We All Fall Down – Arrow Rises
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Arrow Rises
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Mon Sep 01, 2014 @ 2:00am
Location   Diana's Arrow, 3 hours away from DS5
Timeline   during the explosion
Gregori Monteros was definitely enjoying retirement, having left his precious daughter, Eleni, in charge of the company he had returned to what he loved most: being a tramp transport Captain. Diana's Arrow might be nearly sixty years old, but she was the fastest thing in the sector, and he loved nothing more than being back at her helm. He turned to his left and took in the view of his new first mate, Lena Montford, sure, she wasn't the chess player that Charlie Reynolds had been, but she was a hell of a lot prettier, ~Besides that, Charlie died ten years ago.~ He thought, thinking for a second about how many of his friends and his old crew were gone now, it seemed he was one of the few left standing, ~Old men die, Gregori.~ He reminded himself, then added another, even less comforting reminder, ~And you are an old man.~

Lena could see the boss was lost in his thoughts again, he did that a lot it seemed, more than any other Captain she had worked for before. She walked over and smiled at him, "What's on your mind, boss?"

"Are we making good time?" He asked, not really wanting to get into it, "I'm fairly anxious to get the tribbles out of the hold." That part was pure truth, he'd had a similar problem before when a client who hired the Arrow as a liner lost his prized fighting voles in the hold.

"We're actually about two hours ahead of schedule, Captain." Lena replied, flipping her red hair with a naughty smile, "Which tells me we have time to check something out."

"Oh?" Gregori replied, raising an eyebrow as something other than Lena's amazing figure had caught his interest, "Tell me more."

"An old Romulan Bird of Prey went down in this sector on one of the unsettled planets about a hundred and twenty years ago." She began, "It was a Bird of Prey listed to House tr'Khellian."

"My son in law's house." Gregori nodded, "Interesting. So why did they not recover it themselves?"

"Well, the old story was that there was something onboard that vessel for the Praetor, but he was murdered and replaced during the voyage." Lena recounted, "And she might have been blown out of the stars by forces loyal to the new Praetor, so obviously they couldn't recover the ship and risk seeming like they might be treasonous against the new Praetor...."

"So, whatever it is, it's probably valuable." Gregori smirked, "If for nobody else but my son in law and his family."

"So what do you say, boss man?" Lean winked.

"Let's check it out." Gregori laughed, ~The tribbles will just have to get there when we get there.~