Beg, Steal or Borrow – Sole Responsibility
by Lieutenant Aieron Peters

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Title   Sole Responsibility
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Aieron Peters
Posted   Sun Mar 15, 2009 @ 11:54pm
Location   Upper Shield Generators, Deck 59
Timeline   SD8 15:30 (Backpost)
Aieron stepped out of the turbolift, and began to jog down the dusty, dimly lit corridor. It was a little way till he got to the maintainable hatch that had been left open down here.
His was the responsibility to ensure that all the damage to the generatorswas corrected, before the station became fully operable again.
He lifted the hatch further upwards, the hinge stiff, he had to exert more than the usual amount of force to open it, before it finally gave way and yielded.
The smell of burnt carbon was highly pungent, so much so, that it went straight to Aierons throat, causing him to cough and his eyes to water.
~Made a right mes in here~ He thought to himself, as he switched on his wrist light.
Something scurried away, just out of his eye line. He swung his torch to the right, aiming low, expecting to see a rat, not the child that huddled into the corner.

"Hello!" Aieron exclaimed, bringing himself down to his knees and the childs' height. "And what are you doing down here?" He questioned keeping his voice soft and light so as to not frighten the child any further.
The child was clothed, but not in the sense that Peters recognised. It appeared to be a hemp like shirt and red shorts. He could not tell if it were a boy or a girl from the way in which it were dressed, but its eyes were of the deepest blue that he had seen in a long time.

The child was frightened, it looked both ways, looking for escape as its eyes darted left and right.

Aieron inched forward, placing his PADD on the floor, but keeping the light pointing upward, so it was not in the childs face.

"It's OK, I won't hurt you, I want to help." He said, as the child suddenly sprang forward, leaping over the COOs head as Aieron felt something cold in his chest, to be replaced with a moist warmth.
He spun around, the child was now behind him. Aieron looked down, his hand coming to just below his shoulder where he had been struck by the child.
He looked up, bringing the flashlight to the childs hands and could see blood dripping of a 4" blade, scalpel like in shape, with a hooked end.
He tapped his chest.
"Sickbay........" And fell backwards, it was not just a cut, bit some fast acting poison as well.


COO: Lt Aieron Peters

OOC: This is my last post, as I am leaving DS5 for the foreseeable future.
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