Cascade – Old Friends
by Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Old Friends
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sun Nov 04, 2012 @ 10:21pm
Location   Sickbay, Main Office
Timeline   [Backpost] Day 69, few hours after 'Everyone has to come home...'

Chelsea knew she was waaaaaaaaay behind with the 'paperwork' although she had no idea why it was called *paper* work since paper had become extinct with *real trees* back in the 21st Century, before they had to replicate a means to regrow them in the 22nd and pass laws that no-one was to cut them down or make paper.... then there were Padds.....

~STOP prevaricating and get on with it!!~ she scolded herself and focussed her thoughts, picking up the first padd on her desk. Fortunately, Kensington had sorted these into priorities and dealt with what he could. Chelsea couldn't believe Ben and Jenna had decided to leave the station though. That had been a serious blow. She *did* understand why of course but she would miss them and she was sad not to have been able to deliver the baby.

Again she had drifted off the subject of the first padd. She made a huge effort and read it without any further delay. It said: New Assistant Chief Medical Officer. Details: Lieutenant Ryan Milarno....................

~WHAT?~ Chelsea sat with her mouth open. ~Is this out of date?~ she scanned up... it was dated two days ago... damn... she wished she'd read it sooner.... She should find out when he was arriving....

=^= Commander Dunham to Ops =^= The door to her office opened and her breath stopped in her throat. =^= cancel that call.... =^= she croaked, sitting in suspended animation for a moment or two.

As suddenly as she had stilled, so she came out of it and leapt up, round the desk and was wrapped around Ryan's neck in a HUGE hug of welcome to a dear friend. She squeezed him mercilessly and just kept saying, breathlessly. "Ryan... You're back! WELCOME home."

Ryan smiled at Chelsea as she pulled away, he looked at her, and he’d missed her so much. “Thanks...Bit of a shock right?”

"You *could* say that" she laughed, looking him up and down. She still found it strange how much he had changed. She saw that just before he had left but her memories had been of him from much further back when he was human in appearance and then again when he got his Bajoran looks back. The Cardassian regression had come later and she had never really got to know that look so well. "You're looking well... different but healthier and stronger I think..." she surmised frankly. They had never lied to one another nor embroidered the truth and it would hurt to start now.

Ryan nodded and looked around the office, nothing had really changed. He blew out a breath and smiled shyly. "Yeah, with the biology I always have to be one step ahead so I keep healthy, I always have done but especially now" he told her with a smile. "You're looking great, but then always do"

"Flattery will get you nowhere, Lieutenant!" she blushed. She was making light of the compliment as she always did. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate it, but it was an inherent shyness in her that made her feel she had to deflect it with humour rather than make it seem that she had solicited it or felt big-headed enough to bask in it. It was just one of her quirks.

"How has life been treating you?" she asked, putting her hand into his elbow and walking with him to the armchairs in the corner of her office. "Coffee? Black, one sugar?"

Ryan nodded as they walked to the chairs. "You remembered. Coffee would be great, thanks" he grinned and sat down as Chelsea walked to the replicator. "To sum up my life..." he sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Lonely" he admitted. "But I had to go" his voice was quieter and he stared down at the carpet and clasped his hands together.

"Ryan." She said, her voice almost a whisper too. She reached for his clasped hands and squeezed them. "Is there anything I can do to help?" she asked, hurting to see his pain. "I know you spent some time with Pia... would you like to see her again." Chelsea had no idea that had developed any further than a professional capacity so she was not suggesting anything by recommending this, only that she wanted to reach out to her old friend. It was true that their relationship had ended on a difficult note but they had meant so much to one another before that and she couldn't wish him any ill. There had been a time when he had been her world.

Ryan squeezed her hands gently and shook his head slowly. "No I'm ok, really I' am...getting there slowly" then he looked up at her. " finished things the day I left" Ryan clearly saw the wedding ring on her finger, he had no idea until that moment and a horrible gut feeling struck him, Chelsea was the one that got away, but he would respect her marriage, of course he would.

Chelsea saw him looking at her hand and the shocked look that momentarily passed over his new features. She too suddenly realised that he would have had no idea about how things had gone with herself and Rick. How was she going to broach this subject, or should she just leave it alone right now?

"Are you happy?" he asked softly. "Life treating you well?" he asked. Their connection seemed to still be there. Ryan often wondered how it would be if he'd ever returned.

"Yes, thank you. I'm the luckiest woman alive. I don't know what possessed a man like Rick Dunham to ask me to marry him but i took advantage of his moment of insanity and quickly snared him." she laughed softly, her adoration for Rick shining in her eyes. "We.... " she hesitated, not wanting to let this be too one-sided. She could see Ryan was sad and she felt guilty that she had everything and was so happy.

"I'm so happy for you, I really am Chels, he's a very lucky man" he told her. "Speaking of life...I went to'd have probably told me not too" he chuckled. "But I did, tried to find 'him'" he hissed his last word. "He's dead so that was a conversation I was spared ...even though I went to talk to him...there's a memorial for him" Ryan's features scrunched in disgust. "Can you believe that?"

"To each of us, heroes and villains are a matter of society attitude. To the Cardassians he was a hero. He represented all that they value, no matter how much that disgusts and horrifies us from our point of view as the victims of their mistreatment. For them it wasn't mistreatment, to us and all societies who see morality and decency as we do, clearly it was criminal." Chelsea tried to explain, showing there was another side although it wasn't one she could condone or agree with.

"Yeah" Ryan nodded. "I understand what they as a people are like, I just hate the fact I'm associated" he let out a laugh and reached for his coffee. "Anyway enough of that, I wallow enough in my own time I shouldn't be putting it on you" he told her with a smile.

"Ryan you and I are old friends. I want to hear about what bothers you. I want to hear what makes you happy too, of course, but if we can only be fair-weather friends then what do we have?" she said with feeling.

"Yes, we are friends..." he sighed and rested back into the chair. "Friends who can be there through the bad times aswell as the good...I-...I'm glad I still have you to talk too...I was worried I wouldn’t...actually I wasn’t expecting that reaction when you saw me stood in the doorway” he smirked. “But I’m grateful for it, I’m grateful for you because without you all I have is my profession, this career that somehow keeps me going...I-” he stopped and sighed. “I’m rambling now but I just wanted you to know that and I want you to know also that I respect your marriage, I’m not the type to ruin relationships. I’m back but I’m back to do what I’m best at” he smiled. “Anything else, whatever might happen now I’m back is a bonus”

"I understand Ry, and thank you. I know you'd never do anything to endanger what I have with Rick but I'm sad that you're so lost. You were always so strong. So centred. So brilliant. Then all this genetic stuff started to happen and it's taken the ground out from under your feet." She looked at him with deep compassion. "I think you're right to concentrate on your talent as a doctor. You're the finest doctor I've ever known and you've been my mentor and friend for so long that I don't remember life before I first came here to DS5 and stumbled into your office only to get yelled at for stepping on your foot!" she smirked at the memory.

It wasn't actually his foot that she'd clumped into but it was some equipment that she couldn't remember and the foot idea sounded funnier. Watching his face as he remembered, Chelsea wished she could see him smile and laugh like he used to.

She began to feel sad herself at the thought that it had been so long since she had seen him happy. The last time had been when he was with Nora. ~Ouch, that hurt~ she admonished herself for remembering THAT part of it. Then she started to remember that the next person into that scenario had been Rhv'arek. How could her *adopted big brother* be dead? Why was life so fickle? She dragged her mind back from sorrowful things and tried to focus on the present which was perfect, at least for her. She wanted it to become that way for Ryan too.

"Tell you what... " she swallowed back the bad memories and sadness at the thought of Isha and Raedhoel and how much she missed them too. At least she had got Ryan back. That alone was something worth being positive over! She couldn't wait to have him around Sickbay.... he had always been such fun.......... ~oh, but what if he stayed this sad?~

No, she wasn't going to let that happen. She would cheer him up somehow. The Prophets only knew how, but she would never give up trying until he was as happy as he deserved to be - which was blissfully happy, just like herself. Silently she counted her own blessings again.

" are you going to like being an honorary Uncle?" It was a random question but she wondered if Ryan wanted to think about how life seems to regrow just when you think you've lost everything. If he did, then her own recovery from all those failed relationships and broken hearts might be some encouragement to give him hope?

"An uncle?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. "Wow, that, that's amazing congratulations..." it took a few seconds for it to sink in, it was a shock, of course it was, but people moved on, he couldn't begrudge her of that, regret, once more weighed him down. "That really is brilliant news...".

"Rick's completely chilled about it all but then that's just who he is." Chelsea enthused before she realised she was bubbling over about her serene husband and his complete and unshakable balance so she lightened it it with a little joke against herself.

"But then again, if he weren't so totally laid back, he wouldn't have been able to cope with me." She grimaced at herself.

"Oh come on" Ryan laughed. "You're brilliant, anyone is lucky to have you, I was..." he told her honestly.

Chelsea blushed and looked at her carpet intensely as if she had spotted something growing out of it. "I'm no angel Ry, you know that." she was equally honest in return. "and I was lucky to have you too." she added with sadness in her voice. "But we have each had to move on for different reasons - it wasn't meant to be. Sometimes the Prophets give us a path that leads to another and to yet another still. From the beginning to the end of all our journeys we can't possibly see where the next path will lead us nor even the next corner.

Did I tell you I found my half-sister? Then she had a Pah-Wraith possessing her. Turns out my mother had been chasing it around the universe for years because she sussed that it had killed my dad. She...or rather it.... kidnapped me and tried to kill me but Rick's sister rescued me, along with my mum (who she used to work with in Intel) and then Rick's Dad managed to exorcise it and trap it so we got Annie back. My mother took her back to Bajor to try to put herself back together. She'd lost so much of her life...

That reminds me they said they'd come visit again soon... I should introduce you to Annie, you'd like her. She's very lost and pretty confused. It's all been a big shock. I think you two would have a lot in common, to be honest. I'm not being funny, I can really see how you might both be wondering who you really are and where to go next. Would you talk to her?" Chelsea began to tell him more that had been happening since they had last met.

"Wow...and I thought my issues were bad..." he laughed and settled once more. "Kinda puts it into perspective when you hear someone elses story" he told her. "I'm not sure I can help her find her way but I'd happily speak to her" Ryan smiled.

"Thanks Ry." Chelsea answered, lost in thought about her sister and yet again counting her own blessings. "I have so much to be grateful for, I almost feel guilty that everyone can't be as lucky as I am." she murmoured, expressing that thought distantly.

"Don't feel guilty Chels, your life is good" he smiled. "You shouldn't worry so much about others" he told her without thinking, he knew that wasn't in her nature. He sighed, life had changed him, but too much to revert back to his old self, time would tell.

"I just seem to have other peoples' shares as well as my own, Ry. I wish it were easier to help everyone i care about to have the same luck I've had." she replied.

Ryan nodded. "I'm sure there's still time for my luck hmm?" he asked with a smile and stood up, stretching his legs as he roamed around the office. "Nothing changes really does it?"

"Are you saying I'm predictably boring, Doctor?" she responded with a smirk.

"Noo of course not, it's just weird. With how long it’s been you'd expect some change, but there's not" he shrugged. "So-" he cleared his throat. "Still busy around here then?"

Chelsea shrugged. "Nahhh... small station, not many people, not much happening... no Cardassians, Romulans, Vulans, terrorists or another types of drama around here....." irony was something Ryan had always used to enjoy. Chelsea hoped he still appreciated a joke.

Ryan smirked. "Ahh well, don't need me around then" he smirked. "I might aswell head off again then eh?" he joked and began to laugh.

"Don't you bloody dare!" Chelsea made a mock growl of that reply and then laughed back. "I have a whole year's worth of padds and admin for you to catch up on, slacker!" she teased and aimed a cushion at him.

"You dare" he now repeated to her, a sparkle in his eye seemed to return and he felt happy. He watched carefully waiting to see if she'd throw it.

She did dare and it glanced softly off the side of his hair. Chelsea jumped up and made a dash for the door of the office, the plan being that once outside and in full view of the staff, she would be safe from reprisals.

Ryan grinned as he picked up the cushion from the floor and walked to the doorway, quickly spotted Chelsea and flung it towards her, causing everyone’s attention to be turned on him, he smiled and gave a wave. "Hi everyone, just a very immature doctor reporting in" he chuckled.

Chelsea ducked and then straightened back up as if nothing had happened. She kept walking but her smirk still played about the edges of her lips. She flicked her comm badge, still facing away from Ryan and connected to him. =^= Dunham to Milarno - One word, Admin =^= before she turned into the sideward to start her rounds.

Ryan tapped his commbadge with a smile still firmly on his face as he walked round the desk to sit down. =^= Yes boss, Milarno out =^= he tapped his commbadge once more to close the channel and picked up the nearest padd.


Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Assistant Chief Medical Officer


Commander Chelsea Dunham
Chief Medical Officer