Unity – You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk

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Title   You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk
Posted   Sat Dec 05, 2009 @ 11:41pm
Location   Counselor's Office
Timeline   After t'Jay's visit to Gabriel
"Knock. Knock." Tharek said with no hint of anything in his voice. A tactic he learnt, that let's the enemy know that no harm will come of them... Until Tharek revealed his true intentions. He knocked on the bulkhead just outside of the counselor's office.

Kreallia was applying the chilling icepack to her head to heal the wounds she had sustained from a bruely klingon on the promenade. "Come in!" She sighed. She really had to change the chime tone to something less sharp.

"Good day, Ms. t'Jay." Tharek said, smiling as he walked into Kreallia's personal space. He was now in, and she would have to hear what he had to say, whether she liked it or not.

Kreallia's eyes light up. ~Why in the Galaxy would Gul Getal need to see me?~ She thought. "What can I do for you Gul Getal?" Kreallia sighed as she pressed the ice pack down on her head a little harder.

Tharek winced at Kreallia, and her reference to him as just 'Gul' instead of his full rank. He then bowed politely to her. "A pleasure Ms. t'Jay. I come bearing a... Gift, if you will."

"Oh, what kind of gift?" Kreallia asked as she put the ice pack down and pulled her hair back to reveal her pointed ears.

"I've noticed your having certain... Racial troubles, involving one mister Dorian Gabriel." Tharek scoffed at the name.

"I can help you reclaim what honour he took from you. I can help you get even. Gabriel will think twice before he refers to you like he did, ever again." Tharek smiled. Slyfully. He knew that no living Romulan could deny revenge. "If not. I could be your shoulder to cry on. As long as your here, your one of us. Us non-Humans have to stick together. No?"

Kreallia was taken back by the Gul's offer, who had told him that? How did he find out? "Yes well some of us "Non Humans" have a better sense of honor and know we are above petty revenge." Kreallia snapped in a calm tone. "And how did you find out about that?

Tharek laughed. She had obviously not known who Tharek was. "My dear, when you've been around as long as I have. You learn things."

He then stepped further into her office. "My, this may be out of place and off-topic but... What beautiful eyes you have." He said leaning forward and gazing into her violet pupils.

Kreallia stared back at him for a moment, she was terrified at the Cardassian. He was a sly fox a 'genuil de raub'.

"Oh. I do apologise. Am I making you feel uncomfortable? I couldn't help myself. It's been a long time since I've seen a women as beautiful as yourself." He said, backing away a little and giving her some space.

Kreallia nodded weakly and sat down on the blue couch behind her. "What do you want?" Kreallia whispered.

Tharek then quickly turned to a tone of civility and seriousness. "I want Gabriel behind bars for life. I want him to rot in that pathetic piece of crap they call a Federation cell. And if I don't get my way? That Dunham will too. You can help me get that, in return. You name it, and I'll see that you get it, go to it or have it delivered to you on a silver tray."

Kreallia stared at him. "And how the hell am I going to do that?"

He paused. He lent inches away from her face. "Any way, shape or form you can." He whispered. Staring into her violet eyes.

"And what makes you think I'll go along?" Kreallia asked.

"You. I'm not going to force you to do anything, my dear." He replied quickly.

"But you are implying that I have no choice." Kreallia stated

He smiled. A smile that could cut through hull plating. "Of course you have a choice. How could I deny a beauty her choices in life? That would make me a monster."

Kreallia stared at his charismatic, but dangerous eyes. "What should happen to me if I went and told Commander Davies or Commander Villiers about this little arrangement?" Kreallia asked.

"They would surely try to get me into some sort of trouble... Are you going to do that to me? I don't think I could stand it if I was shut away from such beauty... Join me for dinner. We could discuss this more then, maybe?" He asked with a coy smile. He was truly infatuated with this women... And was quickly forgetting business...

Kreallia thought for a moment. He was a sly one, he had tired to recruit her for his little operation and yet he was infatuated with her. She could go, after all if she was in on the inside she could brake down the OPP before things got out of hand. "You know Tharek I might just do that." Kreallia said as she stood up in front of him. "What time and place shall we meet for this.........Business meeting?" Kreallia asked as she tried to play on his current state of mind.

He laughed in his throat. "There is a nice little restaurant outside the Romulan embassy... Shall we say there at nineteen hundred hours?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Sounds good." Kreallia said in her seductive voice.

"Perfect. Oh, and dress formally please." He walked closer to her, less than a few inches. He then smiled playfully and flirtatiously. "I would hate for you to wear something that spoils your eyes. A Federation uniform seems to do that all too well."


Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador
Deep Space Five

LT JG Kreallia t'Jay
Deep Space Five