Time is Fleeting – Confrontation
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Vincent Tan

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Title   Confrontation
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Sat Nov 07, 2009 @ 6:07pm
Location   DS5 Ops
Timeline   SD 15 - 10:36hrs
Tag   Immediately after "Investigation starts"
Gabriel could feel the walls that he had spent so long to build up closing in on him. He knew that things were going to get worst before they got better, but he knew that he had to take back control before they did. As he listened to the doors slid shut behind him he began to focus on his next objective: Get rid of any threat.

He scanned Ops intently as he searched for his target. The one that he knew had something to do with the storm that was rising in intensity. The one who never fit it, but always seemed to be where he wasn't supposed to be. The man who had to be the linchpin behind the sudden re-emergence of Dr. Kur'ann despite him being dead for almost 10 years. Why else would Starfleet have any knowledge about his connection to the Romulan Doctor's death, unless *this man* was responsible. Eventually, he found the man he was looking for.

Vincent stood in the middle of his department, thinking through the various tasks that he would have to complete by the end of the morning. When he noticed Gabriel enter with a crazed look upon his face, Vincent knew something horrible was about to happen. He barely had time to unclasp his hands from behind his back.

Dorian never gave the man time to finish his sentence before he was on him. "You sonovabitch!" He said through clenched teeth as his hands found their way around the throat of Lieutenant Tan.

"I know that you have something to do with this!" He said as he tightened his grip on every word. "Whoever you are working for, I'll make sure that you report back to them in hell!" Dorian said as he increased his grip.

Vincent was utterly and thoroughly confused. Not only had this man attacked him, but he was spouting some kind of nonsense. Perhaps if he was not being strangled he could attempt to figure it out, but as it was all he could do was struggle against the vastly physically superior man whilst sputtering protests as best he could with his limited air supply.

"Admit it! Your only purpose for being here is because that bastard Romulan who never should've been born in the first place!" He said as he tightened his squeeze one more time.

Vincent knew then that the man was insane. He was talking about Romulans and secret reports and other things which could not possibly make sense. But how was Vincent supposed to tell him that whilst his throat was being crushed. Vincent knew where his only chance lay. He cringed back slightly and as Dorian moved in to tighten the hold, Vincent brought his knee up into his attacker's stomach. He had landed high of his intended target but he his blow had still struck home.

Dorian recoiled and fell back as the air rushed from inside of his lungs as he staggered back against a console.

"What the hell are you talking about, Gabriel?" Vincent said, all sense of caution lost. "I've got nothing to do with Romulans and you know it! You're a bloody psycho, Gabriel!"

Dorian staggered to his feet and looked the man in the eye. "Oh believe me. . . you haven't seen psycho yet!" He was about to lunge again, but was physically restrained by the sudden arrival of Lieutenant Duquesne.

"What the hell is going on!?" Duquesne asked Tan as he continued to hold Gabriel back against a nearby console.

"I've absolutely no idea," Vincent said, rubbing his neck. "He just came in here all fired up and attacked me. He mentioned something about Romulans and that I was working for them. Mental..."

Duquesne grabbed the Security Chief and placed restraints on him as Commander Davies and Villiers came rushing out of the office towards the commotion.

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Lieutenant J.G.
Michael Duquesne
Tactical Officer

Lieutenant J.G.
Vincent Tan
Chief Strategic Operations