Judgement – Run
by Ambassador Cala Lurn

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Title   Run
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Ambassador Cala Lurn
Posted   Tue Mar 01, 2011 @ 2:39am
Location   Arboretum
Timeline   SD 36 16:00 hrs

After Roselyn’s shift was done and set; she decided to take time to herself and away from everyone. She couldn’t believe after so long of avoiding her mother they she would encounter her once more and with welcoming arms. Roselyn went into her quarters and changed her cloths; uniform to work out cloths. She needed to go run some were, away from everything and everyone until her head was clear. She put on her black tank top and black sweat pants; sneakers and black hoodie. She braided her hair back and headed out the door. She walked to the turbo lift and told it to take her deck 352. Then she sat back and waited for the doors to open for her leave.

Once the doors opened Roselyn cracked her neck back and forth and walked out into the Arboretum, she liked it better then the Helo Suite program. She started to walk fast, building up her heart rate then after a few minutes later, she started to sprint down the beaten path. She liked the stations Arboretum because of the huge size of it, knowing ships Arboretum’s were quite small. She steadied her heart rate as she jogged on threw, clearing her head of today’s work and her encounter of her mother. That was all she needed something to make her life more complicated.

As she pasted people by not knowing who was there or what they were doing. Twenty Minutes later Roselyn started to grow tired of running so she stopped by a close bench and sat down. She knew she wasn’t the only one sitting down but she paid no mind to it. She lend forward allowing her elbows balance themselves on her thighs. Then placed her face in her hands and pushing her hair back. Then looked forward at a small shrub.

The person sitting next to her was reading his PADD on the latest and greatest of the station. His eyes slowly looked up at the woman sitting next to him. He sniffed the air then turned up his nose to human sent. He cleared his throat and went back to his reading. Roselyn’s ears caught the man coughing and turned her head to look at him. “Tall’or,” stated Roselyn looking at the Vulcan male sitting down next to her, “What are you doing her.” Then she turned around and faced him.

“Simply to read,” he stated calmly not looking at her.

“Do you do anything else other then that,” she asked with some skepticism in the tone of her voice.

“What so wrong with reading,” he asked giving her a shot glance then back to his story.

“Well simply that is all you do or what I always see you do.”

“I’m doing this simply to read up on the latest gossip,” he replied arching both his eyebrows up when saying it then back down when he finished.

“You don’t seem like you’re the kind of person who wants to know what’s what going on around her,” she chuckled, “I thought your type goes the logical approach. What are you reading anyways?”

“A story,” he replied looking at her with his icy blue eyes.

Roselyn started to lean forward to see what he was reading, “What it about.”

Tall’or moved the PADD in the opposite direction from Roselyn so she couldn’t see it.

“O come on Tall’or,” wine Roselyn inching close to him and trying to grab out for it, “What are you reading? What are you ashamed?”


“Then let me read it,” she demanded. Seeing he woman wasn’t going to lay off from him he handed the PADD over to her to look at it. When Roselyn grabbed the PADD she looked at the main title and started to laugh. “Really,” she stated, “This? You really want to read up on the latest fashionable clothing and sales.”
Tall’or’s eyes widen, “No.” Then he took the PADD from her, seeing he pressed the wrong section, he corrected it and then handed it back to her. Roselyn then and again looked over it and replied, “Wow Astrophysics. Some big stuff.” Then she read some of what it entitled, then continued, “Interesting.”

“Indeed,” replied Tall’or, “Is Astrophysics an interest of yours?”

“No,” she stated sadly, “I’m more of a political kind of girl.”

“Aw politics,” he replied softly, “Why such and interest may I ask?”

“My father interest more like it,” she chuckled, “it’s the only thing that makes me feel close to him.”

“Sorry for you loss,” Tall’or stated with concern.

“He isn’t dead. I just haven’t seen him since my graduation that’s all, “she confessed to him, then she handed the PADD back over to him, “But it’s a wound I really don’t want to open at his point and nor to you. No offence.”

“None taken,” he replied, “Its only Logical that you don’t tell me you problems. You’ve only known me threw work and nothing else. I don’t expect you to tell about you and your father.”

“Thanks,” Roselyn stated sincerely, “Well I guess I must be on my way then.”

Tall’or bowed his head slightly then looked up at her. Roselyn got up from the bench and looked at Tall’or and before she left she stated, “Are you doing anything right now?”

“Other then reading no,” he had stated calmly looking at her for what did she have in mind.

Roselyn smiled and grabbed Tall’or and told him to come with her. At first he resisted thinking it so childish of her to do so, but he sighed and got up and allowed Roselyn to drag him to were ever she was taking him. “Were are you taking me,” he asked her in almost in a robotic tone.

“You’ll see,” she stated pulling threw the Arboretum and into the turbo lift.


Ensign Roselyn Theodore
Diplomatic assistant
NPC by: haleigh


Lt. Tall'or
Diplomatic Corpsmen
NPC by Haleigh