Judgement – Something is missing
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Something is missing
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sun Dec 05, 2010 @ 10:37pm
Location   Intelligence office
Timeline   SD 35 0700

The junior intel staff were sitting around the bullpen waiting for Lieutenant Wallace to show up, John was preoccupied his coffee, Martina was reading something and Rhiana was looking bored. The trio almost tripped over each other when they heard someone come into the room, realizing it was Chief Ayers they became concerned. "Wheres' the Lieutenant?" Craig asked.

"We were going to give a few more minutes then go looking" Martina spoke first.

"Did any of you bother to check his office?" Craig said with total annoyance.

"Hes' not there Chief" John said "I thought he turned off his communicator so I didn't ask the computer to locate him either."

"So hes' either not on the station or his comm badge is off, did anyone think to go down to his quarters?"

"I stopped by on my way in, he wasn't there, Ms McKenzie thought he was at the gym, which he wasn't." Rhiana chimed in.

Now even the chief was confused, "Computer pull last nights incoming transmission file, filter out anything not for Lieutenant Wallace."

The display showed only one message, and it was encrypted under red three protocol which meant no one on the station could open the file accept for command or Jarred, the four figures stood around the table looking at each other, they knew something was wrong, but with out the proper counter codes the message could be meaningless, Chief Ayers and the three junior officers just sat there, "What the hell do we do now?" John finally spoke.

"Most of the senior staff are tied up with either the trial or other things, so we can't exactly do anything until late this afternoon, which could be too late." Martina added.

The Cheif wasn't as convinced this was a simple matter, "Computer Command coded seven nine Omega three Pi break" Craig paused "I hope that code hasn't been erased."

The Chiefs' gamble paid off as the computer display showed exactly what he needed to know, but not specifics which meant that Jarred was briefed en-route too the emergency, as he looked over the time marker on the file he began to think, that this was done on the fly and it was a high risk rescue mission of some kind, then Craig had another thought, ~this must have been something big for him to just disappear with out any warning.~

"Chief the line gun isn't in the locker, neither is the Lieutenants equipment bag." John reported

"Until fourteen hundred all we can do is hope no one comes looking for him in the mean time." Craig added with some irony


Intelligence staff (NPC's)

Ens. Martina Perth

Ens. Rhiana t'Sahen

Ens John Maxwell

MCPO Craig Ayers