Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Sad farewell - A civilian view
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant JG Petro & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Arrival Kaia & Arrival Lawrence McKinney & Lieutenant Aieron Peters

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Title   Sad farewell - A civilian view
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant JG Petro & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Arrival Kaia & Arrival Lawrence McKinney & Lieutenant Aieron Peters
Posted   Sat Dec 27, 2008 @ 6:55pm
Location   Guardian Platform 1
Timeline   SD6 11:00

The bay was cool and quiet, personnel had filed into the largest platform in near silence, shoulder to shoulder as requested by the Captain. Proudly on a podium in the middle of the deck, stood the cold grey casket that housed the body of a very brave soul, that of Lieutenant Junior Grade Jonathan Riley. Next to it, stood 2 figures, that of the Captain, Tasha Tahir and holding a folded Star Fleet Flag, Lieutenant Commander Rakka.

‘People die,’ that is what Rh’vaurek had said when Isha told him that she was coming here, ‘I don’t have time to waste on a yikh and a stranger who did nothing more outstanding than his duty.’

It was not an argument Isha could have with Rh’vaurek because it was one that she would lose. No Rihanha who died serving the empire would expect or receive such adulation, she knew that, but when it came to the worth of others she and Raedheol had very deep and differing perspectives.

Whatever Rh'vaurek claimed, it was D'latta, an honourable death and as she would when possible be present to for any member of her House who entered Vorta Vor this way she felt she owed her presence to the earnest boy who against his better judgement had tried to help her; the fact that she had just inherited responsibility for a distrusted consulate only increased Isha's wish to be seen to be there.

Isha stood, alone and impassive toward the rear of the room, People die, she thought as her gaze swept over those around her.

Bryan stood next to Mercedes and though they had lost friends, colleagues and loved ones in the Boaoran battle, this seemed strangely different. His hand sought hers, just for the security of having someone to hold on to. He hardly knew the security officer, but the Captains order was plain. 'All crew are to attend the funeral service of Lieutenant Junior Grade Jonathan Riley, to pay respect and homage, to those he served and those he protected.'

Nobody really understood why, but Bryan was not about to question the Captains order. His hand tightened around the warm hand of Mercy and as she turned to him, he smiled and gave her a wink.

Mercy was saddened by the occasion and the fact that the nice Lieutenant who had spoken to her kindly only a few days ago was gone. It had never seemed right to her, even as a child, that once someone had been killed, there was no reset button, no second chances, nothing but loss and sad retrospect. She knew this man had given his life to protect his CO and that in itself was heroic and so brave.

Only returning Bryan's smile softly, so as not to seem disrespectful, she squeezed his hand back and felt reassured against the cold shivers that ran over her spine. Leaning in towards him, she felt his warm presence and drew on the comfort that gave her. It was a sad day for them all.

Lahy stood at the back of the room, unconcerned if he was seen or not. This was a security man who gave his life for another. He had seen it before back on Earth but never like this. He lowered his head in respect. He would miss watching the young man. He was a pleasurable distraction, the way he would play practical jokes on people.

Lawrence hadn’t known Lt. Riley after all he had barely been on the station a day but he couldn’t help but admire the bravery it would take to give up your life for someone else. That sort of bravery was expected from the secret service and other such buts but from just a run of the mill security guy well it was rare. ‘If they had had marines on guard nobody would have had to die’ Lawrence thought to himself shaking his head. In reality it probably wouldn’t have mattered but Lawrence a former marine found it hard to remember the fleet knew what it was doing. "Ah well either way he was brave little fleetie Lawrence said to himself"

Mokab stood by the door, he didn't know if it was indeed his place to be here, he had only briefly met the man who now lay in state, but as a mark of respect, he thought it best to keep his own perspective on life here, being one of what he considered, a civil Bolian, who may even make a few contacts at such a meritorious event.
He looked upwards, to all the species and genders that filled nearly every seat inside this platform and spied Natrina, who was talking to someone just out of line of sight. He stepped back, closer to the wall, out her own view, not wanting to attract her attention.

He cast his eyes back to the centre podium, to see the Nausicaan and the Captain unfurl a Fleet standard, shaking it with a gentle motion and allowing it to fall over the casket. He bowed his head, offering his own simple prayer as the stations new First Officer approached and stood by the Captain side.

“What changed your mind?” Isha said, not dropping her gaze. Her lips barely moved and her voice was low.

She felt the press of his touch in the small of her back, “Don’t make the mistake of thinking I’m here for the dead. Call it moral support,” Rh’vaurek said from behind her.

Khnai'ra,” Isha whispered her thanks, no longer alone in this sea of alien bodies.

Natrina continued to watch the scene unfold. "How Macabre! That poor unfortunate Security Officer. I had thought these rumors on these Lytosians were somewhat exaggerated, but now it is getting out of hand. These cold blooded criminals will have to be dealt with." She said quietly. 'In short order...' she added mentally. 'In fact, I believe it is time to look into this. I do abhor public disorder. Now its time to teach the Federation that Laws are maintained with the Sword.' The Bartender said as she turned to leave.

Dropping her arm, Tasha cast her own eye around the collected crew, seeing some familiar faces and a great deal of those she did not know from Adam.

There was Zorana and Cheyanne, flanking the new Barber, which seemed odd, being as they didn't know each other, but these sort of occasions had a tendency to throw people together.

Her head fell to her chest and she closed her eyes for a second, the faces staring down at the 3 commanders stood on the deck plate, Tahir, Rakka and the First Officer, T'Lan.

Tasha spun about on heel and marched towards the small raised rostrum and stepped up upon it, clearing her throat as Rakka and T'Lan flanked her. Tasha's eyes fell upon Petro, who looked quite serene, yet had a look of puzzlement on her face and Tasha wondered if she had ever attended a funeral. It was an odd thought, but it was her own.

There was a Nausican, a Vulcan and a Human, Isha thought, her mind straying as she waited at the back of the theatre for the punchline to be delivered.. The beginning and the end of a poorly timed joke!

Tasha reached across to Rakka and for the first time, was eye to eye with the Nausicaan and gave a single nod, as a mark of respect. She refaced the small microphone and swallowed hard, mentally preparing her speech.


CO: Captain Tasha Tahir

Trader Mokab Mellibrate &
CWO2C Bryan Surzchenko
Played by Tasha

CWO2C Mercedes Denoublier
Played by Chelsea

Isha t'Khellian & Rh'vaurek Raedheol Played by Isha

Lawrence McKinney
Captain of the Dragon’s wing

Lahy Sen'shuhs
Played by Petro

Natrina - Legitimate Bar Owner
Played by T'Lan