Judgement – Please Drink Responsibly
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Miranda Aeylon

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Title   Please Drink Responsibly
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Miranda Aeylon
Posted   Sun Jun 26, 2011 @ 11:13pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 38 2100

Miranda walked through the silver archway into the 'Box of Delights'. She timidly looked around the bar, not recognising any of the people in this vast mixture of cultures and walked up to the main bar where a short blonde woman was standing, serving drinks to her what seemed an ever-growing crowd of customers. Miranda sat on a stool and leant on the bar, wary of the many people around her.

"Be right with you!" the blonde called out, but it took her two minutes to get to the dark haired Lieutenant. "Sorry." She gave Miranda a grin. "The Boss is away so its all hands to the pump. What can I get you?"

"It's fine, I'll have an Andorian Ale when you're ready please" Miranda smiled back at the waitress.

"Coming right up." She put a long glass under one of what seemed like a hundred taps, and began a slow pour, "Been here before?"

"Nah, I've only just been assigned here. I've always been more of a.. Starship kinda girl, but this station.. It seemed to beacon to me.. Sorry, I must be sounding like a loony! How long have you been here?"

"Me? About two years. Though I only started here when it opened, which was last month. I tell you, its all go round here."

"Looks it!" Miranda laughed. "I'm Miranda by the way"

"Leila. And tell me about it. The Marines have an account, so they're always trying to out-macho each other." the blonde levelled the glass to finish the last third into the glass. "If they offer you a chocolate dipped anything, don't take it. There's a good chance its a game of wasabi roulette."

"Thanks for the advice" she looked to a Romulan standing alone against a wall at the side of the room, then back to Leila "Who's that guy?"

"Bloody hell. A Romulan." Seeing Miranda's confused look, she explained. "The Head of Security had a bit of a falling out with the Boss. None of the embassy staff have been in since, and they're pulling the others away too." She gave Miranda a conspiratorial wink. "That makes for a good chat up line, you know. Or I could send Vedra over with a drink for him..."

"Well, with my experiences of Romulans, they are mostly light drinkers. Perhaps we should invite him over for a drink" She smirked at Leila. Miranda's desire to know the latest gossip was already emerging, despite the fact she had been on the station for a few days at best.

Leila turned her head, and signalled a voluptuous brunette, who came swishing over to them. Behind her, Miranda could see more than a few men watching her go past. Close up, Miranda could see a risian clan marking creasing her forehead. Leila unstoppered a bottle of Romulan ale and poured a measure into a small flute like glass. "For the rommie hovering by table 34. from the Lady."

Vedra gave Miranda a nod and a look that said she thought Miranda had excellent taste, and swayed over to him. Leila put the glass of Andorian Ale in front of Miranda. "Since your new, the first one is always on the house. This is the real, unreplicated, fully alcoholic deal. So go gently if you're not used to it."

Miranda picked up the glass and took a short swig. "Ah.. Don't you worry about me, I've got a stomach of steel!" she laughed upon saying this and then looked at Vendra delivering the Romulan ale to the surprised Romulan, then back to Leila "He'll be eating in our hands in no time."

Indeed, the Romulan looked from Vedra to the bar, where he saw Miranda. He raised his glass to her in a toast.

Miranda raised her glass in response to this and winked at the Romulan. She then shouted "Bottoms up!" and took another swig. Then she looked back to Leila "I could get used to life here."

"It has its upsides." Leila grinned. "And I think one of them is heading your way." She moved away down the bar, to leave Miranda with the Romulan.

He was rakishly dressed for one of his species, long dark hair bound in a long braid that hung to the centre of his back, a neatly clipped goatee, and eyes that sparkled like the sins of angels. "Good evening," His voice was a rich baritone, like a purr dipped in chocolate. "And to whom do I owe the pleasure of this very good Kali-fal?"

"Miranda Aeylon at your service! Hope you are enjoying your drink..!" she took another swig her the Andorian Ale, although this swig was somewhat more cultured in order to not make Miranda seem a being of somewhat 'lesser' intelligence to the Romulan. "And you are?"

"Terrh ir-Llunih," He reached out for her free hand, and raised her fingers to his lips. "An honour to meet you." There was a slight slur to his speech.

"And yourself", she blushed, "So, what brings you to this little corner of the galaxy?"

"I'm on business. A brief stop over whilst moving my cargo. What brings a beautiful woman such as you out to the wild frontier?"

"Well, im just living out my exciting life to the edge, being the wild rebellious woman that I am.", Miranda didn't want to reveal her alias as a Starfleet officer, thus attempted to change the subject "So, no thrilling adventures going on? I myself have just earnt the title of the stations most adventurous woman!" she smiled jokingly and took another sip of her ale.

"Really, then I am truly impressed, for this is a station full of adventurous women." He gave her a smile that said his ribbing was gently meant. "Tell me, is there anything you haven't done that I might assist you with?"

"Well, I don't know much about the Romulans on the station.. Haven't had the pleasure of meeting any besides yourself of course.. What could you tell me about them?"

"That they're all frightfully dull." He took a gusty swig from his glass of ale, finishing it in one gulp. With a slight sway he signalled to a Bajorran man at the bar for a refill. "The ones attached to the embassy have undergone the pre-requisite humor-ectomy and rectoplasty, the ones that aren't are either terribly dull scientists doing exchanges at the Daystrom, or terribly dull engineers doing exchanges at the Dyson yards."

"Not daring travellers like yourself then.. no?" Miranda smirked upon saying this.

"Not at all," he confirmed with a drunken grin. "The Merchant Venturer is something of an oddity in Romulan society. Everyone likes to pretend we don't exist, freewheeling across the quadrant gives us little patience with the traditions extended ritual and deference that tends to stilt business and innovation. The trouble is, what we do serves the empire just as much as the rigid Galae captain or the the subtle senator. Except that most of the military types hate to admit its true." If his grin got any bigger, his face was going to split in two.

"Well, I'm sure they'll get their comeuppance one day for underestimating the valiant traders and courier businesses that the bulk of Empire's GDP, and military spending, depends upon.." Miranda gulped the last of her drink and placed the empty glass onto the bar. A dark-haired barmaid then walked up to the glass and looked at Miranda. "Could I get you another?", Miranda smiled at the woman and spoke softly "Not for me thanks.". The barmaid then took the glass and wandered off to a service another customer. Miranda looked back to Terrh ir-Llunih, "I best be getting off then".

He reached out and put a hand on her knee. Leaning forward there was more than a whiff of the kal-ifal on his breath, "You can't go yet. The night is young."

Miranda quickly sobered upon his touch, "I've got a headache, we can meet up some other time", after sliding his hand off of her knee she quickly stood up from the bar stool.

He caught her arm. "Aww, sweetheart. You're the most adventurous woman on station remember?"

"And you're a daring trader of whom the Star Empire depends on.. Remember?", Miranda pulled the Romulan around her and threw him into the bar. Upon collision a loud crash was heard as he had been thrown into a collection of empty glasses, the Box of Delights came to a sudden stand still as all eyes converged upon the two.

Someone was shouting for security. Ir-Llunih pushed himself away, shaking his head, and then spun sharply to deliver a stinging backhand across Miranda's face.

Miranda recovered from the slap quickly and spun the Romulan around, pushing his face into the broken glass and restraining him by tightly gripping his right arm.

He flailed at her body a couple of times, free hand groping for purchase. Finding done, he grabbed at a glass, and threw it awkwardly back at her, aiming for the face, only to have it shatter against her shoulder.

Miranda fell back from the impact of the glass and relinquished her grip of the Romulan. "Oh, damn", she held the wound in pain.

The Romulan struggled away from her, ready to bitchslap her again, when a smooth skinned gorn who must have weighed 400 kilos hit him like an express train. "Right, mate," he hissed, hauling the shocked Romulan to his feet, and then off the floor entirely. "You are barred."

Leila came running over, with the young Bajoran man carrying the first aid bag. "I'm so sorry. She pressed a bar towel to the cuts. "Are you okay?"

"It'll take more than a low-life Romulan to get rid of me" Miranda stood up and smiled at Leila, "Like I say, this station is my kinda place", the Box of Delights quickly returned to its usual bustling self whilst the Bajoran tended to Miranda's cuts.

Rosh Pelin busied himself for a few moments before putting his kit away. I'd go to Sick Bay, get them to give it the once over. Just in case."

"Thanks for your help" Miranda watched as the Bajoran walked away, then looked to Leila who was standing over by the bar and walked over to her slowly "I'm gonna head off then, hope we can chat again soon!", Miranda gave a reassuring smile to Leila when saying this.

"Take care honey!" Leila put the bloody bar towel in the bin, and waved the operations officer farewell.

Miranda walked back out through the archway after this eventful evening with a sense of pride. She was proud of the impact she had already made on the station and thought to herself, I'm going to like it here, despite the fact she would be destined to show up to one of her first days on official duties aboard the station with a bruised cheek. However, this did not deter her as she made her way into the turbolift. "Computer, take me to the infirmary", the computer beeped in compliance an the doors ran close.

'Terrh ir-Llunih' stumbled away from the Box of Delights when Harry the Gorn Doorman shoved him out onto the promenade. Rounding the corner away from the security station, he straightened up, his drunken gait vanishing in the space between two steps.

Two steps later, and the goatee was peeled away and dumped in a waste receiver, joined a second later by a pair of pointed ear tips. A pair of scissors was pulled from a coat pocket and the long braid cut away. Braid, scissors and coat were all shoved in the next replicator and dissolved into atoms.

By the time Promenade 2-East curved round into 2-South, there was no dark haired Romulan, but a young blonde human male sauntering through the evening crowd, tapping away on a tiny padd/comm combined.

'Terrh ir-Llunih,' let his contact know that the merchandise was on its way, hidden inside a dabo chip from the Box of Delights, on the person of an unwitting courier, heading for Sickbay. He added a brief smirk, Hope your pickpocket skills are up to standard. He checked his bank balance again.

Not bad for an evening's work.


A JP between

Lt. Miranda Aeylon
Chief of Communications

Terrh ir-Llunih
So very Not a romulan

The Box of Delights

NPCs by Yolanthe/Notty