be answered shortly. DS5 out. =^=

Rushtone didn't wait for the responses from those vessels, right now, he was more concerned for the stricken ship. He attuned his frequency to solely match that of the Talian vessel.

=^= "Selen'ai. I apologise for the delay. Please repeat last response." He requested rubbing the back of his hand across his brow as he glanced around for some help himself.

"I am perfectly capable of rationing myself until I can reach the station," Prince said, a bit tersely. "There is no need to spare a whole crew. I imagine you have got your hands full dealing with your own problems." Ka'er could tell Prince was just making excuses so he wouldn't look like he couldn't cover the last three hours on his own.

"Stand by, DS5," he said, muting the comm. "if we can get someone to send a bit of drive fluid out here, at least we can turn the heat up and replicate some Dearian cider." he explained to Prince. "I'm freezing. I know you don't like appearing weak, but if I had a ruptured artery, I'd be willing to lean on someone's shoulder."

Prince didn't answer, which generally meant he was sulking.

Ka'er turned the comm back on. "I think it would be much appreciated if you could send a runabout out with a bit of extra drive fluid, if it's not too much trouble. Sorry about earlier, Prince can be a little vain." Most A.I.s were to some degree.

Rushtone shook his head with a bemused grin on his face as he listened to the disgruntled reply of what he thought was the chief engineer.
"Very well, but I can assure you it will not be a full crew, just a pilot and runner with a few hundred litres of your drive fluids. Can you transmit the molecular make up of the fluid structure ans we will ensure you have enough to reach DS5 and some spare." Rushtone requested so that he could prepare a Wyvern with the requirements.

Prince dutifully transmitted the requested information, a tad bit of "grumpy" white noise underlying the signal. Ka'er couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Anything else, Mr. Starfleet?" Ka'er realized a second to late that he probably shouldn't have used quite those words. Although, to be fair, it wasn't quite as bad as the time he'd called a Vorta "elf-ears."

"Thank you Selen'ai, I will assign a flight crew shortly. Expect a rendezvous within the hour. May we be of any further assistance?" Robert enquired as his control panel flickered a multi coloured spectrum of lights at him, indication that the communications board was in a frenzy of unanswered hails.

"Thank you, DS5," Ka'er smirked. "No need for anything else. You've already done more than I was hoping for. besides, Prince is grouchy enough as it is. Any more help might be too much for his ego."

"I don't have an ego," Prince muttered

"Again, thanks, DS5," Ka'er ignored Prince. "Over and out." he swiveled his seat and faced the main portion of the cockpit. "Now, Prince, we have some drive fluid coming... could you please turn up the heat?"

Ka'er reveled in the gust of warm air that came cascading down on him. Things were starting to look up.


CWO Robert Rushtone
Chief Communications Officer
By Tasha

Akamu Makani