Intermission – Gone Chopin. Be Bach in a minuet
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Gone Chopin. Be Bach in a minuet
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Sun Aug 18, 2013 @ 7:30am
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD 73 - shortly after "A New Arrival (Unfortunately)"

"Mommy, I thought Daddy was off duty. Wasn't he supposed to take us out to eat now that the crazy bad stuff is all done?"

Ceridwen looked down at the mop of red hair at her side. "Daddy is helping Commander P'Trell with something for Drakt. So for the time being I thought we could do some shopping, and he can catch up later."

Bounding ahead a little ways, Gwendolyn spun on her heals, "Can we get something to eat, too?"

"You JUST had lunch! There cannot possibly be anymore room in there, unless you have a hollow leg the docs have been hiding from me for the last six years." Ceridwen joked, wondering how her daughter managed to pack away more than a platoon of Marines while staying the size of a pin.

Before the little girl could respond, a booming baritone echoed over the hustle and bustle of the shopping district. "Major, I must protest. You will report in to starbase command, immediately."

A hissing laugh reminiscent of a tea kettle came out of Drant's snout. "Allow me to enlighten you Mr. P'Trell. You and I are the same rank. You do not have any authority on this facility. And so, if I say I want to find a hasperat stand on this backwater, Emperor forsaken hell hole on the edge of nowhere - that is what I am going to do." After a moment, he glanced up at Steve and added, "No offense, Mr. Wyman."

"Uh - still taken, Major. Deep Space 5 may be out on the frontier, but she's a first class facility. And I may be new here, but I'm in charge of keeping her in the excellent shape she's in." Wyman was fighting back an urge to yell, but he didn't want to draw any further attention.

"Well from the looks of this place, you have some double shifts to pull." Drant added smugly, hoping to see steam come out of the engineers ears.

Instead, he was tackled by a sugar powered ball of red hair accelerated to what seemed to be pretty close to light speed. "DRAKTY!" Gwendolyn shrieked, throwing her arms around Drant's neck as they fell to the deck in a pile of arms and legs.

Stifling a laugh at how quickly the vaunted Zarnac Marine was bested by a six year old Human girl, Steve pulled his daughter loose. "Uh, baby girl, that's not Drakt. This is Major Drant. He's here from Starfleet Command."

Though Gwen normally didn't have an issue telling Drakt from An'ta and Rhe'la, in the heat of the moment she had gotten confused. "Sorry Major. I thought you were Drakty."

"I noticed." Drant deadpanned as he picked himself up off the deck, brushing his uniform off once he was back to his feet. "Frankly I am insulted that you mistook me for that miscreant. Are you inferring that all Zarnac look alike?"

Placing himself between the Marine and two thirds of the Wyman clan, P'Trell rested a hand on his sidearm. "Come off it, Drant - she's a child. If you have an issue with her, take it up with me."

"Well, someone's touchy..." Drant muttered. "I meant no offense."

Right then, Ceridwen came running up. "Oh, thank the Great Bird of the Galaxy. Gwen let out a scream and took off like a shot - I couldn't keep up with her to save my life. But apparently she saw her Daddy and couldn't contain her... oh. Hello, Major." she trailed off upon seeing Drant.

"I am truly feeling the love in this room. Senior Chief Wyman - you're looking as lovely as ever. For a Human." The sarcasm was positively dripping from Drant's tongue as he looked up at Welshy.

Instinctively, she pulled Gwen in close, taking a position between Drant and her daughter. "What the HELL is he doing here. I don't trust him around Gwen. AND he's a security risk!"

Drant clasped his gloved hands behind his back and glared at Welshy. "I'm standing right here, Senior Chief. I CAN hear you."

"Yeah, she knows. Sir." Steve glared back. "Now, lets get you your damn hasperat."

Lt. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineer

Also (in order of appearance)...

Gwendolyn Wyman
Impetuous youth

SCPO Ceridwen Wyman
Engineer's Mate

Lt. Cmdr. Sharas P'Trell
Deputy Chief of Intelligence
Starbase 182

Provisional Major Drant, Son of the Twenty-forth House
Starfleet Intelligence