Unity – Meeting the Captain
by Lieutenant JG Petro & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Meeting the Captain
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Jan 20, 2010 @ 11:27pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD16 19:40

Halderon Ziggler returned to the station on the shuttle craft. He and several other civilians had been evacuated during the conflict and he took the first one he could get on to return. He was sure there were people there that may need his help but having been absent through the ordeal he wouldn't know where to start. He decided that the best person to ask would be the person with the most on their shoulders. That was Captain Tahir.

On his way up to see her he decided to stop and get himself a cup of coffee first. That always seemed to help the day seem a little bit normal. He took a seat on the promenade where he could see what people were doing. Out of context they looked like a scattering of commotion with no order, rhyme or reason.

Commander Davies was making a short stop along the Promenade, somewhere he rarely had the chance the visit but felt the need for a fresh ground coffee and he had heard that despite the shop also being a bookstore and the owner being a bit outlandish, the coffee was superb. If it wasn't, Mr Rushtone would hear about it soon enough.

He was stood reading the shops signs and it only took a few seconds to find the one he was looking for. Shaking his head, he moved towards the olde worlde looking store and saw a gentleman sat on one of the seats outside.

"Excuse me, but can I ask you if that coffee came from this shop?" He enquired politely.

Halderon looked up at the man speaking and smiled. "That it did." He said. "A non-replicated Mocha Java with an Espresso shot. Italian blend too I believe."

Davies wet his lips with this tongue. "Sounds good, thank you." He replied with a nod and entered the shop.

There was a mustiness to the poorly interior, that came with old books and he stood looking down the menu that was on offer. The manager was not in sight and the store was devoid of any other persons.

Davies slowly scanned the room, from the glass display cabinet to the weird machine that produced the coffee and a variety of other hot drinks to the dark wooden shelves that held a myriad of books ranging in colours and sizes, around to the four glass tables with 2 silver chairs attached to each of them to the door he had just entered and back to the serving counter, where an old gent of rapidly ageing years stood.
His grey hair fell about his shoulder in long wavery locks and the waistcoat which was stained adorned his chest and the beginnings of a red and white striped apron were attached to his expanding waistline.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you." David said mildly shocked.

"No problemo! What can I get you Commander?" The man said in a strange accent.

"Uh, a Doppio Con Panna please." David requested as he the man spun about with a 'See'

David smiled to himself and watched as the man took a long cup from the stack to the left of the machine and began to make his order.

The polished silver machine was set into motion as the man twiddled with taps and levers and in just a few short seconds, the cup was placed on the glass counter top onto a small paper doily and then the Pièce de résistance, the whipped cream, was spooned onto the top and the cup pushed to the edge of the counter for Davies to retrieve.

"For you, on dee 'ouse commander." The man smiled warmly at Davies.

"Thank you very much." Davies said as he reached for the coffee and tentatively held it to his nose.
He breathed in the sweet coffee aroma and it danced upon every follicle of his nose and sense. "Smells divine." He applauded.

"Your welcome! Please do come again." The man said with an accent change.

Davies smiled back to the gent and tipped his head in thanks and eased himself out of the shop.

Outside, the numbers of people were the same and the man on the bench was sat watching them go by.

"Do you mind if I join you?" He asked as he stood just to the right of the man.

"Please." Hal replied, gesturing to the seat next to him.

"Cheers." He said as the man moved to the left to allow Davies to sit. "It never fails to impress me, the Promenade." he said as a conversation starter whilst his lips met with the coffee. The taste was as heavenly as the smell. The cream soft and pure and the coffee itself was strong and fresh on his palette. "Mmm, this is great coffee, far better than replicated." He said turning to the man.

"Far better." Hal replied. "I had been looking forward to coming here again to savor another cup." He looked out at the Promenade and at the people that milled about. "It's quieter today then the last time I was here, though I understand that recently things were not quite so quiet."

"Last time?" Davies queried, "You come down here often?" He continued, sipping at the creamed layer on his coffee, giving him a mock white moustache onto his upper lip.

A dwarf like man walked by and stared at Davies, as though he were not supposed to be on 'his' promenade, though he said nothing as he went by he kept turning back to look over his shoulder, to see if the commander had moved.

Halderon noticed the interaction and made a mental note of it. "I was here twice before. The last time just after the temporal anomoly before I was evacuated with some of the others. I didn't get to spend much time here during that instance. The time before that was just prior to an assignment." He explained.

Davies had also noticed but chose to ignore the stare. "Mm, that was a a it strange but thanks to our scientific team, we managed to get past it with a little help from the USS Sarek and some others as well." He smiled to himself, thinking they were more than just lucky. "So what do you do?" He asked as he turned his body towards the man and added, "Sorry, I'm Commander Davies and you?" He asked taking a longer sip of the coffee that was cooling fast.

"Halderon Ziggler." He replied, tipping his cup slightly towards the Commander. "What I do now is pretty much nothing. I'm somewhat retired." He smiled and took a drink of his now cooling coffee. "I was hoping I might be able to speak with Captain Tahir. Is she around?"

~Ziggler, Ziggler ~ David ruminated over the surname. he had heard of it before, but could not quite place why or where. He relished another sip of the coffee before answering.
"Captain Tahir is on her way back from Earth. Due back in 2 or 3 days, depending on how much speed she can get out of the Castor." He turned a little more towards Ziggler. "Your name, it's not a common name and I know I have heard it before, but for the life of me I cannot think in which context.

Another taller man, dirtier in appearance walked past and he also stared at Davies, but this man was much more sinister than the dwarf. His eyes were set back into his skull, his pallor was grey beneath the dirt and the long coat could easily hide a weapon.

Hal watched the taller man, his facial expressions and his lockset eyes. There was something mischevious about him, as though he had planned something already and was making sure the target was in sight. "You may have heard it in a file." He said absently. "I used to work at Starfleet Headquarters."

David stared back, easing himself around on the bench as Halderon replied, but David was not listening.
Instinct took over as David set the coffee cup down on the deck at his feet and he chided himself for coming onto the promenade without a weapon, but as Commander, until now, he didn't think that a coffee stop had warranted one.

"Sorry Mr Ziggler, but I have a very strange feeling something is just not right here this evening." He said as he turned back to Halderon, who was also watching the tall man stride away, speeding up his pace.

"I'd have to concur. He has the look of someone who expects things to get very busy very quickly." Hal said.

"I agree wholeheartedly." David responded easily to the suggestion. "Do you have anywhere else you need to be?" He enquired, standing and tapping at his comm.

"Anywhere but here at the moment."

"Good, then I am fairly sure you won't mind." =^= "Ops, Initiate site to site on my comm. 2 to beam to Operations and have Promenade Administrators on standby." =^=

=^= "At once Commander." =^= Rushtone replied and within a heartbeat, the 2 men were stood just outside Operations.

"I appreciate the precaution Commander." Hal said.

"My pleasure Mr Ziggler. I suggest you get yourself set up with some quarters, even if it's only temporary. I suspect that there is something going on involving the Promenade and I will get station security to check it out." David extended his hand. "Thank you for your company." He said.

"And for yours Commander." Hal replied, accepting the offered hand.

David gave Halderon a solemn nod and he had a feeling that they would meet again, and soon.
He spun about and with a speedier than usual pace, headed up to his office.

Hal watched as the Commander went to his office. He was a confident man who seems to be finding his place. Hal was fairly certain that the man was more comfortable on the battlefield than in the barracks, as the saying goes. He looked around the room, and saw the quartermasters office. He headed straight there. No time like the present to get situated.


Commander David Davies

Halderon Ziggler