Things Past – Once more with Feeling...
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Min Zhao

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Title   Once more with Feeling...
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Min Zhao
Posted   Sat Jul 27, 2013 @ 9:23pm
Location   Civilian Quarters
Timeline   SD 49 2000 (backpost)

[Leah's Quaters]
[Deck 594 - Suite 94867]

Min looked around her new quarters with a smile on her face. Despite the glitch with gravity and those nosy engineers poking around, she'd managed to get her new quarters/office arranged the way she wanted. At first glance the quarters were typical for a well-off woman of Min/Leah's place in life. A few effects had been placed to give her the appearance of having more means then she let on.

Her office area, which she kept off limits to most visitors, was where the real work had taken place. Between moving walls and rerouting power & data cabling, with a healthy dose of aftermarket equipment, she'd managed to turn the place into a credible imitation of a private exotic dance club. Equipped with holoemitters everywhere, she could mimic any setting she wanted.

Now for the critique.

=^= Leah to Ahjess. The nest is ready. =^=

It didn't take long for Ahjess, Edward with him, to arrive at the converted apartment. As he glanced around at the reception room, he nodded in approval. "I like it. Very tasteful."

Edward grunted noncommittally as he wandered the room. He evaluated the considerable work that had been done to create the suite's facade. Now that the sting operation was beginning to take shape, he was having some doubts. "You aren't actually planning on doing anything illegal in here, are you?" He'd turned to face Min, one eyebrow raised. "All we need is to have station security breathing down our necks."

Min shook her head. "Depends on what you mean by illegal, Edward. This whole sting operation is borderline illegal, as security frowns on vigilantes." She swept her hand around the room. "If I have to entertain a few customers to make the cover plausible, I will." She glanced at Ahjess. "Entertain only. I don't mind showing off my body, but my bed remains my own."

The Trill gave Min an look of hurt innocence, "I never considered anything else!"

"Shall we enter the sanctuary?"

Leading the way, Min took the pair into the main area of her converted quarters. She tapped a few commands into a panel on the wall and the grid of holo-emitters faded into the darkness of a simulated 21st century strip joint. Facing the pair, she smiled. "What do you think? It can simulate anything from the dingiest hole in some backwater Orion world, to the classiest establishments on Risa. I also got my hands on some special programs if tastes run, well, different."

"Ooh, you raided Klia's private commissions," Ahjess leered. "I always wanted to know what sort of kinky stuff she wrote for those private clients of hers."

"Don't tell me. I don't wanna know," Edward raised his hands in a staying gesture. Orions were notorious for their varied tastes and he didn't want any details. "So where to we proceed from here? Are you ready to give the old battleaxes another go, Min?"

Min looked over at Edward before turning her attention back to Ahjess. "I think I'm ready. When I wasn't rewiring this place I was practicing some of the stuff Madam Miaow suggested. I'd give you a demo but I think Edward would die of embarrassment.""I'll send you a padd Ahjess. You may find something to your liking, on the house of course."

Suddenly the chimes rang at "Leah's" door.

Ahjess' eyes opened wide in surprise. "First client already! Way to go Leah!"

"I told you I've been busy. I spoke with a few people around the station, gave a few samples out, that sort of thing." She paused. "There's a security console in my real office that you can watch the entire suite from. It's also dampened so no one will know you're there."

"Not me," Edward said, his cheeks and neck already a ruddy color. I'm ... uh... glad you've got your cover nailed down. Best of luck."

"I'd better get into character and go greet my guest."

"Right," Edward turned to Ahjess. "Coming or staying?"

"Stupid question," Ahjess scoffed. "Wouldn't miss it for the world." he cackled and twirled on his heel to head for Min's protected.

Just As Edward reached for the door, the trill boy shot out of the room again. "Stop! its them!"

Edward's hand froze over the opening panel, and he looked at Ahjess in obvious alarm

Min stepped back out into the open area of her quarters. She'd slipped into a casual outfit consisting of denim jeans, a white shirt and a simple purple jacket. "Who's them?" Looking at Ahjess' face told her who 'them' was. "Good thing I have a cover story then. *She motioned to Edward to join Ahjess.* Let me handle this."

Going to the door, Min tapped the door opener. "Isis Services. Can I help you?"

"Leah, darling, its me, Blanche!" purred the wrinkly ring leader

Min's smile immediately vanished. "What do you want?"

"We wanted to apologize for the other night," Blanche explained, "Can't we come in do this like civilized people?"

Min thought about it for a second. "Yes you may." Min tapped a few commands into a panel on the wall near her door, unlocking the door and changing the room's decor. The holographic emitters in the open area flickered as the pattern changed, hiding the entrance to her work area. The only thing she couldn't change, and she realized it too late as the doors swooshed open, was her disguise that masked her age. Thankfully the backup cover story was ready.

Blanche sashayed in, followed by several other members of her entourage. "Lovely place, Leah, lovely," Blanche surveyed the apartment giving it royal approval and then turned to the young woman.

And did a double take.


Min looked at Blanche, a smile playing across her face. "Its about daring, and holding your nerve, and taking a risk. I believe is what you said to me last when we were in the arboretum."

Min motioned over to a couch in the living area of her quarters. "Can I get you girls anything?"

"Ice Tea all round." Blanche sat as Min went to fix the drinks. "So I'm guessing you're not an entertainment scout?"

"Not exactly. I am in Entertainment but I'm more of what you'd consider front line staff." Min picked up the glasses from the replicator and brought them over to where the girls were sitting. Sitting down and picking up the one glass, she took a sip. Tart, just the way she liked it. "The older me you met earlier was an alter ego I use sometimes. People like Ahjess know and trust me in that form. It's also easier to move around unnoticed."

"I see." Blanche looked at her two companions, and some sort of unspoken conversation was carried in that look. "Well, we had come to say we regretted putting you on the spot the other day, but it seems there is more to you than meets the eye."

Min smiled at Blanche. "We all have our secrets. I just prefer to keep what I do low key and under the radar." She took another sip from her glasses. "Can I trust you ladies not to rat me out if I show you my work?"

"Of course," Blanche smiled thinly. "Every woman should have her secrets."

Min put down her glass. "Computer. Arch. Unlock. Gamma Echo Two Seven Leah." Going over to the arch she keyed in a second code and the entrance to the holosuite silently opened.

The granny brigade all leaned forward to see what was in the holosuite. The room beyond looked like a private room in one of earth's high end clubs from the early 21st Century. The room was furnished in the modern styling of the period with a small bar off to one side. Along the main wall of the room, a smaller stage was setup that for all intents looked much like the stages of the era where small bands would setup & play. The distinguishing feature to this stage however was the chrome pole centered on the stage itself.

There was arched eyebrows and salacious, knowing smiles amongst the granny brigade, as if they had suspected Min was actually a fallen woman all along.

Min motioned to the girls. "Come take a look. It's one of several I've designed for private shows that I do." She led the girls into the room.

With some enthusiasm, the small group moved into the holosuite, and Shirelle nudged a small unassuming member of the brigade, dressed in a reserved twinset and pearls. "Bet that brings back memories, eh, Betty?"

Betty looked as she had spent more time crocheting blankets than having anything to do with poles. "One or two," she admitted.

"Well now," Blanche gave min a grin. "And here I thought butter wouldn't melt. And you turn out no better than you ought to be. Does Security give you any headaches?"

"Security thinks I'm a holo-software developer. Which isn't far off the mark as I do some development in my spare time." She paused. "Client's sometimes want custom jobs that I can't fill on my own. You know how it is." Leah motioned to the girls to grab a seat. "Anything special you wanted to see?"

The old women went into a huddle. "How about the gaming tables at that bar, The Box of Delights." Blanche decided.

Stepping over to a console beside the holographic bar she scanned her list. She hadn't thought to add The Box. "The Box isn't on my list surprisingly. Not quite sure why." She forced a chuckle. "No poles, that's why."

Min glanced over her files. There was one in a collection she'd pulled from the databanks of the Box. "I'd have to find a third party program that's close. Take a few minutes for the system to run some searches. Anywhere else I can take you in the meanwhile?"

"NO dear, we can wait."

Min nodded and began to input some parameters into the existing program. The copy she had was older so a couple of updates from recent holos had to be entered. After a couple minutes chewing on the updates, the controls gently beeped.

"Here we are. Not sure exactly how accurate this is as it looks like it's based off an old holo someone made."

The dabo tables of the Box materialised around them. Blanche looked pleased. "well now, lets see what you can do."
