(G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian’s Personal Log - The Quiet That Kills

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Title   The Quiet That Kills
Author   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sun Jun 29, 2014 @ 5:43am
I hate moments like this, when I don't have a clue what to do with myself and can't think of any way to relieve some of the pressure of life. I wish we could get out and cruise the sector in the Dhelan for a little while, but that's not doable, refit going on and all. Two weeks without my ship, two weeks by myself and no idea what in frack to do.

I've spent a lot of time at the range, my skills with a disruptor or phaser are both galactic class now, but it's not helping. No matter how many times I write the word "D'Liin" on a target and blast it, the real turd is still out there and the wedding is still just around the corner.

Wedding. Who'd have figured I'd have ever been getting married a fourth time. Much less to someone I hated going into the marriage. Sure, I'd had another husband I hated, and abusive piece of garbage, but at least when I took my vows I still loved him. Hell, he almost killed me in one of his rages and I still loved him. It took him beating me unconscious for catching him with his lover for me to stop loving him and want a divorce. Now I've got this thing.... A man solely forcing me into this marriage so he can elevate his own status.

Oh, and as a giant "Frack you" to Isha.

They say she's back. I don't know, I haven't seen her. If my Reman sphincter of a fiancée is to be believed I probably won't. He says she abandoned me and all of us when she started the House Vaurek. She damn sure hasn't spoke to Lliar about stopping this wedding, so it looks like he's possibly onto something. It's okay, been abandoned before. Still hurts though.

I think every day of telling Lliar to get bent. If she wants D'Liin in the house, she can marry him. Expel me, I don't give a frack, I lived a perfectly good life without the Khelliana for decades. But Ashara and J'Tar didn't. They've been a part of this house since their birth, they're true Khelliana, and I won't do anything to cost them their legacy for my own selfish needs. So, I guess I've got to start preparing to become Mrs. D'Liin. Hopefully he'll decide not to wait to find a girlfriend and stay the frack away from me.

What am I going to do?

-End Log