Beg, Steal or Borrow – Echos from the past - violet rose continued
by Lieutenant JG Derick Fox & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Echos from the past - violet rose continued
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Derick Fox & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Sun Jul 19, 2009 @ 12:14pm
Location   Ayren Kelan's Office and Fox's quarters
Timeline   SD9 1700 hours

"Excuses ... excuses...' Ayren mumbled, looking at the bags standing neatly together as they must have been transported earlier. She couldn't really imagine that there was anything inside them that would generally be regarded as decorative. 'if you can find me anything in those that would help to make things look nice.... I will have dinner with you," she said with her head cocked to the side.

Derick went over to the large bag and began tugging on a large item. He pulled out a mannequin adorned in dark red shiny leather armor. Reminded Derick of the old Samurai warriors on earth. Out of a smaller bag he removed three dark red sheathed swords and a dark wooden stand to place them on. He pulled out a photograph and a small white box with a violet bow. He kept the small box at the closest end of the table as he began to set up the rest.

Ayren eyed the items and smiled as she watched him unpack them. "Not too bad..." she admitted. The swords drew her attention and she walked over to them, admiring the shape and deadly elegance. While she lived on Qo'noS, she had trained to fight with a bat'leth and did some sword fighting. Sh was more interested in the artistic side that the deadly side. "These are beautiful, she said, picking up one and tested it's balance. She did notice the small box, but didn't take much notice

"I picked those up about three years ago. This is the first time I have unpacked them. I had them in my closet but, they were taking up too much room and they look better out here anyway. The sword are designed after the Samurai swords on earth as well as this beautiful crafted Armor. I have others that I will unpack but, I didn't know you had an interest in swords." Derick stepping back to get a better look at the placement of the items, tilted his head slightly. "There, I think that should do it."

Slowly Ayren nodded in agreement. It was his quarters after all and he had to feel comfortable in them. "I like the craftsmanship and elegance.." she mused. "I did learn fighting, but I am not very good, just not aggressive enough," she said quietly. "So.. what is with the box?" she asked in a non-committal way, letting him know that he didn't need to answer her if he didn't want to. She was only steering the conversation away from herself.

"That's just a little something I picked up a couple of years ago." Slightly preoccupied with the placement of the swords, he walked over to them and slid the display over 3 centimeters and stepped back to check the reposition. You know, if you like I have some skill with edged weapons and non edged weapons, if you would like instruction......I could teach you? Picking up the white box, he walked back to Ayren.

"This is actually for you." Holding it out for Ayren to take.

Haltingly Ayren took the box from him, trying to gauge what it was before opening it. "I will like that," she said answering is question half absent-mindedly, her curiosity peeked by the box. She untied the bow and lift the top. The soft glitter caught her eyes first and without having to look further, she knew immediately what it was.

Wordlessly she stared at the diamond clasp... the one he gave her on Tupana for information she provided. They were both unaware of what their true identities were, due to a mission gone very wrong. He thought he was a mob boss and she a club owner and singer. He gave her club *protection* and she provided him with information she got from her patrons. This was an expensive thank you gift. Not admitting to her feelings for him at that time, she did take that with her when the had returned to their ship, but accidentally left it in her quarters when she had left more than three years ago. Tears formed in her eyes. "I don't know what to say," she whispered.

"You don't need to say anything, I already know. I would be pleased to see it on you." was all Derick said smiling.

She merely smiled and piled a bit of her mass of hair up and and fixed the clasp on the side, they way she often did when she was still the singer and club owner.

"You look amazing." Derick said, his eyes sparkling. "Now look under the foam padding in the box."

With a curious look on her face, she picked it up and did as he suggested. 'You are full of surprises Derick," she said with a grin.

Underneath the foam was a simple delicate gold chain with a gold heart shaped pendent.

"The pendent is also a transponder. If you squeeze it hard for more than three seconds it activates. It will send out a special modulating signal that I will be able to recognize easily. The computer is programed to notify me if it is activated. I hope you like it."

Ayren smiled at him as she picked it up. "So I can use it when I am in trouble?" she asked.

"Yes, you can also use it when you are not in trouble but, I will come running and I will not be in the best of moods. I would prefer you use the com badge when it is not an emergency." Derick chuckled.

"I don't think I want to face you when you are like that," Ayren chuckled. Slowly her face became more serious "I have all my senses back, Derick... it took two full years, but eventually I had them again.." she said quietly

"That's great! The most important thing is that you did get them back. I am sorry, if I would have know I would have been trying to hold back my thoughts and emotions. I know I must be bombarding you with them. I am a little rusty but, I will try.

She smiled wryly. "You were never any good, so you can relax... I don't read your thoughts..." she said quietly. "I have never sang since that time..." she said walking to the view port and staring out of it, biting back tears that were threatening. Whether she wanted it or not, his very presence reminded her of Tupana and what happened after wards... her surgery, her fears... that dark time in her life...

Derick walked up behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders, lightly pressing his chest against her back, the side of his face touching hers gently. " I can not read your thoughts, would you like to talk about it?"

"I am sorry, Derick," she whispered, pressing her hands to her eyes, trying to regain her composure. "I think it is this morning too... I read a treaty involving someone named Passet and then the package came and you...."

Dericks face flushed with anger at the mere mention of his name. He turned and stepped away. Anger filled his mind at what this man did to Ayren. He wished Passet was here in front of him right now so he could strangle the life out of him. Derick closed his eyes and began to breath deeply. "What do you know of this Passet?" Derick almost spat the name.

"I don't know...... I was busy reading though the treaty when the package with the rose was delivered and I came straight here," she said thoughtfully. The implication if this was indeed the same person they had encountered before, pushed anything else to the background. "I am not sure if this is Jagen Passet or someone different entirely..." she added. She sensed Fox's anger and she could understand it... she felt the same way..

"Can you find out if it is........Jaden Passet without attracting any type of attention to yourself and, this treaty......Who does it effect and where are they? I truly hope that it is far away. Worst case.....he could find us. I don't think he knew our true identities but, things can change. I can't let anything happen to you like that ever again. I know he was using you to get to me. So please don't hesitate to squeeze your necklace. Don't take any chances if you feel uncomfortable, squeeze it and I will be there."

Ayren nodded. "I am sure once I actually read through the document I will get that information," she said, her stomach in a tight knot. "I will keep you informed," she said quietly.

Her last sentence had a funny ring to it. She had kept him informed before when she was in the night club and he was a mob boss. It seemed like a life time ago. Derick sensing her discomfort over the subject matter turned towards Ayren and gently touched her face. " I am sorry, we do not need to talk about this right now. We can talk about more pleasant dinner." Derick said smiling, trying to brighten the mood.

Relieved Ayren smiled. "There are wonderful places we can go to," she said. "This is a space station, we have variety... you will have to get used to that," she said grinning.


Ayren Kelan
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lieutenant JG Derick Fox
Tactical Officer