Beg, Steal or Borrow – A Pound of Flesh
by Arrival Kaia & Arrival Alexandria Marshall

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Title   A Pound of Flesh
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Kaia & Arrival Alexandria Marshall
Posted   Mon Jun 15, 2009 @ 7:00am
Location   Pirate Base, Deep Space
Timeline   SD8 16:20 Hrs

The two stepped away from their consoles, drew their weapons and looked at each other.

"Ready for this?"

"Revenge on standby…"

And in a flash of light they were transported away.


"This is Inifuss to base, submitting code, requesting deactivation of the security satelites."

"Confirmation negative, prepare to be fired upon."

"Ver'tal? Is that you? You ass! You know who this is, turn off the guns and lower the damn shields."

"Heh heh heh, home base to inifuss, satellites deactivated, shielding down. We've got an open spot for you in bay seven. How'd the run go?"

"Not a bad haul. The Feds at the local station have been staring down the barrels of Romulan disruptors for about a week now. It's kept patrols down and we had plenty of time to pull everything from a trawler we came across. Got some ore that'll pull a fine price."

"Heh heh, sounds like you guys faired better than Jax and his crew last week. They're still fixing the damage incurred to the Rastijenalian. Poor bastards."

"And how. How many of his crew did he lose?"

"More than half, mostly to echo papa drones; and all the quarries escaped."

"Ouch... did they get anything from that besides an ass-whooping?"

"Some sort of prototypical technology, looks like something having to do with warp drives. They're still trying to figure out what exactly it is. Hopefully when they do we'll fetch a decent price for it."

"They'd better, for those kinds of losses."

"Anyway, automated docking is engaged. See you in a few."

"Gotta offload the ore first, hit me up later, we'll go for a drink. Inifuss out." The Andoran disengaged the engines and let the pirate base tractor beams take over. He hit the internal ships comm. "This is captain Inifuss, we'll be docking momentarily. Everyone get down to the cargo bays and prep for offloading. Good job this flight, guys."

He stood and turned to head off the bridge. As the doors swished open, the flash of a phaser briefly illuminated his eyes before they went dull and he fell lifelessly to the floor.

"Was that really necessary?"

"It was fun," Kaia responded, sliding her phaser back into its holster and approaching the computer. "That made it necessary. Now, let's see what we've got here... Good lord this file system is a mess."

Natrina spoke, "Perhaps I could aid you with this? We do have a short timetable here."

"Certainly appreciated Nat. Let's see if we can find a schematic of this base we're about to dock at, gets some ideas as to crew and armament so we know what we're up against, and maybe even find the juicy parts where the loot is kept."

Natrina spoke. "And maybe we can claim it as a bounty." Natrina began to type on a console. "Pirates are so clumsy, their security software is grossly out of date."

"That they have security at all is a feat." Kaia replied, continuing to type. "Here we go.... Oh Frak... There's almost a thousand listed personnel at this place... No wonder they had the capacity to fill the whole asteroid belt with tachyon beacons. Any leads on bays of stolen cargo?"

Natrina worked, "Hmm.. This base used to be a mine for the Independent Miners Guilds. The mines are depleted, but I think I found the shaft where they are keeping. Oh my, they just recently seized a rich Ferengi Daimon, his latinum is in one of the main mine tunnels." Natrina said with a grin. "With that kinda latinum, I can deal with two of my old acquaintances."

Kaia snickered, "That sounds like a bit of a haul...I wonder if my transport tagger signal can reach my ship from here. We might have problems getting it out by hand. And the Feds sure won't let us keep any that they know about once they get here."

The ship shuddered as it touched down in the cargo bay. Kaia backed away from windows of the bridge. "I'm not sure how well we'll blend in down there. Maybe we should make a break while things are chaotic..."

Natrina nodded, "Well that's what I would do. But when would we ever find a time as ripe as this?" Natrina asked.

Kaia drew her weapon and cradled it as she neared the doorway. "Do you have and ideas to get the lat out?"

Natrina spoke. "The best way to hide something is right in plain sight. The Latinum is in the mineshaft. So, we blow up the shaft, seal the prize inside where we'll know where it is, make sure the Federation's tricorders cannot scan for it, and come back when the marines have dealt with the pirates and we won't be disturbed. What can be more easy?"

Kaia smiled, "I like that idea... Now all we need to do is make our way through the base to the shaft. And maybe find something to irradiate the latinum to hide it from scans on the way there."

Natrina nodded. "Something that produces sensor interference and has a short half-life, say Trellium Resin. A byproduct of Impulse Drives; quite a useless byproduct of older model impulse units. Say, how old is the K'Zhixrian G'Jeniva's drives?"

"Not old enough. I only had the ship manufactured to spec when I arrived on DS5. But there's got to be something here that we can use. These pirates have been piecing things together from all over the quadrant. Let's see what's out there."

Natrina spoke. "Agreed. Let’s get to work. We have a bunch of Pirates to Pirate." She laughed. "Hmm... Would you think Piracy is a bit too macabre for two girls like us?"

Kaia kicked the body of the dead pirate captain and smirked. "I don't know. I think I need a bit more experience before I form an opinion about that. Let's go find out..."