Judgement – Abad day made worse part 2
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   Abad day made worse part 2
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sun Jan 30, 2011 @ 8:49pm
Location   SS Bradshaw

Wayne was not normally a man to take direct command of a ship but he was still fuming with anger over the stupidity of the man he was coming out to meet with and most likely either remove from command or personally kill. With those thoughts in mind he found himself sitting in the center seat on the bridge of his ship, The captain had taken over the first officers station and was watching the man he had known for several years look ready to get out and push the ship if he thought it would help move the modified saber class vessal any faster then it's current top speed of warp 9.995.

"Sir if I may you have been up here ever since we left the station and you look ready to tear someone a new face." Said John softly

"I know John it is just that well I can not stand what that man did. and worse he had to do it not with his own ship but with a whole damn convoy of merchantmen. Yes the ships had some offensive firepower but nothing like what the pirates could throw against them. Worse yet the captain who ordered the attack and his ship survived almost untouched while 4 of the 5 others were lost with all hands. That means 300 men and women lost their lives in what amounts to a glory seeking attack. It was a stupid waste of life and one that should not have happened." Said Wayne coolly his eyes never left the view screen wanting to be the first to see the ship of the man he had come to destroy.

"Is that why you brought a full security team with you on this trip." Asked John calmly

""No they are here to try and stop me from killing the bastard on sight and to make sure that he makes it back to DS5 for a trial rather then get's accidently pushed out an airlock by me." Said Wayne just moments before the ops station sounded off.

"Sir we have the two surviveing ships on long range sensors and will be within communications range in 20 minutes time." Said the young ops officer from her station

"Very well as soon as we are within range send a message to the Hawks and inform them that we are coming onboard and that they are to stand to. Also inform them that I will want a meeting personally with captain hanks as soon as I arrive. If he does not meet me when I arrive I will personally hunt him down and he will not like the results." Said Wayne coldly

"Aye sir." Was all he young woman said she knew when to keep her mouth shut and well when the company CO gave you a direct order it was best to carry it out without any delay

OOC: I need some help for part three of this post series I need someone to play captain Hanks the captain of the Hawks and the commander of the convoy. anyone who wants to help would be welcome the only condition is that hanks has to be portrayed as a first rate A$$hole. someone who really only cares about his own skin and could not give a damn about 300 people he just sent to their graves.