Incommunicado – Space is Infinite...Except in the DS5 Hanger bay
by Commander Richard Dunham & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Space is Infinite...Except in the DS5 Hanger bay
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Mon Apr 16, 2012 @ 7:26am
Location   'The Barn' Fighter Command & Operations
Timeline   SD57 09.30

The fighter bay was a hub of activity, pilots where getting in and out of their fighter planes, small fighters where being placed in to launching tubes that shot the fighters directly into space. Pits opened up to the mechanics shops in decks below as they lifted ships in and out of the hanger bay. The far wall was one massive force field and looked out into the main hanger proper, where civilian and starfleet starships docked for repairs and maintenance. Engine parts and wing sections where held in blue hazy field stasis in mid air above space fighters as they where re-armed. Above the hanger bay uniformed starfleet officer walked across criss crossing suspension walkways at the centre of which was a series of rooms containing training simulators, offices, briefing rooms and tactical planning rooms. But Rick was in the thick, under a Valkyrie with a sonic he never saw or heard him coming.

"You, flyboy." A tall Cardassian laid a solid hand firmly down onto the fighter as he called under to Dunham. "Stand."

There was a muffled noise from under the ship and Rick came rolling out from under the small craft. He took one look at the Cardassian and wen't "Hmmmm." He stood himself up, thinking to himself as he did that since Gabriel had left security had become rather laxed, the Cardassian wouldn't of got in when Gab was in charge. Rich brushed himself off and smiled wearily. "That was a relatively nice hello...who are you and what have you done with Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal?"

"Shut up." Getal shot back quickly. "I want you to clear room for the following vessel, your fighters are clogging up my space."

"What following vessel Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal?" replied Rick incredibly politely almost, but not quite reaching condescending.

"This following vessel." Getal said, as he threw over a Cardassian PaDD to the Human. "Make the arrangements, and make them fast. I will not look lightly on delays."

"So the Cardassians are finally building a new ship, it probably would of come in handy during that war you lost..." it was a rhetorical statement, Rick was just chatting away as he read the Specs on the Padd " The specifications on this PaDD all say classified, can you at least type the dimensions into this so i know how much room to make?" said Rick passing him the PaDD

Getal took the PaDD from him, almost as if a child snatching a toy away. He made a few taps onto the device and threw it back for Rick to catch. "There."

Rick mulled over the data with a thoughtful nod "impressive" he said...he wondered if due to its size the Cardassian was making up for something. "Don't worry Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal will make the room for you." He had just the place in mind, he'd move all the marine fighter squads, make it the Colonels problem instead. "shouldn't be a problem" he smiled.

Tharek eyed the mans smile suspiciously. "Listen, Commander." The word fell from Getal's mouth as if it actually pained the Cardassian to say it. "Get this done quickly, with no hiccups or after effects, and I'm off your back for good. A gesture of good will, to show that our past misunderstanding was, well, just that. A misunderstanding." The lizard smiled, an eery and almost dreadful sight that was full of deceit and malevolent intent. But, he knew he had to get people on the Humans good side before Rh'vaurek showed up. Which reminds me. Where is that damned Raedheol?

"Of Course Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal" lied the CAG through a smile. This request was going straight to the XO.


Cardassian Consulate Ambassador
Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham