Intermission – Breakfast, but not at Tiffany's
by Lieutenant JG Mark Dexter & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Breakfast, but not at Tiffany's
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Mark Dexter & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Thu Aug 01, 2013 @ 9:47pm
Location   ACIO's Quarters
Timeline   SD73 0730
Adam stepped out of the bedroom, still damp headed. He was dressed for work, sans his uniform jacket, which he had folded over one arm. He dropped in on a kitchen chair, then contemplated what to make for breakfast. River was due any moment, so he opted for chocolate croissants. He'd just worked off the calories anyway, so could eat one guilt free!

River arrived on schedule and rang the chime. She had become great friends with Adam on their previous assignment to a space ship sickbay and although she had met Mark many times, she was still a little in awe of the distant Intelligence officer despite all that Adam had told her about him.

She waited for the chime to be answered, tugging the tunic of her uniform down in what was known as the "Picard Manoeuvre" in some Fleet circles, not because she was emulating the legendary Captain but because she was a little nervous.

"Enter!!" Adam called out, placing a basket of croissants on the table.

River came in, a little more carefully than she would have entered Sickbay. She was very aware that these were Mark and Adam's private quarters. Well, actually, their "Apartment" would have been more accurate by way of a description. These weren't "quarters" of the kind they had all had on board the Starship they had recently been transferred from, they were Starbase living quarters which were much more spacious and equipped more like a city apartment might have been on some planets. "Suite" was even too modest to describe the rooms allocated and River looked around in surprise and delight at the way the furniture and artwork had already been allocated and arranged.

She knew the pictures to be Adam's work and had admired them before but there had not been room for so many in their old quarters. A few she recognised but she realised suddenly she was staring and pulled her attention sharply back to Adam who was coming forward to greet her, his arms wide for a customary hug of welcome. River returned the hug with honest affection and beamed at her friend.

"Wow! This is breathtaking!" she commented, sweeping her arm open, indicating the room and the walls. It wasn't clear whether she meant the art, the room or both.

Adam smiled brightly. "I know, aren't they fabulous!" He obviously wasn't modest about the new living arrangements. "It's got a real kitchen. But this morning I'm afraid I just used the replicator. Let me give you a tour." He tugged River along. "This is the spare bedroom. I'm afraid it's been taken over by canvases and easels' though". Which was patently obvious, you could vaguely smell acrylic paint in the air.

"Ah, that is JUST how it should be! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your talented work now you have room to paint more!" she smiled as she happily tagged along admiring the classy furnishings.

Adam made a galant host, bringing her next to the master bedroom. Mark was tucking in the final edge of the perfectly made bed. "And here is the master bedroom, with my faithful houseboy Arnaldo." Adam deadpanned.

"Good Morning River." Mark couldn't hide the smile at Adam's antics though.

"Good Morning Arnaldo." River joined in, relieved that Mark was smiling. She had never yet seen him looking anything but pleasant but the way Adam described his temperament, she was convinced he wasn't someone she would enjoy getting on the wrong side of.

Mark chuckled. "Would you like some coffee?" He asked River.

"Definitely, yes please." she replied and made some more complimentary remarks about the decor and the art as they returned to the living rooms.

Mark didn't head to the replicator though, instead he reached up into the cupboard and came down with a small bag of real coffee beans. He quickly ground the beans, then spooned the fresh grind into the coffee pot. "So how are you liking the station?" He asked, leaving the coffee pot to brew, he casually joined Adam and River at the kitchen island. He put one arm loosely around Adam's waist, but his attention was on their guest.

"I love it." she enthused. "My quarters are lovely and the Sickbay is really *fine*! I think I'm going to be very happy here. All I need is to meet someone nice, get all loved up and that'll be all I ever need!"

"It'll happen dear." Adam quickly assured her. "When you least expect it of course."

"or when I'm too old to care any more!" she joked, hiding her feelings about it behind her usual defence shield. Humour.

"Anyway, who could live with me? Only someone too odd for me to like much!" she continued to make light of the subject. "That coffee smells divine." A quick swerve of subject change headed it off and brought them all back to breakfast topics.

Mark understood her deflection, as was far more prone than Adam to let it go. He headed to the coffee pot and poured River a mug. "Cream, sugar?" He asked.

Adam of course was not prone to let it go. "Well nobody is going to want to live with a sour puss. Well unless they are me." Adam turned and stuck his tongue out at Mark. "All you need is a make over and a night out. We'll go dancing." He added, leaving River peppered with two sets of questions.

"I don't want to be a sour puss. Yes, lets go dancing. I'd like that!" she beamed, brightening. "What do you think I could do with this tattoo on my face. It's not going to be easy to *make over* something like this and i don't want to get rid of it. It's a mark of respect to my dad and uncles and my aunt too."

"Nothing" Mark actually chimed in before Adam could, setting River's coffee down beside her. He left the cream and sugar next to them, as Adam had distracted her from telling him how she liked her coffee. "It's an integral part of you, and it's lovely."

"Aww! THANK you!" River warmed to Mark instantly. "That was SUCH a nice thing to say. Why have you been making me think your husband is scary.... he's a total dream!" she scolded Adam. "Yes, thanks, both." she helped herself to the cream and sugar, looking sheepishly at Mark for not having answered him more promptly.

Mark looked over at Adam. "Scary?" He knew he could be scary, yes. But never thought Adam felt scared around him.

Now River and Adam were sharing the sheepish expression. "Well, you were rather in a bad mood." Adam reminded him. He couldn't be blamed for venting to a friend.

Mark just nodded, and grabbed a chocolate croissant. They could talk about it later, in private. "So, I already heard from Adam about sickbay, but how do you like it River?" Mark asked, smoothly changing the subject.

"It's awesome!" River enthused and sipped at her coffee. "I would keep on about it but I can't get a word in edgeways around Adam's oohing and aahhhing!" she teased gently, smirking at Adam.

Mark chuckled, and Adam looked offended, but then grinned.

They finished up their breakfast, and together Mark and Adam cleared plates and mugs. Adam waited, assuming he'd walk River to work, but Mark waved him on. Adam was curious, but didn't comment.

"I'll see you there dear." Adam smiled at River, and kissed Mark goodbye.

"Can I talk to you a minute?" Mark asked, the reason Adam had ditched River becoming clear.

"Of course." she replied, also curious and a little nervous again.

"I've been having pains in my left chest wall. I just want to make sure it's nothing medical. I had Ghotratreisa remove a tattoo recently, and I'm sure he did a fine job, I just need to know for sure." Mark was 99.9% sure it was psychosomatic, but he wouldn't be able to deal with that until he knew for sure.

"May I take a look?" River requested. She had her Med-kit with her as she usually did, especially when she was going on to work shortly afterwards. She took out a med-corder to scan Mark's chest and the flesh and organs beneath it.

Mark nodded "Of course." He had asked for her help after all. "Thank You."

River ran the little scanner over him and observed the LCARS displays it read to her. She reset it again and again, asking it for Blood Pressure, heartrate, echos, blood oxygen levels and even cholesterol. Then she ran some more on his lungs. He didn't have any obvious congestion or blockages, his airways were clear and functioning well to their full potential and for a man of his age and weight his BMI was good too. He didn't have any fractures to his ribs or damage to ligaments or muscles.

River put the scanner away and smiled at him. "You're as fit as a fiddle and as healthy as an ox!" she coined two ancient Terran phrases. "But just to be TOTALLY sure, I'd like to get a multiparametric MRI so I can say I left no bone unturned!" she grinned. "Can you come and see me in Sickbay later?" she had NO idea how much of a mountainous request that was to him.

"No, it's ok. I was pretty close to positive it was phantom pain anyway. I just needed to know for sure." Mark put a smile on his face. "I appreciate it though. Walk you to the turbolift?"

"Yes please" River picked up the med kit, closed it with the medcorder inside and walked alongside Mark down the corridor towards the lift. "Have you and Adam been married long?" she suddenly realised she had never asked Adam that question but the way the two were so good together, she suspected it must have been a while.

"Four months now." Mark answered easily.

"Is that all?" River couldn't help but blurt out, she was so surprised it wasn't more like four years! "Sorry, but I was expecting you to say much longer." she apologised. "You're so comfortable together. So easy to be with as a couple." she blushed, not sure if this was coming out right.

Mark smiled, her surprise was not actually surprising. "We haven't even known each other for four years. Almost 2 and a half years now. I was instantly smitten." It wasn't usual for Mark to talk about his feelings, happy or not, but for whatever reason he was feeling relaxed, and he did trust River. Mark stepped into the doorway of the turbolift, blocking it from closing until River could enter.

"That's really nice!" she said, genuinely impressed. "But I can see what you both see in each other. Adam is such a lovely character. He's so funny and warm and he's the life of any group he's in, he has a lovely face and a big heart to go with it...... and you.... well, you're drop dead gorgeous; tall, dark, handsome, mysterious.... Perfect match!"

Mark had to chuckle. He followed River into the turbolift then slunk to her, putting his arm around her waist and pulling her close, before looking down at her with a positively lecherous look. "Really?" He only let it linger a moment before stepping back, smugness taking over his features.

"Yes, of course!" she laughed, not taking him seriously for a moment. "But you're too aware of it for my liking!" she teased, stepping out of the lift as they disembarked for Sickbay. "So........ medical today?" she asked, knowing full well that he was as likely to come in for one of those voluntarily as he would rush in for an amputation!

"Not if you coated Adam with honey and tied him to a bio bed. Have a good day River." Mark gave her a real smile.

River smiled back, wondering how Adam would react to that mental image. "You too Mark. And thank you for breakfast! She waved and made her way towards Sickbay as Mark went in the other direction.

A JP between:

LtJG Mark Dexter
Assistant Chief Intel


Lt (jg) River Danar
Medical Officer

OOC: Yay you are alive! It's all good. I've cut down on sims too. Was about to leave this one, but River is back YAY
J: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... don't leave me!!! ::wails:: Sounds like i only just got back in time! >.< River is most definitely BAAAAACK!