Things Past – Memories Flow Like Water
by Major Luther Fry

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Title   Memories Flow Like Water
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Major Luther Fry
Posted   Wed Aug 29, 2012 @ 9:04am
Location   Sydney class transport and the remote Starbase Saikai
Timeline   Present and two weeks earlier
(ON: SD58, Sydney class Transport)

It had been a long boring trip for Luther. He hated traveling as cargo. The room on the ancient Sydney class transport was clean but small, and other than cleaning his kit and computer simulations and games there was nothing to break the boredom of the trip. The ship had been once a Starfleet vessel but had been retired over to civilian service. It had been the only ship headed in the required direction at the time on which Luther could hitch a ride to arrive in time for his new posting.

He returning to active duty had caused a lot of waves and problems politically and he was initially on his way to a remote colony to take command of its MARDET (Marine Detachment). The Powers that Be couldn't neither break him nor silence him so they decided to park him in the darkest furthest corner they could find. Then two days out, the CO of the USS Jutland received new orders, Luther was to transfer to the civilian transport SS Willow wisp which was on contract with the Star Fleet Merchant Marine and proceed with all haste to take up the duty station of MARDET XO on Deep Space 5. For two more days at high warp the Willow wisp burned its nacelles as it hurled through space heading to Deep Space 5.

For nearly nine years the shattered USS Peacemaker and its survivors were trapped in a temporal rift and blown half way across the galaxy. Nine years gone in a blink of an eye! His children would be nearly teenagers now, somewhere in the expanse of the Romulan Empire where their mother had taken them on their separation. So many missing birthdays, missing... With a growl Luther did his best to drive those thoughts out of his mind to no avail. His mind started to drift back to events just prior to his setting out to Deep Space 5.

(Scene shifts to two weeks earlier, a remote area of Starbase Saikai Commercial Area)

The air was thick with smoke, vapors and smells. The Tellerite owner of the bar had the local atmospheric scrubbers disabled. For reasons of ambiance he cited. The shrill sounds of neo-classical Cardassian music filled the bar. Though it was crowded it was off the main beaten track on the Starbase and not frequented by as many patrons as the main establishments. The perfect place for someone who wanted to be alone.

Off at a table in a back corner, Luther sat alone and out of uniform. Black knee high "pirate" style lace up boots, black denim and leather pants, a white bloused "Musketeer" shirt, Black leather vest, and a long full length heavy leather duster completed his attire. For the most part, Luther looked that he belonged on an ancient Pirate sailing ship rather than a Starbase in the present century.

A fat melted candle sat in the middle of the table surrounded by empty bottles of Andorian brandy and Tequila. The light of the candle reflected off the shined leather of Luther's boots as he leaned back in his chair with his feet on the table. In the dim light of the bar the glowing ember of his cigar pulsed.

The buxom Bolian waitress came over and put another bottle down on the table and was clearing the empty bottles when a hooded figure in heavy robes approached. Even under the robes Luther could tell the being moved with a measured grace and purpose.

The robe figure stopped a half meter from the table and with a wispy voice spoke to Luther in Andorian "Ti cHek Her oL"
Luther took a deep drag on his cigar and tilled his head. "So when did the Am Tal become errand boys for the Keth Iriandi?"

Immediately Luther noticed the figure stiffen for a moment and its arms raised drawing back the hood revealing a head of flowing white hair and pale blue skin of an Andorian female. A slight tattoo under the right eye denoted her of being of the Keth Orlan linage. Piercing steel grey eyes focused on Luther as she took up an empty chair across the table from him.
"I was told you were insolent even for a pinkskin. Some would think better of a member of the Keth Irandi. Even an adopted pink ape."

"wHi Tak Chu Hoo (Watch your tongue wench)" growled Luther. A shocked look on the female Andorian's face rewarded him. Luther wondered if she was surprised he spoke to her that way or if he had in Andorian. "Now if you are done giving me attitude, say your piece and get out of my face!"

The Andorian reached in her robe and pulled out a PADD which she half tossed, half slide to Luther across the table. "The Keth Iriandi for some misguided reason is concerned about you and your lack of contact with your family group. You were missing for ten years, then return and refuse to speak with any of them. Answers are required. First and for most is do you know the location of your half-breed spawn?"

A heavy fist on the table sent glasses and bottles flying, and caused some heads to turn briefly in their direction. "Children, they are my children. If you ever refer to them as that again I will rip your heart out and force you to eat it... understand me?"

The Am Tal messenger nodded slowly. In her briefing on Luther, she was shocked to learn he had been taught in the ways of Shar Vor, and under its order was a Balancer of Blood... One who could settle blood feuds between Keths without there being any further escalation or retribution? Cold and remorseless like the Andorian Glacier winds.

Settling back into his chair Luther took a deep inhale of his cigar…"As for my children, I don't know. Their mother and our adopted son G'win went back to the Romulan Empire prior to their birth, just before the USS Peacemaker was trapped. The Empire refused to release any information on their status or location. Requests at the time were either refused out right or ignored. Political back pressure was put the Federation and Starfleet at the time to cease inquiries and prevent me from entering Empire territory in search of them. I was in the process of staging an infiltration to carry out my own search when the Borg attacked and the Peacemaker responded that was delayed…" Luther paused for a moment… "Why would you wish to know this? Surely the Am Tal has all the details of this from my debriefing after the Peacemaker survivors were extracted from that Rift."

The female Andorian's eyes never left Luther's "Yes we know the facts, but as you well know facts and truths may diverge. There was a great deal of concern in the various levels of the Federation government, and the various Intelligence agencies upon her defection back to the Romulan Empire and...”

Stubbing out his cigar on the table, Luther snapped back "She did not defect! She returned home do to personal reasons and for the sake of protecting our family!"
The Andorian appeared to ignore Luther's reaction but he knew everything he said, every reaction would be noted and recorded. With a deep sigh the Am Tal operative continued, "On the PADD you will find all the information your Keth, the Am Tal, and from various sources in Star Fleet were able to find on your 'family', as well as a large number of old and new messages from your Keth to you. I was told to tell you that your 'brother' and 'sister' want you to come home. They say you have done your duty to Federation, Starfleet and the Marines, now it's time to come home and fulfill your family and religious duties."

Just as the Andorian finished, Luther's comm. badge 'chirped' underneath his long duster, and his hand instinctively reached for it. "Fry here". A voice Luther did not recognize came over the comm. "Lt Major Fry, you are ordered to return to duty and report to the USS Yamato ASAP" Something was definitely up. Glancing out the open front entrance of the bar, Luther could see the pace in the corridor had picked up and personnel scrambling to get back to their duty stations.
Putting the PADD in his inside pocket, Luther stood for a moment… "Well tell your 'handlers' that you have done your duty and conveyed the information, and thank them for the PADD. Tell them though not to approach me again unless it's regarding an issue of grave importance. Now if you will excuse me I have to report to 'Duty"!"

It took Luther a bit longer to get back to the Yamato than he had wanted but it was necessary. He had doubled back on his path of travel many times to shake or catch any who were following him. It would have been a case of the hunters becoming the hunted.

Changing out of his "civilian" attire into his Marine duty uniform was almost instinctual as his mind was pre-occupied on the situation, and how the situation had drawn him back to a part of himself he had tried to bury.

Sliding his stilettos in to concealed sheaths in his boots and his Hrisal in its sheath against his spine under his tunic, Luther walked over his quarter's work station. Waiting for him was a set of transfer orders. He was being shipped out again to somewhere even further and more remote. He had a few hours before he had to board his assigned transport. Looking around, there was not much to pack. Most of his belongings were lost on the Peacemaker, and the little he had now for the most part was still packed.
Looking down on the desk he saw the PADD the Am Tal agent had given him. Picking it up he thumbed through the menu of messages and stopped at one. It was from his adopted little sister Phell'nun. Luther laughed at the fact he still thought of her as his little sister as she and her twin brother Turath were now physically older than him.

Something caused Luther to open her message and a video message started to play. The image showed an attractive middle-aged Andorian female in soft robes sitting with a Andorian harp synthesizer in her lap before the great stone hearth of his family's house.

Her voice was soft and flowed from the PADD, "Hello Luther. I do hope you get this message and don't ignore it like the others. Turath is in Keth council. We don't know what to say Luther other than please come home.

I know we can't understand what you are going through now. You have lost your mate, your children, and your place in time. Mother still sets a place for you at the table each night... Luther she doesn't have long and I know you and her have been estranged since you married Ro'wena, but please come before she passes over. It would mean so much to her and all of us. She worries as we all do about you. The entire Keth knows your heart is more Andorian than most Andorians, and the fires that burn within.

The Keth has finally voted and has declared Father dead. No trace has been found of the
USS Athabaska and it had been 30 years now. Turath has been the acting head of the family group with the Keth, but he doesn't want it, and we all know it’s your place even though you are not Andorian. The idea of you taking up the mantle has caused much discord and blood as been spilled in duels...

Your return would mean more blood but the family would stand with you dear Brother. Even Mother says proudly that few could match your skill with a blade and none your fury! I fear a coalition of other family groups will move against Turath in council in an effort to take our holdings.

(stopping to compose herself)

“Luther you will do what you think to be right. You always have.

I remember the day father brought you home. So thin, and untrusting. How you were picked on by the other children and sorry to say by Turath and myself. How even so, you that one day picked up a piece of fire wood and stood between a group of older children and Turath and I to protect us. At the time I know you were not physically threatening to them but it was the fire in your eyes and your words that won the battle that day dear Brother.

Luther no matter where you are in time or space we are your family and will always support you with our heart, our souls, and our blood!

When you disappeared I wrote this ballad. Something within me told me you
would return. If not for us but for your Ro'wena, and your children you
would claw, and scrap your way from the deepest reaches of deaths domain.

I hope you like it Luther.”

(Phell'nun closes her eyes and starts to play, her voice melding with the music.)


I build a fire a thousand miles away

to light your long way home

You ride a comet

Your trail is long to stay

Silence is a heavy stone

You fight the world and take all they can give

There are times your heart hangs low

Born to walk against the wind

Born to hear your name

No matter where you stand you're alone

Stand and fight

Live by your heart

Always one more try

You are not afraid to die

Stand and fight

Say what you feel

Born with a heart of steel

Burn the bridge behind you

Leave no retreat

There's only one way home

Those who laugh and crowd the path

and cut each other's throats

Will fall like melting snow

They'll watch you rise with fire in your eyes

They'll bow their heads

Their hearts will hang low

Then we'll laugh and they will kneel

and know this heart of steel was

Too hard to break

Too hard to hold

Stand and fight

Live by your heart

Always one more try

You not afraid to die

Stand and fight

Say what you feel

Born with a heart of steel

At the end of the ballad Luther put the PADD down on his desk and closed his eyes. Memories flowed like water.

Memories of his birth world. Memories of him alone as child and living like a wild animal till the arrival of the USS Athabaska and his "capture" and adoption. Memories of his first wife and how she died in an assassination attempt on him. Finally memories of Ro'wena, G'win and the twins.

Luther learned early in his education with the priests of the Shar Vor that life no mater its form was a circle. Self perpetuating and self consuming. Maybe it was time he did pay a visit to Andor and his family. But that would have to wait as he had to leave shortly for a new posting.

(Back to the Present)
Luther’s mind is pulled back to the present by the sound of the ship’s public address system announcing to its passengers that they were nearing Deep Space 5 and to start making ready to disembark.

An hour out from his destination, Luther showered and shaved up, and changed into a fresh and clean duty uniform with razor sharp creases. The Hrisal scabbard nestled snuggly between his shoulder blades under his tunic was like the embrace of an old friend. The high gloss shine of his boots gleamed in the lights of the quarters. Picking up two large duffle bags and a PADD containing his duty orders, he headed out the door to the Willow wisps transporter room. Luther had done this enough times to know the rest of his belongings in the transports hold would be transported separately across.

As he neared the transporter room, the corridor was filled with confused and flustered passengers. The air was full of angry voices and concern.

The ship’s XO was trying to get the crowd’s attention. “Ladies and Gentlemen.. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IF YOU PLEASE!!” The crowd started to pay attention and the noise started to subside. “Thank… Unfortunately your voyage will be a little longer than expected. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we are unable the transporters are unsafe to use at this time, and we are unable to proceed any further toward the station under warp, impulse only. We will endeavor to get you to your destination as soon as we can. We again are sorry for the delay.”

“Just great.. Just bloody great… Stationed in the middle of nowhere and now this!” growled Luther. “I just hope this place has a decent bar with something other than synthihol as I need a real drink”

Major Luther Fry SFMC
Executive Officer
Marine Detachment
Deep Space 5
Obsidian Fleet