Beg, Steal or Borrow – High Level Chatter
by Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Vincent Tan

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Title   High Level Chatter
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Thu Jul 23, 2009 @ 4:07am
Location   Unknown
Timeline   SD9 - 2330

SWC Priority Transmission XX016D-XX
Encryption Code: Black
Public Key: N/A
Subject: N/A
Classification: Secret (BGX Directive)

F: Admiral, it is a pleasure to finally speak to you...I received your..."message"...and I must confess that I am slightly baffled at what services you could possibly want from me.

B: I've read your file, mate. You're a smart lad and I think you may already have an idea of what I want you to do. Cloak and dagger stuff... without the dagger of course. We don't do that sort of stuff anymore. Not officially...

F: Hmm…unofficially, is it? Well, I’m not adverse to assisting you in whatever endeavor you have in the works…however, as you have insisted on dealing directly with me, and not through the chain of command, I wonder if you are able to meet the price for my…services.

B: I have talked to Lt. Colonel Howards and Colonel Mannheim - yes, I know all about "The Silencers", I helped commission the group after all - and they both warned me you were a shrewd operator. I am dealing with you directly because I want this mission to be a secret one. I assure you that it is very official. I drafted the orders myself. So, as a member of the SFMC you are obliged to carry out them out - free of any additional charges. Or has your employment status changed? Because that can be arranged, Colonel.

F: Heh, I know that first part is a lie…Colonel Howards has been deceased for some time now...put your story together a little better next time. As for Colonel Manheim…I maintain significant autonomy under his command. But that is neither here nor there. And by the price for my services…if you know anything about my exploits, then you should know the price that will await you if you are anything less than fully forthcoming with me…Admiral. No secrets.

B: Who the hell do you think are, Darson? You dare to threaten me? I was killing the Federation's enemies while you were still learning to jack off! I could bust you down to private at transwarp speed and have you cleaning latrines for the rest of your life! I've give you the information that you need to carry out this mission and you will carry it out. Is that understood Lieutenant Colonel James Darson? Our perhaps you're considering a career change?

F: …I do not threaten Admiral, merely inform. So, what exactly does this mission entail?

B: Another admiral, of unquestionable loyalty to the Federation, has sent an agent onto Deep Space 5. This person is to investigate claims that the senior staff of DS5 are corrupt and conniving with the Romulans. I need you to ascertain for yourself whether these claims are true and to find this agent for me.

F: Can you give me any other information about this ‘agent’? Race? Height, weight? Shoe size? You’d be amazed at how often that last one actually comes in handy. Also, does this agent have any tactical training? Weapons access? Data Clearance?

B: Unfortunately, this information has been kept very closely. I do know that the agent is someone who has a very fine record of service to the Starfleet and is completely loyal to the Federation, otherwise he would not have been given the task. He or she would have, at some stage, served with or under an Admiral Uhlan. Apart from that I can't give you anything else. If anything does come up, I'll relay you a message via Colonel Banks to get you to contact me. It is imperative that this agent be found...

F: ...Well, I must say that you've been less than helpful, Admiral. However, no matter how well trained this agent is, I doubt that he is a match for me. Have a nice day, know where to find me if you need anything.



Lieutenant Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer

Admiral (Identity Hidden)
Starfleet Command
NPCed by Vana