Beg, Steal or Borrow – Fly By
by Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Fly By
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Fri Jun 19, 2009 @ 12:42pm
Location   DS5, space around DS5
Timeline   SD 8 2300 (Back Post)

"Deep Space 5 control this is Bravo one actual. Fighters launched. Should be within wreck range in two mikes. Over" The Broadsword Multi-role Assault Fighter Wing peeled away from the space station each one an armoured hawk of war gliding prideful in a boomerang V shaped formation. Every pilot was alert and ready. Keeping their eyes on the approaching space debris.

At the tactical command console in the operations department, Vincent readjusted his earphones. "Bravo One, this is Deep Space Five Control. We have you on sensors. The middle of the debris cluster is just over 2000 kilometers away. Proceed at your current speed and bearing towards the target. Will advise when you're nearer to designated target, Bravo One. Over."

As Dunham and the rest of Bravo Wing approached the debris field they were met by the wrecked skeleton of a romulan war bird and other smaller craft. Dunham thought back to the intense fire fight that had only raged through these skies twenty four or so hours ago. He felt a pang of guilt to those who fell in the conflict, people whose name he had not even had a chance to learn. As they got closer. The War bird lurched in space like a broken green vulture. Burnt and braking into peaces. In some places fire still burnt on some decks. "Bravo two follow me in the rest stay to a holding pattern around the ship". "Dunham to Control we are entering the wreck."

"Copy that Barvo One," Vincent said. "There are three big chunks of debris that we're interested in. Bravo One and Two change your vector to bearing zero-three-zero degrees, mark zero-four-niner. Have a look at the superstructure of that Warbird. Bravos three and four, make your bearing zero-nine-zero and head for that warp core. Bravo five and six, keep an eye out for trouble. Over."

Dunham shook his head to himself in mild disbelief. Then headed deeper into the wreck closing in on the burnt out and broken husk of the war bird. In away it was humbling ?Dunham thought to himself, that something so big and awesome with so much firepower could be brought down. "Sir we have close rage sensors on the super structure now. Sending you data."

"Roger that, Bravo One," Vincent scanned the information flooding into the next screen. "That's one big Warbird isn't it? It's two times bigger than a Galaxy-class starship... Computers show it to be a Romulan cruiser of the D'deridex class. Make your elevation zero-five-zero and head for the head of that thing, Bravo One. We need some scans of their weapons systems. Over."

"Going to elevation zero-five-zero over." The fighters moved throught the wreck deftly avoiding hazardlly large bits of spinning chunks of metal. "Feeding data now."

"Bravo One! Sensors show that torpedo tube three on the Warbird is unstable! Your scanners must have triggered something. It could go off any minute. Suggest you get the hell out of Dodge, Bravo One!"

Refelexes kicked in as both pilots flew away from the blast as it ruptured out of the torpedo tube. Blasting flame and mettle like a fountin. Though both fighters got a little cooked their sheilds held "Were Ok!" was Dunhams first words off the comm. "That was a close one"

"Better be careful, Bravo One," Vincent said.

"Five control, this is Bravo Three."

Vincent checked the location of the caller on his screen before replying, "Go ahead Bravo Three."

"Nacelles scanned. Uploading data now. What happened just then?"

"Nothing to worry about, Bravo Three. It's all clear now," Vincent said. You can regroup on Bravo One if you wish."

"Roger that," said the pilot as he veered away from the wrecked Romulan nacelle. Something caught his eye as he did so - a brief flash of metal as it spun slowly away from the hulk of the warbird. "Control! I've got a visual on something, looks like a capsule or shuttle or something!"

"Bravo Three, I don't see it on sensors. Repeat, I do not see it on sensors. Can you confirm?"

"Affirmative, control. It looks like a small shuttle of kind. Permission to approach?"

"Hang on Bravo Three. Bravo One, could you and Bravo Two assist?"

"Roger control were on route" Firing their thrusters the two fighter craft dodged in and out of the debris to make their way to their colleague. Smoothly swerving to and fro like agile predators of the sea the to craft came in close for a better look. Dunham switched his comm on to Control. "Control this is Bravo One I have eyes on the target. I can only get a visual on it nothing is coming up on my sensors either. Its some sort of capsule of dark grey metal about 8 foot long and 4 feet across?"

"Your guess is as good as mine, Bravo One. At least you can actually see it," Vincent said, frustrated at being confined in the base when everything seemed to be happening out there. "Not much chance of scanning it for lifeforms is there? Do you think it may be an escape shuttle or pod of some sort?"

"I honestly dont know Control. You could fit a man in it I reckon. I am transmitting to you my ships recording feed that should give you an image. Do you want me to tractor it in?" Dunham thought it would take a feat of flying to drag that thing out of the debris field.

"I have a visual now," Vincent said, as he played back the downloaded video. "To me that looks like the middle section of a Narvasam'al tender craft, but it's hard to tell as it is missing outriggers and so on. It could easily house one or two crewmembers. I suggest you increase your scanning power and work out if there's anyone onboard before we move it anywhere, Bravo One."

Dunham thought for a moment then began transferring power to the forward sensor array. He then re-routed the auxiliaries as well. This was a little hard as it meant wiring different control elements within his dash board that he had to lifted up and then close when done. "Ok control I'm getting some new readings. Sending to you now. Doesn't look like their are any life forms in it. But I am getting an odd energy reading that I don't recognise."

Vincent took one look and did not like what he saw at all. Recalling the close shave the fighters had with the torpedo tube, Vincent practically shouted into the microphone. "All fighters, get the hell out of there! NOW!!! It's a trap!"

"All Fighters Brake Brake Brake!" Shouted Dunham across his comm. Dunham slammed his joystick down and put his fighter into a deep accelerated dive. The small fighter craft dodged and weaved through the debris around it spinning again and again . Beside him the rest of the squad had also burst into life and had each gone their own way out of the debris field. Behind them the small capsule drifted in space then exploded in a ball of blue flame and a pulse of electricity.

Each pilot saw the danger and prayed for every ounce of speed out of their engines. But it was know good they were being slowed down buy the debris. The blue fire ball began to envelope the squad. As the flame engulfed them the last thing to be heard and seen were the Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters disappearing one buy one to the fire and Dunham's voice of the Comms shouting "Transfer all power to............"

The explosion began to recede and bursting out fire was Bravo wing. Dunham looked to his left and right as the squad took up formation position next to him. Everybody seemed to have a little damage but were generally ok. "Bravo one to op's. Were a little cooked but ok. Heading back to the barn."

"That was a close one Bravo One," Vincent said, sweating as if he had been in one of those fighters himself. "I think I'll buy you all a drink when you get home - assuming you're not too singed..."

Dunham grinned ear to ear. "Solid Copy Op's. We will take you up on that one"
Bravo wing formed up on their squadron leader and began a steady cruise back to Deep Space Five.


Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lt. j.g. Vincent Tan
Chief Strategic Operations Officer