Interlude – Taking a look
by Gunnery Sergeant Cameron Bourne & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Taking a look
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Gunnery Sergeant Cameron Bourne & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Fri Oct 15, 2010 @ 2:27pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 34 1800

Cameron entered the bar, looking around at all the activity, than moved to sit at the bar. As he sat there, he looked over a PADD with a copy of the stations manifest, identifying the other marines in the bar.

Yolanthe finished mixing a cocktail and loaded the tray for the waitress to collect. She hadn't bothered to get the black eye t'Merek had given her seen too, so she had to turn slightly to get a proper look at the next customer. With her good eye, she saw him observing the various marines that were enjoying some R&R. From his hair, his posture, she thought he might be one too. But he was almost twice as old as any of Darson's other soldiers.

The statuesque bar tender moved over to him, and leant on her arms to bring herself down to his eye height. She noted the long scars down his face with dismay. He'd obviously seen something interesting in his life and only just lived to tell the tale. She kept her disapproval to herself. She'd learnt the marines could be particulary touchy about her prejudices.

"What's your poison, sweetie?" she asked.

Cameron flashed a slight smile as he turned to the Bartender, "as a Vulcan would say, it is illogical to order poison at a bar." he answered as a joke "but I am not a Vulcan. What’s the local synthale like?" he asked, looking into the eyes of the bartender to get a feel for her.

"And as any medicine woman will tell you, the difference between medicine and poison is simply dosage." Yolanthe handed him the slim black volume that contained the drinks menu. "As for the synthale, I couldn't tell you. The only thing that comes out of the replicators here are the glassware and the furniture. I sell nothing but the genuine article. So if you see anything else you like, I'll get it for you."

Cameron looked over the menu, "quite a list, how about some Aldebaran Whiskey followed with some Romulan Ale or a Chech'tluth." he asked looking at the bartender with expectation.

"Either one's a combination that will hammer you into the floor," She warned, collecting the relevant bottles. "But I'd go with the Ale. Chech'tluth is more power than finesse, it'll overpower the Aldebaran whiskey to the point where you might as well not drink it." She poured out the green whiskey and then the blue ale. Both were extra vivid against her grey-violet skin. "Bottoms up!"

"Semper Fi" Cameron said as he shot down the two drinks without trouble. he than looked up at Yolanthe, "decent stuff, I haven’t had romulan ale like that since the Dominion War." he said as he ran a finger over the first of the marks on his head. "Not much for ground warfare, those romulans, but they make great ale. I still maintain that it could dissolve Duranium alloy in the right concentration" He joked, trying to avoid talking about the war.

As Cameron looked out into the station, He saw the cardassian guard and flashed an expression of anger. “what are they doing here?”

She looked towards the Cardassians heading their way. "Judging from the time, I'd say looking for a drink."

"I'm sorry; I should have controlled myself more." Cameron said, embarrassed by his show of anger. "It’s all in the past. If you will excuse me, I need to have a look at my quarters." Cameron stood, started to walk away than turned back to Yolanthe. "Thank you again for the drink," Cameron said before turning and leaving.

The violet tones leeched from her skin completely, leaving her as grey as the cardassians as she realised she was losing a customer to the widely held prejudice against them. Still it couldn't be helped. She couldn't make anyone drink here. She forced a smile onto her face. "Come back soon!"

Cameron waved in response as he disappeared into the crowd.


Gunnery Sergeant Camerons Bourne
Reconnaissance Scout / Sniper
Marine Detachment
Deep Space 5


Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights
Deep Space 5