Beg, Steal or Borrow – Family (Part 2)
by Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Family (Part 2)
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Thu Aug 27, 2009 @ 4:14pm
Location   DS5 Docking Ring
Timeline   MD10 22.30
Dunham had been standing buy the airlock to the main docking bay for a good hour. He was getting a visitor. Not a wholly unexpected visitor, a welcomed visitor, but a not a convenient time visitor. His niece Kim. Daughter of his only sister and her strained husband.

She Had run away from her home and mother just before her mother was about to go on what ever business those starfleet Intel types did that was so important that she couldn't take the time to come and get her. But she was, and being a startfleet officer in intelligence she knew exactly where her daughter had run off to. Straight to Deep space five. To her uncle Rick.

Dunham had pleaded with his sister to get their mother to look after her, knowing full well that she loved her grand daughter to bits. But she was a starfleet captain and her starship was in another quadrant. Dunham had briefly mused on maybe contacting Kim's farther but he nor his sister had heard from him in several years. Not since they had split up and if his sister wanted to contact him he was sure she had the strings to get in contact with any Marine where ever they were.

But he didn't know what transport she was on and their were allot of transports and space craft arriving at the space station tonight. So Dunham had camped outside the main airlock waiting for her to turn up.

He was drifting away in his own thoughts so didn't see her coming when the small thirteen year old blond blur rugby tackled him with a great big hug. "It's so good to see you again uncle Rick!"

Dunham returned the the hug. He couldn't help be happy to see the only kid in his family. "How you doing kiddo? You've got your mum worried sick running off like that.

Her tone changed and her face so similar to her mothers but with those piercing green eyes of her farther scrunched up in a sign of discontent. "What the hell does she care!" She crossed her arms. In that determined I am right and you and wrong stance that only a teenager of thirteen could pull.

"You ran away Kim. Of course she cares. She is your mother." Dunham picked up the kids duffel bag and slung it over his shoulder. "Come on." he said indicating with a nod of his head to take the corridor out of the busy funfair that had become the main airlock.

"Hungry? I know this nice little Italian place. Got recommended to me buy a friend. Does great pizza."

"Mum said you like your junk food" said Kim her eyes rolling.

After a small tour around the station they both sat down to a late dinner. Dunham tucked into a large pizza.
with his mouth half full he tried to subtly ask in his own way why his niece had run away from her mum. "So why did you runaway?"

"I don't want to talk about" she said back simply.

Dunham gave a shrug of his shoulders thinking to himself that it would be better to approach this subject at another time.
"Ok then. But if your gonna live under my roof. You're going follow my rules. Ok. You are going to school..." he raised his hand at the inevitable squeal of protest from his niece.
"If you go to school i'll teach you to fly."

She gave a smile and hugged him across the table. "Yeah! ok your got yourself a deal."