Things Past – A bit of a homecoming
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   A bit of a homecoming
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sat Dec 08, 2012 @ 3:13pm
Location   Cardassian Embassy
Timeline   SD 58 - 0500 {BACKP POST}
The door s parted and the Cardassian Legate walked into the outer foyer of the embassy with a careful and calm stride. It had been a while since he had stepped foot within the area. Although it was Cardassian soil and thus his "home", he still thought the temperature was off and the place slightly unkempt.

He could surely do a better job.

Lemat smiled politely, despite the Legate's previous history with Tharek. "Hello Legate, how can I help you today?" She asked, in a very receptionist manner.

Hydel smiled to he young woman. "Yes, my dear, I am here to see Tharek." he said informally. "He won't be expecting me, I'm sure." He said with a continued smile.

"I'm sure." She mimiced harmlessly, as she pressed the intercomm. "Vi'kar Gul, Legate Turvan here to see you." She said as she finished the comm. "Go straight through, I'm sure he's thrilled to see you Legate."

Hydel gave a warm and inviting smile to the younger woman. "Oh my dear, the real reason I come all the way up here is just to bask in the radiance of your beauty." He said as he slowly walked towards the Ambassador's doors.

The doors opened for the Legate as he stepped closer. Inside the room was the Vi'kar Gul, sitting in the darkness. "Hydel, what an immaculate pleasure, as always." He said through gritted teeth.

"Tharek, oh please, don't trouble yourself with getting up on my behalf." Hydel said sarcastically as he entered the expansive room.

"What the hell do you want 'Legate'." Tharek said with a short and sharp tone of annoyance in his voice.

"A pleasure to see you too, 'Ambassador'" Hydel responded with obvious contempt as he made his way to the wet bar and reached for a glass.

"I'm actually here because I have word that one of your favorite individuals will be visiting the station." He said as he poured the thick viscous liquid into his glass.

"Please, help yourself." Getal spoke as he rose himself to the bar, and poured himself his own drink.

"Gul Tekor of course." Hydel said with slight enjoyment. He knew that name itself was like a searing pole in the eye of the Cardassian.

"Gul Tekor?" The Ambassador asked in mild surprise, confused as to what debauchery Tekor went through to secure his previous rank.

"Yes, you heard correcly, 'Gul'" Hydel said informatively. "It appears your former subordinate has regained his rank and title with the Cardassian Military." Hydel commented as he brought the glass to his lips and took a drink.

"It means nothing Hydel. I am still the leading member of the Cardassian military in this quadrant. No Gilnn or Gul is beyond me. Even the Legate rank, why the Detepa council held that damned title is beyond me."

"Because," he began as he took a sip from his glass. "The Council recognizes the need for finese and a certain level of intellect to carry on the work of the Cardassian people. My work in establishing the current treaty with Felitian Prime is STILL the topic of discussion with the diplomatic channels." Hydel said, referencing the planet.

The establishment of the treaty meant that the planet had become a major supplier of dilithium and trilithium to Cardassia. The connection had allowed Cardassian to supply its outer colonies and begin to establish a presenece outside of the inner Cardassian systems.

"Unlike you, I choose to spend my time bettering the lot of our people instead of galavanting around with women of. . .various moral standards." He said intently.

"By the way, how is that colorful comfort girl of yours? I hear she had a tough time in jail after murdering that assistant of hers." He said with a slight smirk.

Tharek balled his hand and grit his teeth to stop himself flying into Hydel. "I will show you a certain amount of respect and hospitality in my complex Legate, I expect you to do the same. As one Cardassian to another, regardless of rank, title or family." He smiled, but not one of malice or of joy, Tharek smiled neutrally at the Legate, a smile that revealed nothing, yet told him everthing Getal wanted him to know.

~His complex. . .~ Hydel scoffed inwardly for a brief moment.

Hydel swallowed slowly as he observed the heightened reaction of the other Cardassian. The balled-up fists, the increased rate of breathing. If he didn't know any better, he would have sworn that Getal was about to strike him.

"I'm surprised, Getal. I haven't seen emotion like this out of you since. . .Imanil I believe." he said as he took another sip from the cool glass. "Hmmm, Imani . . .such a poised and dignified woman. My. . .how things have changed since she left us." he said while in full thought.

"Back to my current matters," Hydel said as he walked away from the stern Cardassian and sat in one of the chairs near Getal's desk.

"Gul Tekor's presence could prove to be interesting, considering what happened during his tenure as the Prefect of Free Haven. Now to see him on *your* station of all places with a returned rank. One might wonder what agenda was at play." Hydel said with that same smirk of his.

"Firstly Hydel. You know that Imanil chose me and I her. There is no need to bring her into any of this between us. What we do, we do without bringing her into this." Tharek said with a solemn look. "Gul Tekor's presence on this station has little to no concern to me. The Prefect of Free Haven. Gul or not, last time I checked Vi'kar Gul surpasses most ranks. He wouldn't dare make a move without me knowing about it. Not without risking too much."

"What will you do when he undoubtedly comes to see you?" Hydel inquired.

"He is a Cardassian, I will treat him with the same respect I have shown you in my consulate. Outside the walls him, and you, are people I expect to see when I look over my shoulder." Getal put his glass down and moved over to Turvan. And done something completely unexpected; he put a hand on the Legate's shoulder. "We may hate each other to the ends of the galaxy and the one beyond that. But you and him are still Cardassian. And I will be damned on the day I turn a Cardassian away from their own soil."

The gentle hand on his shoulder felt like the handle attached to a scolding pot of water. What was a ordinarily a simple gesture seemed more feverent by the very nature of who had given it.

Was this not the same Tharek Getal who had made a career out of war? Was this not the same Cardassian used pain in the same manner a painter used his brush?

But now, the Cardassian was extended a hand of friendship in some sort of familial bond.

It was a ploy, undoubtedly. Nonetheless he was more disgusted by the mere touching than anything else.

"I'm touched. . .deeply, Tharek." Hydel responded. "Perhaps you should. . ."

Before he could finish he was interupted by the intercom of Tharek's assistant.


Hydel Turvan

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador