Judgement – Hi Friend
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & 1st Lieutenant Joseph Bailey

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Title   Hi Friend
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & 1st Lieutenant Joseph Bailey
Posted   Thu May 26, 2011 @ 2:46pm
Location   Lower Decks - 'Red Dawn' bar
Timeline   SD37 - Late evening

It had taken three "missed" messages and a long-winded argument for Sotar to finally convince Arrienye to meet him for what had been their usual evening drink, but he'd finally done it. Mostly, Arrienye had agreed to just get him off her back. But, she couldn't deny that a part of her was missing the routine. Another routine that seemed to have taken its place was that, every day at 15:00, tr'Dor would help her change her bandages. Of course, they'd agreed it was for the best. As the new temporary Chief of Staff and thus in charge of a large part of what went on in the Consulate, she couldn't afford to look weak. True enough, considering everyone knew about her injuries, she'd gotten quite a lot of respect from her inferiors because of how easily she was carrying herself despite the obvious pain she must've been going through.

Sotar had called to tell her he'd be later than he thought so Arrienye had arrived at the pub much sooner than him and situated herself at the bar where she would be seen easily, also opting for a short red dress over black leggings and black knee high boots to make sure her bandages all stayed in place. Plus, the pressure the relatively tight outfit provided seemed to ease her pain. After all, she wasn't about to show any weakness to a Cardassian, especially one who worked so closely with that pig Getal.

With what had started as a minor drink in the massive bar lounge had quickly become a full-blown, all day pub crawl for the 1st Lieutenant. So far he'd fequented 3 and as far as he was aware, there were still several to go.

Each place he'd stopped, he'd managed to strike up a conversation with someone, only to have them smother him in an avalanche of worries, concerns, tales of woe, or in one particularly frightful case, signing his life away to a woman the next morning in an act of marriage.

The Red Dawn didn't particularly grab his eye. It wasn't the first thing he'd wanted to go to, but it was on the map, so it had to be visited.

Strolling into the bar like he owned the place, the marine, now slightly inebriated, had developed a self-assured swagger. Propping himself up with one elbow on the bar, he surveyed the bar whilst trying to avoid looking like some form of sexual predator. He was only here to be social. And drunk.

Arrienye only gave the marine a quick glance, seeming to simply file him away in her head before turning her attention back to the bartender.

"Evening, Lieutenant," the Yridian greeted her. "The usual to start off? Where's your partner in crime?"

"He should be here shortly," Arrienye simply replied before being handed a glass of Romulan Ale. The Yridian turned to the marine. "What can I get you?" he asked, a bit wary. Arrienye didn't blame him. It wasn't often they got a human down here. It was one of the reasons Arrienye visited it.

"I have no idea!" Bailey smiled, his head bobbing slightly as the alcohol ran through his system. He looked dumbfounded, as though he'd been asked to reroute a plasma leak. "Actually, I'll let the pretty lady decide?" He said, bowing and gesturing an arm towards her, like a waiter leading people to a table. It was a risky gamble, on both the drink and the prospect of being brutally shot down making conversation with a sober woman.

Arrienye looked over at him as he made the gesture towards her. She raised an elegant eyebrow. She exchanged looks with the bartender, who gave her a challenging look. she played with the idea of getting him a Culture Shock, but thought better of it. She didn't want him getting sick all over her. "Get him a Bolian Fire tonic," she ordered. A small smile came over her lips as she remembered that she and Sotar had met under similar circumstances.

"I have absolutely no idea what that is. It sounds like it's going to give me some severe digestive discomfort later, but I'm going to drink it anyway, in an attempt to impress you on first impressions." Joe confidently announced, head held high. "How bad's this going to get me? I mean, I've already had a few, and I can handle my booze, but I don't want to get so drunk I wake up in the morning with a set of expensive Klingon ornaments, someone else's shoes and a marble statue of that famous singer who did that famous song, all sitting in my quarters. Again."

Arrienye didn't look amused. "Don't worry. It's not that strong. I'm well aware just much alcohol humans can take," she informed him.

"I resent your tone young alien lady!" Bailey protested, as though protecting his honour, despite the fact this woman had never seen him drink. Or be violently ill after drink.

"Resent all you wish," Arrienye simply replied with a smile.

"I bloody well might!" He said, taking a sip from his drink. It wasn't actually as bad as he'd thought it'd be, though still an acquired taste. One he hadn't yet acquired.

"It's heavenly, thanks." Lies. "It's like drinking a warm summers day filled with joy and children's laughter." More lies. He hated children. "I'd honestly drink this daily instead of water." Even more lies. If this was the only liquid left remaining in the known universe, he'd rather die of dehydration than drink it. Not that he let that on with a facial expression suggesting it had the most pleasant taste he'd ever sampled in his life.

"Good, I'm glad," Arrienye said, flashing him a smile before sipping her own ale.

"You're not that much of a talker, are you miss?" Joseph said, trying to gauge her. The aura of 'Go away. Drink your drink or wear it' came off heavier than the smell of alcohol that must be coming off of him.

"I don't know. What gave you that impression?" Arrienye asked sarcastically, crossing her long legs and finally turning her body slightly to look at him as her hand twirled the blue liquid in her glass.

The soldier eyed her suspiciously. "Well to be honest, the biggest giveaway was the fact you haven't actually said anything." He said in a tone reminiscent of a dectective explaining the whole story at the end of a crime drama. "And you have this dark and mysterious thing going on. Or moody, I can't decide."

"I haven't said anything? What have I been doing? Flapping my arms in the hopes that you'll somehow decipher the meaning of the gestures?" Arrienye asked, sliding a gloved finger over the rim of her glass. "Rest assured, if I had something I wished to say to you, I would've done it by now," she informed him, reaching up to tuck her hair, revealing her pointed ear as she sipped her glass.

He noted the point, but thought not to make comment, her species was unimportant for now, though did answer a few questions as to her bluntness. Either that or she was just quite naturally mean. "Well it does look like you have something you wish to say to me, but social etiquette looks like it's holding your tongue." Bailey chuckled, intaking more of his drink.

"You think I care about social etiquette around you?" Arrienye asked, and he could see a glint her aqua colored eyes. "Believe me, if I have something to say to you, I will," she told him firmly.

"I can tell behind your extraordinarily mean and harsh outer shell, there's a lovely, warm young woman, bursting to get out and be all friendly." The 1st Lieutenant jested, seeing what reaction he'd get, as though prodding an angry beast with a stick.

"And you're obviously as delusional as you are irritating," Arrienye replied, wondering where the hell Sotar is. If she wasn't in so much physical pain, she'd promptly kick his ass up and down this bar the moment he came through the door.

"It's honestly like you're a bundle of hugs, but in a person." Bailey tried to quip. "Like you're just so full of joy and happiness. It's infectious!" She shrugged it off again.

By this point his work ethic for getting anything other than emotional brutality from this woman was starting to waver. It became less of a friendly introduction, trying to get her to metaphorically come out of her shell, and more about a social rivalry. That he wouldn't back down, even if it was progressively making things worse. Maybe it'll lead to his first bar brawl!

Though it might be socially unwise to have a bar brawl with a woman.

"If we were in a holonovel of my life, I'm pretty sure you'd be the villian." Joe stated, drinking once more. "I'm not sure if it's a trait of your species, that when dead on the inside, you're still able to continue with the appearance of being a living, breathing, friendly.. Thing." He said, remaining ambiguous with naming her species, should he get it wrong. "OR if you're an evil android sent here from the future to put a dampener on my evening."

Arrienye sighed, looking quite bored with him now, which was very close to how she really felt. She rolled her eyes at his observation and looked at him again. "If all it takes is for one person to decide they don't like you for them to be labeled as a villain in your little life story, then I pity how little your life must contain," she told him, finishing her ale and placing the rectangularly shaped glass back onto the bar to be swept away by the bartender moment later. "As for whether my indifference to your drunken ramblings is a trait of my species or not, it simply confirms what I already knew of your species' arrogance." Arrienye was quite aware that very few humans could really tell what species she was, and it annoyed her to no end, no matter how much she tried to ignore it.

"Isn't there a little bit of you, somewhere deep inside, that would just like to be nice?" The marine quizzed, his drink almost empty by this point, to the woman with an unimpressed face of stone.

"That'll let me buy you a drink, we'll politely start again, you'll be a bit nicer, we'll trade stories about how crazy our lives have been, seeing as we both work out in space and crazy things seem to apparently happen to literally everyone out here. We'll hit it off and before you know it, by the end of the night, you'll have transformed from the grumpy catapillar into a beautiful social butterfly!" He rambled.

"Actually, Lieutenant." The barman spoke up, having been in the vicinity behind the bar. "I think you might've had enough." The burly man leant on the bar before the pair of them, his long brown curtains of hair dangling over a rough face with a dead pan serious expression. "Why don't you go back to your quarters and sleep it all off?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Bailey retorted, taking one last sip of his drink, noticing he was indeed swaying. "Fine, I'll go, but not because you asked me to! I'm going because I WANT to go home!"

"Of course sir."

The soldier put his glass back on the bar, and taking a step back, bowed to his anti-social companion as though having finished a performance. "Until we meet again, fair maiden." And stumbled for the door..

A Joint Post By:

1st Lieutenant Joseph Bailey


(G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek