Judgement – Dorian's Trial (part I)
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Ambassador Cala Lurn & Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Dorian's Trial (part I)
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Ambassador Cala Lurn & Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sat Dec 03, 2011 @ 8:35pm
Location   Conference Room 3
Timeline   SD39 10:00

"My name is Richard Muldeen, I am a Commander and Chief of Security for Starbase 234. Before that I served as the Chief of Security onboard Privus Prime Research Development facility." the officer responded to the Prosecutor's inquiry.

"As a result of my duties as Chief of Security onboard Privus Prime, I performed the initial investigation into the death of Dr. Kur'ann." he stated.

Ned tapped his finger on his lower lip, glancing across to the accused before asking the next question. He purposely paused for effect drawing out a distance between each question.

"For the court, Doctor Kur'ann is..." He enquired moving back to the witness.

"Doctor Kur'ann was a science expert that had been working with the Federation in the development of a particular science-related matter. I was never made too aware of the finer points of the research, only whether it would require a certain security clearance or if certain officers were to travel to the station for research." Commander Muldeen replied.

"Of interest was the fact that Doctur Kur'ann was a Romulan, which in my opinion was peculiar to see such an accomplished member of the Romulan Empire traveling to Federation space simply for research." He added.

He allowed the statement to be absorbed by those who needed to reflect on the answer, but was not interested in the embellishments that Muldeen was about to embark on and cut him short with the next question that needed clarification.

"And during the course of your investigation, what did you discover?" The prosecutor dipped his head forward as if looking down his nose to the former star base chief of security.
Edward Nugent Tucker the fourth was diligent though a little flamboyant at times but as of now, he wanted to get this latter stage concluded so that he could present his case and finally bring to justice Dorian Gabriel.

Cala sat behind the defendent to see how things would go. She knew Dorian was innocent but she simple came here to keep the peace between the two species if anything gets to nasty. Her hands were placed on her lap and her face looked alive and a waken.

Muldeen cleared his throat as he began to speak. "Based upon the physical evidence I recovered in addition to the witness statements I recovered from Dr. Kur'ann's assistant as well as the witnesses to the fight that took place between Gabriel and the Doctor prior to his death, it led me to conclude that Dr. Kur'ann had been murdered, and that Dorian Gabriel was the person responsible for the Doctor's death." he stated.

Ned made a mental note to better prepare witnesses, 'conclude' was not the wording of his choice but now that it was spoken, it was up to Tucker to expand on Muldeens conclusion.

He didn't look at the witness, instead he focussed his attention on the judge and the jury.

"By conclude, you mean that in your professional opinion that a murder rather than an accident had taken place." He stated for the courts record. "If the court so pleases, the statements are entered on file as evidence numbers Beta four seven through five eight."

Ned turned to look at Muldeen. "Please enlighten the court on the witness statements you took so that they may be able to ascertain the further facts of this case please Mr Muldeen."

"Since the crime took place within the personal quarters of the Doctor, there were not eye-witness accounts to describe what happened. However, I did speak with our Chief of Operations who informed me that the sensors on that entire section began malfunctioning approximately 5 minutes before the Doctor's time of death." he said.

"Further, I spoke to other officers within the station's communication's department and they informed me that Mr. Gabriel had not previously responded to repeated attempts to communicate with him during the window of opportunity to attack and kill the Doctor." he added.

"Finally, there was the conflict itself that took place between Mr. Gabriel and the Doctor prior to his untimely death." He concluded.

Neds fingers dramatically tapped at his mouth as he strode around the courts floor.

"A full five minutes of sensor blackout. A lot can happen in five minutes!" He stated to nobody in particular. "And Gabriel could not be contacted. Why we must ask ourselves, would Gabriel" He pointed to the security chief, "not respond. " He turned back to Muldeen. "Can you inform the court what the conflict is that you are referring to, just to clarify." He led the witness.

"Subsequent to the discovery of Dr. Redding's body, having being asphyxiated, Mr. Gabriel travelled to the station to assist in the investigation. He insisted upon speaking with Dr. Kur'ann about Dr. Redding's death since he was working with her." Muldeen said as he became visibly uncomfortable.

"Needless to say, the meeting was highly volatile." He added.

"Volatile?" Ned questioned, "and the result of the meeting?"

"Mr. Gabriel attacked Dr. Kur'ann after accusing him of playing a role in Dr. Redding's death. More importantly, he threatened to kill the Doctor with his own hands."

Ned turned to the jury of peers and strolled around in a large circle, appearing to contemplate the witnesses statements. He said nothing, as he weighed up the presented evidence in his own mind, having a major discussion with himself, when in fact he was repeating the statements and parading them in front of the panel members.

Cala started to feel worried for Gab, she sat in her seat and her fingers twiddled to themselves as she continued to listen on.

Judge -
Prosecutor - Edward Nugent Tucker - Mark
Defense Atty - Donovan I'shar
Defendant - Dorian Gabriel
Witnesses- Cala Lurn- Haleigh (Top explains it all)