Judgement – ...and Burn (Runaboaut Thames)
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   ...and Burn (Runaboaut Thames)
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Sun Jan 30, 2011 @ 9:40am
Location   Feltor Prime
Timeline   SD36

"Forty five seconds to target, sir." He said with a joyful smirk on his face though there was still the concern that this may not work.

Mathew displayed no emotion instead focusing on what was happening and hoping this would give them some kind of base to begin planning something.

"Good. Firstly we need to find out what they've been up to. I don't think diplomacy in this case will work but we still need to try, and get our people out alive."

Harris continued to scan both the relay station and nearby space.
"Sir," He referred to the diplomatic officer, "the ion trail seems to have worked. Still unable to find any humanoid lifeform readings inside the station." He turned to look at Alicia, who stared right back at him. "Shall we prepare transporters or docking manoeuvres?" He asked tentatively.

Mathew thought for a moment about there options for a moment then laughed internally. -Mathew I thought we went into diplomacy among other things to avoid these situations and keep Totti safe? Ah well I have missed this!
Mathew sat forward again "Mr Harris." He began inquisitively "If we dock how fast can we get away, if we were targeted by another weapon or something?"

"One moment sir," Bill requested as he studied the docking ring.
It was not quite suitable for the shuttle to connect with, not being of Federation standard. "running some checks," He advised as he tapped at the console, "mm, docking would be possible, but that docking port is not universal, so the seal would not be perfect, so under the circumstances, I think we have answered my own question." Harris stated turning around in his chair to face the officer and his aide. "Transporters are the safest recourse. Yeoman, do you know how to monitor transporter controls?" He asked sincerely hoping she knew so that he could have a closer look aboard the relay station.

"Yes Sir" Alicia replied, pleased and relieved to finally find something she could be of use with.

Mathew smiled a smile of relief that Ms York did know how.
He picked up a tricoder and a phaser, opened and closed the tricoder then set the phaser to max stun. He then walked over to the transporter padd watching Harris.
He raised his eyebrows questioningly "Ready Mr Harris?"

Bill dove out of his seat enthusiastically and took a phaser and tricorder form the store rack. Setting the phaser to stun, he set them upon his waist and joined the Lieutenant on the transporter.
Turning to the diplomat, "Ready sir." With a grin as wide as a Cheshire cat, more than eager to get across to the relay station he looked at the yeoman and waited for the Lieutenant to give the order.

Mathew could sense and see the enthusiasm radiating off Harris and could understand it. After all they had been in a shuttle for nearly 14 hours. He had to admit having a walk around would be good.
Mathew looked at Alicia "Energise!". As his molecules were starting the transformation into energy Mathew remembered the last time he had been transported. That was an emergency transport, a little more disorientating. The starting off a transport he never enjoyed.

Alicia put in the co-ordinates carefully and waited anxiously for the mark to go. When instructed, she energised the system and it crackled rather alarmingly to life. She boosted the power by diverting from the main backups, hoping to smooth out the ragged nature of the way it was functioning. Once they were safely there, she set about re-routing a better supply from auxiliaries to ensure she could get them back.

It had never occurred to Bill to check if there were lights in the relay station, but this as pitch blackness and he could not see a millimetre ahead of him. All he saw for now, was the sparkles in his eyes that he had only noticed once before as an after effect of molecular transport and that coupled with the darkness totally disorientated him.
"Sir?" He whispered, unsure if Mathew was close by as all he could hear was soft breathing and that could have belonged to anybody. "Is that you?" He questioned and hoped that it was.

It was not. "Put down your weapon" came a voice from ahead of him.

"Now" added a voice to the left.

There was a query from Mathew from behind so it clearly wasn't him. "Harris?" he asked.

"And you too!" the first voice added on hearing Toti behind Harris.

Bill swallowed. He could not make out anything in the pitch blackness of the unfamiliar surroundings. The walls, if any, could be giving false echos of the strange voices and pinpointing them was difficult. The fact that they didn't know that Mathew was behind him, gave him an inkling that they could not see much either but they had the upper hand in knowing the layout of their own station.

Bill eased himself onto his bended knee, applying the slightest of pressure to the trigger.

"Who is that? Identify yourself." Bill ordered, hoping to locate the position of at least one of the voices that seemed to be ahead of him and hoped that the Diplomat was also targeting the second voice, apparently to their left.

Civall was pleased with his idea of turning off the lights, he didn't expect the runabout to beam anyone over though, especially with their masked life signatures. He and Mealate were equally matched but he hoped they could intimidate the federation intruders. "Drop them now! Or you will be hurt."

This mission just got better and better Mathew thought to himself.
Mathew wouldn't pull out his phaser for fear of the setting light exposing his position.
He reached out with his mind, he could sense two people a male and female. The male in charge and confident. He gathered up his own fear and attempted to put it into the male. "Harris I'm here! There's two of them!" Mathew yelled as he quietly moved to the right and then squatted down.

~ Just two? ~ He thought to himself as he dropped down to his belly.

"In the interest of nobody getting hurt, why don't you just turn on the lights and then we can talk?" Bill said with a loud clear voice, not sure if they would or just open fire anyhow. "That way, nobody will be hurt." He wondered what weapons they held, if any.

Civall laughed and put his hand on the light panel ready to reactivate the lighting.
"Put down your weapons and we will..." At that moment he activated the lights and scanned the room, "TALK!"

Mathew was unable to properly lock on to the first person and insert the fear.
The lights activated and Mathew fired at the closer second person. She fell down with a loud thump.

Civall was taken a back he didnt know what to do. He looked at his lover's killer.
"No..." He yelled in anger for his lover. "You've killed her!"
He looked down at his weapon and set it to vaporize, then aimed it at his head preparing to take his own life.



The Cast

Runabout Tyne - Crashed on the planet
Operations: Petty Officer Garan (Notty NPC)
Science: Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Medical: Lieutenant JG Ben Kensington (Jools NPC)
Tactica/Helm: Lieutenant Michael Duquesne (Thom NPC)

On a diplomatic ship (Runabout Thames) -
Diplomacy: Lieutenant Mathew Totti
Flight/Weapons - PO3C William Harris (Giving support to Mat) (Mark NPC)
Diplomatic Aide: Yeoman Alicia York ( " " " ) (jools NPC)

Nautilus (Engineering support) -
Engineering: Lieutenant Bruce Freeman
Master Chief Mike White - Engineering Assistant

Feltor Prime - in support of the Federation
Cornelian Pring - leader of the Feltor And Federation movement. (Louise NPC)

Feltor Prime - the new regime
Onaran Whissst (Louise NPC)

Relay Station
Civall & Mealate (Mat NPC)