Cascade – From Jail to Bail
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Rakka

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Title   From Jail to Bail
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Rakka
Posted   Sun Mar 03, 2013 @ 6:15pm
Location   Commander Villiers' Office
Timeline   SD 71: 10:30
Trellis stepped off the turbolift onto OPS and grimaced slightly. He could see that Commander Rakka had arrived on OPS before him and was making her way towards the Commander's office. He was not sure why he had been summoned, but if the Commander was present he could assume that it was to discuss something else that she "disapproved" of as "Consultant". He took a deep breathe, squared his shoulders and proceeded towards the Commander's office. Whatever was waiting for him, he was going to deal with it head on.

Rakka glanced at Trellis with disinterest before returning her eyes to Villiers and the strange man in her office.

"Take a seat, if you wish," Karen said to them both, indicating the same with a nod. This meeting was not at her request and she had not yet concluded which side of the matter she was on.

"Commander Rakka, Lieutenant Trellis, thank you for joining us!" Attorney Donovan I'shar said as he arose from his chair to greet both security officers. "I'm certain you two are busy tending to the needs of the station, so I want to thank you both for coming down here." He said as his smile revealed a row of shining white teeth.

Rakka responded with a mild snort, disliking this man's smile immediately.

"I've just been here chatting with your Chief JAG about Lieutenant Commander Gabriel and the matter of h---" Donovan started to say.

"Former Lieutenant Commander," Trellis said pointedly. "That man was stripped of his rank and ejected from Star Fleet, and rightfully so." He added. He was not going to allow that man to maintain undeserved titles.

The Nausicaan glanced again at Trellis, this time with something resembling appreciation. She and Trellis had their issues, but at least they could agree on the matter of Dorian Gabriel.

"Ah. . .yes. . ." Donovan responded, trying to process the awkwardness of the situation. "Be that as it may," He said as he turned to face Villers. "I've been retained by a particular source to represent Mr. Gabriel in his current situation. It is my understanding that his bond has been denied and that he is still sitting in confinement pending trial for some mishap that took place on the promenade?" He asked, while shifting his gaze from Villers to the other two officers.

"Mishap!" Rakka snarled. It seemed a ridiculously small word for the incident she had not witnessed, but read lengthy reports about. She crossed her arms tightly. "Hmph! I'm sure Lieutenant Trellis and I would both be interested to know who your 'particular source' is."

Donovan smiled and laughed, "Commander, I'm certain that everyone here is much much too busy to worry about unimportant details such as that." He said quickly. "But what IS important is the fact that Mr. Gabriel was involved in an incident that was not of his creation." He explained.

"Based on the evidence, uh. . .evidence that I still have not been able to obtain from Security I might add." Donovan said to Villiers, "Mr. Gabriel was participating in a lawful public gathering when individuals from the Romulan Embassy got into a physical altercations with several humans, unarmed humans, to be specific." He stated.

"From there, a crowd began to gather in response to the arrival of armed Romulan guards. A human was attacked and Mr. Gabriel offered non-physical assistance. He was subsequently arrested by station security and promptly placed in the Brig." He summarized.

"Did I state everything correctly?" He asked.

Trellis was not impressed. "Dorian Gabriel nearly caused a riot on the promenade. He was properly charged with inciting a riot and I determined that Bond would not be appropriate considering that he is a flight risk and has made it known how much he hates Romulans." Trellis responded, still standing by the door with his arms crossed. "I"m not about to allow that maniac to freely travel throughout this station and cause a race war just because he doesn't have anything better to do!" Trellis added.

"You appear to be suggesting that the Romulans started it," Karen said disliking his spin. She was familiar with the official report and had seen eyewitness statements. Whilst it may be true that Gabriel did not directly intigate the incident, it was equaloly clear that it was those unarmed humans that Donovan's heart appeared to be bleeding for who provoked the riot. The Romulan guards in question, though armed had not reacted.

Donovan turned his attention from the security officers to the Executive Officer. "Well, I can see that this is proving to be more difficult than I had expected." He said briefly. "Commander, I'm certain that a woman of your legal experience recognize how Lieutenant's concerns, while important to him, fail to meet the legal standard that the Federation applies to all citizens" Donovan said calmly as he leaned back into his chair, focusing his attention on her.

"I'm positive that we *all* wish to uphold the Federation constitution and therefore would never deny a citizen their basic rights. In regards to flight risk, Mr. Gabriel has no other family and his residence for the past five years has been on this station. With his removal from Starfleet he has access to scant resources. Furthermore, I'm sure he would have no problem keeping a *significant* distance from the Romulan Embassy or any attached personal pending his case." Donovan laid out.

"Therefore, I'm unclear as to what outcome Lieutenant Trellis is expecting if this unfortunate hurdle were taken in front of a Federation Magistrate due to security's denial of Mr. Gabriel's right to Due Process." Donovan said in a casual tone, feigning confusion.

"Violation of Due Process!? You can't be ser---" Trellis began to respond.

"Lieutenant Trellis, Commander Rakka," Karen said, her gaze narrowed as it passed from Donovan to the security team, "Personal opinions aside, and adhering purely to the facts, is there evidence of which I am not aware that makes a former Federation Officer a danger to this station? I will also remind you that it is ultimately the courts who have jurisdiction in the matter of bail, not security. If he is truly a danger then he should not be released, but I have yet to see that evidence."

Presenting the challenge and ignoring the oily gaze of Donovan, Karen eased back in her chair and linked her fingers together, resting her joined hands lightly on the edge of the desk. An invitiation for them to make their case.

"Commander, despite what this charlatan has to say, Dorian Gabriel is a menace that deserves to remain confined to the Brig." Trellis asserted strongly. "Since his confinement, there has been no further incidents of civil unrest on this station," He said proudly.

"Well, I'm going to have to disagree with the eager Lieutenant there," Donovan stated as he continued to lean back into the chair.

"He has forgotten the bombing of the Cardassian Embassy, not to mention the curious death of a Cardassian citizen whose body was found OUTSIDE of the Embassy's rubble." He said as he slid a padd across the Commander's desk. (

"Then there is that awful, awful, business of the Underground Fighting Ring that the station's security still hasn't quite resolved." He added, pressing another button on the padd he slid to the Commander. (

"Quite frankly, the station has continued to run at its same dangerous capacity regardless of where Mr. Gabriel was." Donovan said as he steepled his fingers.

"Lieutenant Trellis was perhaps exaggerating," Rakka sighed, shooting him a momentary glare, "but things have been better with Mr. Gabriel confined. Let's not pretend we don't all know that Gabriel is a flagrant racist and most recently identified himself publicly as a human supremacist by taking part as a leader in the aforementioned rally. Having unpopular attitudes is perhaps not a crime in itself, but terrorism is a crime, and there are human supremacist groups in existence that practice terrorist tactics. Gabriel may well have connections to such a group, and IF, for example, such a group was the force providing him with legal aid, this man's source becomes extremely relevant." Rakka pointed a finger at the attorney. "Hence my original concern."

Karen had no time for any of the three this mornign - Trellis defensive and paranoid, Donovan, oozing oil or Rakka, hostile to anyone who looked at her the wrong way.

Her tone cut through the room, "Commander! Before making a statement that might be interpreted as an accusation valid in law, confirm if you have any evidence beyond conjecture that Gabriel is involved in such a movement," she paused briefly then continued, "and if you have such evidence, state why you have not reported it before now."

Rakka flicked her eyes over to Commander Villiers. "I have made no accusations beyond what is already recorded in the reports of the incident on the Promenade. The only reason I have to suspect Gabriel of being connected to something more sinister is this man's elusiveness regarding his source. I feel very strongly that he should be required to divulge it."

"Any interest group may help. Only if there was proven prior association, meaning that the original offence was committed actively on behalf of that group, would there be a vested interest. If not, then there are many, many people who would languish unnecessarily on bail. Unless Mister Donovan cements such a link, there are no grounds," Karen said, her face unwavering.

Rakka looked to Trellis. He knew the reports better than she did. He had been here when she wasn't. ~Come on, back me up here,~ she begged mentally. ~For once, back me up, and do it without sounding like a whining schoolboy.~

Trellis pursed his lips together in frustration as the Commander's tone displayed the amount of patience she had left for this matter. "Commander, despite Commander Rakka's assertions, Gabriel. . Gabriel. . . " Trellis started to say, but the passion and conviction that he previously had in his voice gave way to his desire to avoid the ire of his Senior Officer.

". . I do not think he should be released." Trellis said flatly.

"What makes you qualified to make that decision," Karen contested, "When your opinion is not based on fact?"

"It's just. . .it's just that. . ." Trellis began to say; however, he found it difficult to speak in opposition to the Commander, despite his strong desire to see Gabriel remain in jail for a long, long time.

"You are correct, my decision was not based upon definitive evidence." He commented. "However, I believe that. . .it. . .it would be, that is, I would. . " he tried to explain, but was cut off.

Karan nodded to herself as she listened and glanced down at her linked hands. She had no love for Donovan or his approach, and wondered at his particular interest in the case. It was true that Gabtiel's case was up for review anyway and even without Donovan pushing she would have reached the same conclusion. The security representatives present had raised issue with Donovan's interest in the case, and as their XO it was her duty to follow up on that.

"Attorney Donovan," she said swinging her gaze up, "What is your particular interest in this case, or rather what is the interest of your sponsor?" she asked. He could not be forced to reveal names, but if the motivation was suspect then she might change her mind.

Donovan smiled in response. "Commander, I believe our interests are one and the same in this matter." He replied. "To see that justice is served to *all* citizens of the Federation and not just those that we like, but to those that we hate as well." He added.

"Or am I wrong in assuming that our interests coincide?" He asked pointedly.

Karen did not answer that. "You are an agent acting on behalf of another," she stated, "precedent gives me the right to know the nature of your agency. You may tell me in private if you prefer, but I will not grant bail until the facts are in my hands."

That was it. Take it, or leave it.

Donovan was afraid it would come to this. He turned to the gathered security officers. "I apologize, but the Commander and I have . . .delicate matters to discuss. IF you could excuse us, please." He smiled.

"Wait here, please," Karen said to Trellis and Rakka as she rose. She extended an arm and guided Donovan towards the door. Captain Tahir was not in her ready room at the moment. They could use that for their discussion.

Rakka let out a sigh of relief as the pair left the room. She had been sure Villiers was going to utterly dismiss Trellis's concerns after his moronic stammerings.

"Well done back there," she muttered, knowing there was no wisdom or purpose of any kind in provoking the easily-rattled Trellis, but she couldn't seem to resist. "You have such an eloquent way of expressing your thoughts."

Trellis turned sharply towards Rakka. "I respect the chain of command, Commander! It is not my place to try to contradict the Commander's orders." He fired back. "Besides. . ." he said as he turned back towards the viewing port. "I...I. . .did my best to explain Security's. . . .position." He said with less bravado.

"Your best needs work," Rakka snarled.


Ten minutes later they returned. Karen resumed her seat and looked from Rakka to Trellis and back again.

"Bail is agreed for Dorian Gabriel. When you return to Security he will be released. He is denied transit rights and is bound to report to security every thirty six hours. Questions?" Karen said linking her fingers beneath her chin.

Rakka let out a harsh breath. For the sake of all that was holy, how could it have come to this? She clenched both fists and braced herself for Trellis to flip his lid.

Trellis merely sighed deeply and loudly, but kept his comments to himself.

Donovan smiled as he walked back into the room and reached for his padd. "I appreciate you all taking the time to listen to reason and common sense." He stated as he extended his hand towards Commander Rakka.

The Nausicaan glared at the hand, and then at the man. She then turned to Commander Villiers, speaking as if Donovan hadn't uttered a word. "Will those be the only restrictions on Mr. Gabriel's activities?" she asked.

The smallprint. The details she and Donovan had not discussed. It was a valid question. "He will also not be permitted to take part in public gatherings or activities such as protests or political meetings," Karen replied.

Donovan sighed inwardly. "Yes, that is a slight drawback. . .until this unpleasantness has been resolved, Mr. Gabriel's freedoms will be curtailed." He said as he collected his Padd and began to walk to the door. "I'll have the appropriate paperwork transmitted to your office shortly, Lieutenant." He said to the quietly fuming Security Chief in the corner.

"It was a pleasure working with you all!" Donovan said with that familiar smile as he exited the room.

Rakka ran her hands through her hair and sighed. "Well... we have our orders."


Commander Karen Vliiers
Executive Officer

Donovan I'shar
Attorney for Dorian Gabriel
(NPC Thom)

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Commander Rakka
Security Consultant/Trainer