Things Past – Fleeing and Eluding
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Arrival Sarish Anjar & Arrival Atlana Durak

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Title   Fleeing and Eluding
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Arrival Sarish Anjar & Arrival Atlana Durak
Posted   Wed Mar 13, 2013 @ 1:35am
Location   Badlands - Poc'Ga System
Timeline   2369 - 21 years before present day
Michael Duquesne sat at the helm station of the Juday-class vessel. While some could compare it to a Starfleet Runabout, he knew that it could out-maneuver anything Starfleet could throw at it, assuming such a confrontation ever took place. Duquesne had been fortunate enough to not have to test that theory.

Michael looked up as his passengers came from the aft portion of the bridge. "I take it the flight hasn't been too bumpy for you?" He said, trying to strike up conversation.

Sarish looked over at him tugging on on his earring without even realizing what he was doing. "No, no it has been quite restful. Reminds me a holodeck adventure a friend once took me on. It was at a place he called Disney Land. I believe the particular ride in question was called Space Mountain."

Michael laughed for several moments until he noticed something on his sensors. "Hold on. . .I'm picking something up on short-range sensors." He said with concern in his voice. "I would have detected earlier, but the Badlands are wrecking havoc on my sensors, just like our Cardassian visitor up there." He said as his fingers danced across the panel as he tried to maneuver out of sensor range of the Cardassian vessel.

Atlana had been taught how to pilot a ship but was not what she would consider a fighter pilot the Cardassian short range ship was the Orders first and most likely only attempt at single manned aircraft. It was designed for one purpose... attacking.

She had been trailing the runabout for a while hiding in blimps of shadow but when it started to maneuver out of her shoddy sensor grid she knew she'd been spotted. "Not a chance, Sarish." She knew he was on board, there was speculation that some of his teammates were also on board from the terrorist attack on the school that had left 17 children dead, her little sister one of them. Atlana had already managed to kill of one member of that team, a pathetic little weasel of a human named Micah. In his desperation the human had given up the names of everyone on the team, that had not saved his life though.

She maneuvered slowly... as if to say her ship did not function well in the badlands, meanwhile she warmed up the weapons on the fighter.

Sarish had one eye on Michael and the other on the sensors. He trusted the man up to a point, but if push came to serve, he wasn't sure if he would turn him over to whoever wanted him dead. He thought it best not to voice those thoughts as he didn't want to either give the man ideas, or insinuate that he couldn't be trusted.

"So what are we going to do?" he asked simply.

Duquesne looked at this sensor panel again. The vessel at altered its course and had began to pursue them.

"I'm guess that vessel is a friend of you all?" Duquesne asked his passenger as he tried to find a possible location for evasion. Unfortunately, the vessel had decided to make its presence known in a planetary dead-zone with not moons or planets to provide a safe haven.

The vessel's alert klaxons filled the confinements of the fore cabin as it registered a weapon's lock. "Initiating evasive maneuvers," Duquesne shouted as his fingers danced across the screen. While he tried to guide the vessel out of the path of the precisely aimed disruptors the pilot also attempted to contact the vessel.

"Maybe he has mistaken us for someone else?" Duquesne said aloud, hoping that optimism would win the day.

"With the enemy list we both have, I rather doubt that," Sarish said matter-of-factly

Atlana had targeting acquired, she had kept up with the runabout's maneuverability although admittedly she was barely keeping up. She wouldn't be able to out maneuver them and didn't intend to. She heard the communications crackle as the ship attempted communications. Atlana, wasn't even sure Sarish knew who she was yet, let alone her name... this might make it a great first introduction. She set a shot just over the runabouts port necel... "consider that an introduction." She offered to no one but herself.

Sarish turned tow Michael, "I'd say that means this is no mistake."

Duquesne said a Romulan prayer ritual quietly to calm himself as he continued to maneuver the out-gunned vessel.

*COM* =/= "I repeat, this is SS Racoma, this is a transport vessel, there are no military personal onboard this vessel. We are a peaceful transport." Duquesne replied. He didn't a lot about his passengers, but Cardassians were particular about who they committed tactical resources. There was always the fear that if they brought military vessels into the DMZ, the Federation would eventually bring vessels into the DMZ and another war would ignite.

"Unidentified vessel, respond and state your intentions." Duquesne said his characteristically calm tone.

Atlana Durak touched the communications panel. "This is the Cardassian raider Talen, you're transporting the terrorist Sarish Anjar. Stand down and prepare to surrender, or be destroyed." Her voice was direct and to the point, there was no hint of doubt in her voice. The next shot would be not be a miss and she was confident in that fact.

He looked over his shoulder towards Sarish. "Something you wanna tell me while I'm trying to save our lives here?" He asked.

Finally, a response. *COMM* =/= "Pleasant Day to you, too." Duquesne responded to the female voice. "Thank you for finally responding. I'm sure that this is all just a misunderstanding that we could easily clear up." He added.

Duquesne couldn't count the number of so-called "terrorist" he had transported since he resigned from the Federation and began his career as a transporter within the DMZ. However, he never once had given up a passenger just on the word of someone holding a gun to his temple. Whether that person was Cardassian or Federation, it did not matter, his passengers were his responsibility.

=/= "Perhaps you could fill me in on just what Mr. Sarish has done to capture your ire? With a voice as sweet as yours, I'm certain that you don't want to do anything rash or permanent." Duquesne replied.

"I have no idea what the woman is talking about. I am a freedom fighter yes, but I don't target innocents. I am no terrorist."

Atlana sent another shot this one hit took the paint off the starboard nacelle. Sweet voice huh, she almost smirked. She waited a moment or two before responding.=/= "Paladar City, his first lead mission, he blew up a building, it was an elementary school 17 children were killed." She retorted keeping them in sensor range. "I very much intend to do something permanent, stand down. Final warning."=/=

That last shot struck the vessel off its starboard nacelle, dropping impulse engines off-line temporarily. Duquesne managed to bring the back-up system back online before the vessel completely loss propulsion, but the lag brought the vessel firmly within the Fighter's weapons range.

"Ok. . .diplomacy is not going to save the day today." Duquesne said aloud as he taped several buttons on the panel above him.

"Mr. Sarish, I'm not sure what you did to this woman, but obviously she knows you and wants to kill you. So, considering you still haven't paid me for this trip yet, I have a vested interest in keeping you alive. So strap in, and hold on." He yelled, more so than said as the cabin's lighting was reduced by 40%.

"Computer, plot a course for these coordinates, deactivate non-essential environmental systems and reduce inertia dampeners by 12%, reroute power to maneuvering thrusters." he stated as the vessel abruptly altered course and made its way towards a slowly brewing plasma storm.

"You get us out of this and there is a nice fat bonus in it for you." Sarish told him as he strapped himself in

Durak smirked as she watched the pilot adjust course for the plasma storm, is she was desperate enough she could probably ignite the plasma and hope to out run the blast, but she wasn't that desperate just yet. Anjar was on her list and at the top of it but there were ways of flushing him out.

She touched them communications panel again =/="Poor little Micah, was left to die alone. His hero Sarish Anjar abandoned him to suffer for what he barely understood."=/=

Sarish looked up from his seat and cursed in Bajorazn. "Damn," he said in Federation, "That BITCH! Micah was a friend, he's just a kid. What the Hell is she talking about?"

The Racoma shook violently as it entered the outer parameter of the plasma trail. He knew that being this close to a storm was putting everyone's life at risk. However, he hoped that the Cardassian would continue her pursuit.

Duquesne looked over his shoulder and noticed the change in his passenger's demeanor.

=/= "Well, it seems you and my guests know each other well. Would you care to introduce yourself?" =/= He said as the vessel banked hard and placed them on the other side of a swirling anomaly. The maneuver was able to buy them time to breathe as the Fighter would have to readjust its sensors to locate the Racoma.

"I don't know her at all. Never met her. But Micah was a friend of mine she killed him, he was just a boy. I want to know her name too."

Atlana came close to the plasma storm but pulled back hesitant at this game of chess she was playing with the ships pilot, he knew the badlands better than she did. And she wasn't not about to endanger herself. She listened to the banter between the voice she knew to be Sarish Anjar and the voice of the man she had been talking to. "Come out come out where ever you are..." she almost sang it, playfully teasing.

=/="Guests, more of Anjar's teammates? Hmmm, how fortuitous."=/= She offered. The operative had told her to never give her name, it complicated kills and could make things personal. But in this case it already was personal, because he was the reason she'd become an operative, he'd killed her little sister. Her whole life was his fault. =/= "Atlana Durak, remember that name well Sarish Anjar."=/=

"Great, now that we've all had a chance to get to know each other. . ." Duquesne said as he dropped the vessel's propulsion system and allowed it to cruise with nearby asteroid crevice. He deactivated the comm link and looked back towards Sarish.

"Evidently our friend is not pleased to find out that you are still breathing, and she's obviously done enough of her homework to track you down and risk her own life in trying to kill you." Duquesne stated matter-of-factly. "Now, she has us out-gunned. I've managed to buy us some time within this asteroid, but eventually she will manage to locate us and come after us." Duquesne explained.

Sarish waited less than patiently for the ship's owner to address the Cardassian woman. He would have a few choice words for her and to her when he was given the chance.

"Now, what does this woman have against you and why is she willing to take out an entire shuttle just to get to you." He asked.

"We blew up a Cardassian training facility a couple of years back. But that was a strictly military operation. There were no civilians there. We had a highly placed source that gave us detailed information and a location.

If she lost someone there, I'm sorry, but they were there with their eyes wide open and we did it on a Saturday when the casualties would be as light as possible."

Duquesne nodded as he activated the link again. "It would appear that we have a rare opportunity to address long-simmering issues." He said back into the comm unity. "In accordance to the Federation-Cardassian treaty, it would be a violation for a military vessel of your capability to engage a civilian in such a manner. Now, whatever Mr. Sarish and Micah had done can be calmly and properly addressed before a Federation tribunal." Duquesne stated.

He continued to still scan the area for her vessel. He knew that this particular area of the Badlands creates sensor echos. If his plan worked correctly, then the Cardassian fighter would track the communication signal to the runabout's last known position.

Atlana considered the Racoma much like a child, hiding behind a rock in a field. The Talen a big bad wolf coming hungrily like a predator. =/=Stand down Racoma, this is not a military vessel. I will risk igniting the plasma to get to that terrorist." =/=

She wouldn't but they didn't need to know that, she knew going around it would leave her backside exposed, from either side, they were bidding time and with the sensors jumping all over the place there was no guarantee that the Racoma was even still on the otherside of the storm. So Atlana took an alternate route... she went over the storm. Adjusting her heading and coordinates she moved slowly climbing out of sensor range for the moment.

Duquesne waited. . .and waited. . .and waited for the Cardassian vessel to enter the field, but unfortunately it appeared as if the Cardassian ship was not going to take the bait and instead was maneuver into a different position. He searched the area, but her vessel had completely left his short-range sensors.

"klee-fah. .." Duquesne said with determination as he brought the Racoma's impulse engines roaring to life as he executed a bank and immediately fled the confines of the asteroid. He knew the Racoma couldn't outrun the Talen, but he knew that in close quarter combat the vessels reinforced hull would be enough to survive long enough. . .

"Listen you Cardassian bitch, I don't know what your problem is, but Micah was only a kid. he didn't know what was going on. The facts are we blew up one of your training facilities, the kind you teach thugs like yourself how to enslave Bajorans. You are the ones who are terrorist, not my people. You just don't like it that that your enemy fought back."

Atlana grit her teeth at the comm consule and as soon as the Racoma was in range she was going to lite it up for that. The Racoma had moved and was well within engagement range. She was back on his sensors closer then ever. =/= "She was eight years old you bastard, brilliant adorable and innocent of this war. I was outside when your bomb went off. it was my sisters elementary school... you stupid bastard and I hate you for it." =/= She regretted that she'd gotten personal, but hadn't it always been personal?

"Computer, bring weapons online, target the Cardassian vessel and open fire!" Duquesne said in a raise tone as he leaned forward over the panel. "Mr. Sarish, now would be the time to begin initiating prayer. . ." Duquesne stated as the vessel rumbled in response to the opening salvo from the Talen.

Sarish did just that, he began praying in earnest. Not just to the Prophets, but to his friends Christian God.

The Racoma's first shot graced the Talen's starboard side, sending the Talen's weapons guidance systems offline within seconds. Smaller ships, meant everything was packed in tightly, it was easier to do damage with a hit. She cut the communications and fired two shots at the Racoma while moving the fighter around the ship, one shot hit just over the port nacel the other hit more aft. "Fine." She said. "Go down with the baby killing bastard." She retorted.

Duquesne flew forward as the shot from the aft section reverberated throughout the shuttle. The shields were holding, but he couldn't guarantee for how long. "Computer, continue to target their primary tactical systems." Duquesne commanded. He knew that he wouldn't be able to take their weapons, engines or any other primary system offline, but he could disrupt targeting and guidance long enough to prevent the Talen's superior tactical abilities from locking onto the Racoma.

A direct hit to the Talen's starboard engines knocked Atlana around smacking her temple off the computer consel and dazing her a bit. The computer warned that secondary drives were offline which meant her maneuverability was cut in half. It made her livid, but still there was time, she was still faster and had the weapons capability to take down the Racoma.

Sweat began to accumilate around Duquesene's brow as he felt desperation begin to set in. That last shot had damaged propulsion. It was fixable, but it would require him to sacrifice necessary time in this battle. Unfortunately, he had noticed that the Talen had recovered and was coming about for another direct strike.

Just out the corner of his eye his short-range senors indicated two vessels entering the immediate vicinity. He could not obtain an immediate identification, but from the looks of the markers it appeared to be re-purposed Starfleet Fighters. Duquesne knew that Starfleet would never keep such out-dated vessels in service, so it had to be a local Maquis sect.

"May wonders never cease!" Duquesne said gratefully. "It appears that we might survive this encounter just yet." He said to Sarish as he brought comms back online.

=/= "Racoma to Vengeful Cardassian, as you can probably tell, we are about to have a few more guests joining this party. I'd hate to see a fine vessel like yours go to waste in a unnecessary battle." He said, hoping she would also see the vessels and make the wise decision.

"Perhaps we can continue this another day?" Duquesne asked rhetorically.

Atlana's sensors were picking up the two inbounds, the Marquis she frowned the two fighters who engage her long enough for the Racoma to run away, and that would be able it, as much as the Marquis hated the federation Cardassians didn't fair much better.

Atlana's fingers ran against the computer console, she opened her coolant interlock just enough to allow it to leave a trail... her weapons guidance was off target and she'd be lucky to get a shot or two in otherwise but this would do the most damage now that she had to run. She fired several times attempting to light the coolant trail and finally was successful, it would be seconds before the plasma ignited around them... turning this part of the badlands into a fire ball in space. =/="Maybe, Racoma, Maybe." =/=

"What is she doi---" Duquesne began to say just as his shuttle shook violently and rolled from the concussive blast as the plasma ignited off his starboard. The vessel's stabilizers fought to regain control as the shuttle continued to spin on its axis.

Duquesne used his sleeve to wipe the blood that was beginning to gather across his forehead. His vision was beginning to blur, but he was able to focus enough to see force field had activated in the rear compartment. Unfortunately, they had not activated in time to save the passengers in that section from asphyxiation.

Sarish unstrapped himself and began running towards the back of the ship to try to save as many people as he could, if that was even possible.

There wasn't much Duquesne could do for Sarish's partner, but perhaps he could still pull the survivors out of this alive.

"Computer, divert all available power to propulsion, set a course towards the incoming fighters." He said through the smoke filled cabin as he tried to control his breathing so he could concentrate.

"Computer, set course towards the incoming vessels and send an emergency distress beacon." He strained as he struggled to speak. He wasn't sure what exactly had transpired between his passenger and the Cardassian, but he knew for certain that this would not be their last confrontation.

Sarish looked through the view screen. He didn't know who this mystery woman was, but he planned to find out and he would make her pay for what she did to his friend Micah.

Atlana's fighter corrected itself while she struggled to keep control the stabilizers had done their jobs she wasn't sure if the Racoma had survived she hadn't stuck around to find out. She'd count them as alive until she knew otherwise, still through the chaos of the explosion she managed to get the hell out of the badlands.

There would come another day.

- OFF -

Michael Duquesne
Civilian Transport Pilot

Sarish Anjar
Bajoran freedom fighter

Atlana Durak
Obsidian Order Operative