’s Personal Log - Personal Log, Stardate 63009.8

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Title   Personal Log, Stardate 63009.8
Posted   Wed May 27, 2009 @ 9:13pm
"Personal log, Assistant Chief of Operations. The journey from Earth has been a long one, the longest I have experienced in my career. Being on a ship with nothing to do what wait takes a lot out of a guy, but I trust the wait will be well worth it." John sat at his desk, personal data-pad in hand.

"I have been in communication with Captain Tasha Tahir, the Commanding Officer of the space station Deep Space 5. I was surprised with the offer of Assistant Chief as I only recently graduated from the Academy, that and the fact the Station was high on my request for assignment list. This station will allow me access to higher education with some of the brightest minds in the Federation, it having the Border Research Institute. Despite the fact the first DS5 was destroyed by the Borg, I remain confident that I will not be killed in a similar manner. We're more prepared now...I hope.

We should be reaching the station soon. My first assignment. Am I excited...scared...I don't know. But whatever may come, I know I'll be ready for it! End personal log."