Interlude – Lunch Please: Part 2 The Worm's allergic!?
by Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Lunch Please: Part 2 The Worm's allergic!?
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Aug 30, 2010 @ 11:20am
Location   Infirmary
Karen hit her comm badge, "Emergency site to site. Two to the infirmary," she said, turning green and fainting was not a good sign. It was not food poisoning in the obvious sense as she had eaten the same thing and was fine. It looked like an allergic reaction, whether to one element of the dish or a combination was open to question.

That was it. The hum of the transporter beam put Mathew out, he just lay there motionless, some of his lunch was still on his clothing and face making him look real bad.

The transportation into the receiving bay of Main Sickbay was programmed to automatically deposit incoming emergency patients onto one of the Medical Assessment Unit biobeds. This is exactly what it did, sounding an alert to the CMO who immediately took herself there to await the casualty, scanner at the ready.

As this particular arrival materialised, so did the smell of the contents of his stomach which had been deposited on his clothing. Chelsea wrinkled her nose and flicked her head in a gesture that told a nearby medic to act. Knowing the drill, the intern drew up the medi-arch and vaporised the sample, reconstructing it in a depository container in the Lab behind them. The medic then left to go and see what the auto-analysis would come up with and Chelsea continued to run the assessment from the panel at the bedhead.

Karen had also been transported to a nearby bed as if she were a casualty but from her protests it appeared that the medi-arch should be retracted and she be released. The few scans it had managed to do in the few seconds she was there had all indicated she was perfectly well and this was relayed by the nurse at hand so Chelsea nodded to authorise this release.

"Thanks for your concern," Karen said with a somewhat hard stare at the nurse as she got to her feet. "Vulcan crustaceans, yamok sauce and a secret blend of Klingon spices," she said, "Personally I thought it was delicious," she added peering at the less than healthy looking diplomatic officer. "Looks like an allergic reaction of some form," she added 'helpfully'.

"Funnily enough, that's what the scanner says too!" Chelsea quipped.

"Don't mind me, I'm not cut out to be the caring nurturing type, but Totti has just arrived. We don't want to lose another diplomat. I told him what was in it, I don't know why he tried it if he had an allergy. I mean they're common enough ingredients in their own cultural menus. I know this combination is taking fusion cuisine to an extreme, but you'd have thought something like this would have shown up before now. Who hasn't tried Klingon food or Vulcan seafood?" she asked talking more for the sake of talking than anything else.

Chelsea took little notice and continued to monitor Totti's readings, watching his system gradually neutralise itself.

============Dream Time================

Mathew woke up. He looked around sickbay, he was alone which he hated everything seemed wrong.
The lights dimmed and the sickbay monitors turned to static. He heard foot steps and saw a shadow growing as someone got closer.

Someone stepped in, a shadow looming over their face. Two pointed ears were the most dead give away as to whom it was: Ambassador t'Khellian.

She merely stared before tilting her head to one side and laughing softly. "You really need to go back to Diplomacy School, little boy," she said, "Did nobody ever tell you that irking an ambassador with childish antics, particularly a Romulan one can be detrimental to your health?" she asked.

An eight foot tall doctor walked in shaking her head as she squeezed the bubbles out of an ancient hypodermic full of green viscous liquid. Her hair was bound up in a blue gauze, more of which had been stretched across her mouth and nose and still more in her unflattering gown of the same material. She had gloves of some sort of black shiny composition that weren't sprayed on and were clearly much too big, opening out in a conical shape right up to her elbows.

Mathew grinned maliciously at Isha "Do I tell you how to do your job Isha!?" Mathew roared at her in an extremely disrespectful tone. He noticed the doctor was carrying something. It looked like a crab.

"Hush, child," Isha said to the screaming brat. She raised an oval looking glass from her side and as she turned it on its ornate stem so that the reflective surface faced the diplomat it grew revealing to him that he had in fact become a little boy and was wearing an outfit that looking more like pyjamas than a uniform.

Mathew wouldn't accept this. He couldn't. He fought back at her, though it felt like Totti was not part of him "You forget Im older than you!" Matthew bluffed.

Isha merely laughed and let the looking glass fall from her hands, and as it shattered she vanished.

Mathew ran out of the room pushing the doctor away. As he ran out of the door the hallway turned into the (JAG office ?) . Karen stood her head hanging low as her hands were bound by a faceless court room guard. Isha was in some kind of Romulan Judge robe.

Another faceless guard called out in monotone "This court is in session! All rise for the honourable Judge Isha t'Khellian."

A jury filled with various station personnel all stood up and bowed to her.

The guard spoke again "The case of the murder of a Trill named Totti who has lived seven lifetimes by the brutal Commander Villiers will begin."

Mathew was shocked by this and noticed two things: 1) he was still in his P'Js and 2) The doctor was in the jury too. She was holding something and weeping. It was his symbiont!

"SEVEN lifetimes......It's all too tragic. Such a waste!" Chelsea wept, rocking the symbiont like a baby. "MURDERER!" she screamed suddenly pointing at Mathew accusingly.

"If you are quite finished," the Judge said silencing the room. "I question the Betazoid fool who does not know himself. Bring him forward," she demanded.

Mathew was brought forward by a guard to face the Judge. He was scared.

"So there are nine of you," Isha observed and if Mathew looked to his left and his right he would see that each host was there along with his Trillish half, each of them looking like a confused child. "Why didn't you tell him?" she asked them.

Tenvo Totti's third host a lawyer of the high court in the Kvont Provence on Trill.
A very vicious man who never lost a case and wasn't scared of much, stepped forward and went red.
Mathew could feel his anger as he was truelly part of him.

"You! We all know what you are!" Tenvo lowered his tone "Romulan, FILTH!" He ran at Isha smacking her in the face. A clear broken jaw on her part.

And in a shake of her head it was gone, as was that part of Totti who curled up in a blaze of fire and ended in a sprinkle of dust.

Mathew took this chaotic moment of the guards running everywhere to get Totti. Though the closer he got his vision started slipping away.

As Mathew moved closer so Chelsea seemed to get taller, her arms up high, holding the symbiont in the air so he couldn't reach it. "You mustn't harm the body" she wailed, as if Mathew were about to eat it or something horrible. She looked frightened of Mathew's intentions but still fierce about defending the symbiont's body from him.

"Get him away!" her shrieks brought guards in Medical Teal, brandishing weapons and firing around themselves, killing the people standing by, some of the jury and a few of the security guards too. "NOW look what you've done!" she pointed her finger at Mathew. "Medical staff don't kill but you have *made* us."

Mathew was shocked by all the action but the medical uniforms started him thinking and realised that he was hallucinating and he was really in sickbay, he started to panic.


The real Chelsea, not the one in his 'dream' administered a sedative via a hypospray when she noticed his readings soaring up and his adrenalin levels going through the roof. He seemed to be in REM and his heart rate was an unhealthy high too.

Judging by the scans, she guessed the symbiont was in trouble. She focussed the scanner directly on the lifeform and compared its readings with those the medical database said they should be.

"The little guy's in shock I'd say." she concluded. "I wonder if symbionts can be allergic separately to their hosts?" she spoke out loud to her assistant unaware that Mathew might be able to hear this possibility in his dream state.

Ben looked up the details and fed them into the computer. Chelsea read off the comparisons the scanner made and nodded. "hmmm... we need to lower his/her trimenium and horif levels and raise the phosphate." She went to the control panel and tapped in the appropriate instructions to make the Medi-arch over Mathew administer the appropriate balancing elements intravenously.

Karen folded her arms, there was not really a lot she could do other than offer moral support. If she was honest about the situation it did not look good. Was the doctor well versed in Trill physiology? Betazoid? And what about when they were merged. She kept her thoughts to herself and let them get on with their jobs.

======Dream Time========

Mathew heard everything the doctor was saying in real time and suddenly realised everything that what was going on. He looked at the Doctor and leapt up, somehow grabbing Totti. He turned around cradling Totti. He saw Isha Snarling and he saw her body had been mutated.

Her ears had grown longer her fingers turned into long talons and a large set of teeth sharp enough to cut you just by looking at them. He turned to the doorway which had a heavenly light shooting out of it. His legs were already leading him there as fast as possible. He heard Isha let out a roar.

The beast she had become was a Kaa`hhz a four legged swift moving predator native to the planet ch`Shrrh. Its razor toothed grin was malevolent as it began to move.

Mathew was still running and refused to look back . He could heard the thump of this beast's legs bringing it closer to killing him. Mathew reached the light just as the beast landed where he was a second before.
He felt himself slipping away again.


He opened his eyes; everything was blurred though he could make out the Doctors Face and lunged out at her futiley thinking he was still in the dream.

"That's a good sign, right?" Karen asked as he lurched suddenly before falling back onto the biobed.

The Nurse looked at Karen and laughed. "Yes indeed. Mam"

Mathew looked at Karen. He was cradling something that wasn't there. He thought he could still see the monster and backed away from everyone. As Karen stepped forward to calm him, Mathew yelled "Get away from me! I'll never let you get Totti! He has been poisoned and is defenceless!"

The nurse crept up behind him and grabbed him and injected a sedative into him before he could react.

As that happened their search on trill symbionte biology and host digestion; signaled it was done.

The nurse read over after putting Mathew back on the bio bed and activating a restraining feild. "Hmm it seems the symbionte absorbs the food that the host breaks down, and that particular cocktail of foods create a unique protein which is sending Totti into shock, which has caused Mathew's hallucinations. It's like half a computer working and the other half going crazy." He looked at The doctor "What do you suggest Dr?"

"hmmmm.. apoplectic shock in a symbiont? 40micrograms of Polynoradrenalacal nurse." Chelsea instructed and when presented with the medicine, she applied it to the med arch and delivered it automatically.

"So now we wait," Karen said with a glance at the chronometer on the wall, she was due back on duty five minutes ago, but it felt a little wrong to abandon the diplomatic officer.

It didn't take long. The medication was effective and the symbiont responded and was back to normal readings on the monitors within the hour.

Mathew woke again. He held his breath waiting for the madness to begin again though he noticed The room was normal. The doctor walked in and Mathew let out his breath.

"Looks like everything will bE OK," Karen remarked, from the side, "but I think you need to have a chat with the counselor," she added, "a symbiont that did not know its own self ... that was worrying."

Mathew was a little stunned by that comment "Totti's body is a seperate being! And we do now ourselves very well thank you. Though fusion foods is not something we had experimented with before." Mathew said with a grin. "Though I do look forward to our next lunch!"


Lieutenant Mathew Totti

Commander Karen Villiers