Time is Fleeting – A Tale Of Two Ensigns - Episode 5
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   A Tale Of Two Ensigns - Episode 5
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Fri Oct 16, 2009 @ 10:53pm
Location   Civilian Docking Bay
Timeline   SD15 09:32 (or thereabouts)

Watts scanned the data provided to him by Lieutenant JG Serine. Though he disagreed with her methods she was very efficient and the data he was perusing was complete with various reports on this Yridian character known simply as Glanf. He'd had many brushes with the law and had even spent some time in some comfy cells at the courtesy of starfleet security. No convictions though, only warnings from across different systems in both the Beta and Alpha quadrants, but it was the only information he had.

=^= Ensign Watts to Glanf =^=

[Civilian Docking Bay]

Glanf tossed the sack through the airlock into his ship. He moved over to pick up the last crate left in the docking bay.

"What the...?"

=^= Ensign Watts to Glanf =^=

=^= Yeah I got that. What do you want now? =^=

Watts stopped in his tracks with a puzzled look on his face. ~What the hell is this one on about?~ He thought to himself. =^= Pardon me sir but I don't think I have had the pleasure yet. My Name is Ensign Watts of Starfleet. I would like to arrange a meeting with yourself if possible in regards to a matter of sector security=^=

[Civilian Docking Bay]

Glanf put down the crate he had been moving to the ship and sat down on it. He scratched his head and looked around the empty bay.

=^= Er.... =^= For a moment Glanf had a strange sense of deja vu. =^= Ensign, didn't we just talk about this? Or do you Starfleet types all sound the same and have nothing better to do?=^=

Watts continued down the corridors of Deep space five. His pace was that of a man who was pondering deeply while slightly peturbed. He descided to put his foot down a bit. =^= Mr Glanf if this is an attempt to some how confuse me. Then I insist that you decease imediatly. I will be meeting with you shortly to discuss your knowledge of local un-recorded space traffic activities and you will give full assistance or I will come down with two starfleet security officers as well. =^=

=^= Hey! No reason to call security down friend. Sure come down, I don't mind answering your questions... again. =^= Glanf quickly got the last crate into the ship and stashed a disruptor in his belt behind his back. He might have to shoot this pesky Starfleet officer and make a quick getaway.

~Again?~ =^= I'm on way =^= Watts began his walk to the turbo lift and headed down to the Civilian docking bay. Upon his arrival he found the Yridian stashing crates into his cargo hold. "Mr Glanf I presume?"

Glanf nearly jumped as the Starfleet officer entered the room unannounced. His crates were littered all over the bay and he'd barely had time to put two or three aboard. He wasn't expecting any security checks, and this ensign was wearing red. Maybe someone had seen him on his 'exploration' of the civilian areas. He put down the crate he was holding.

"Who's asking?" Glanf tried to appear non-chalant as he placed the box of stolen goods on the deck.

Watts put both hands behind his back. "You are joking right Mr Glanf? We only just had a conversation to arrange a meeting to discuss issues in reagards to some activities you may know something a little about."

Glanf looked at the young human. Was this guy messing him around? A meeting arranged? Maybe there had been some sort of Starfleet error. Again.

"What activities? Ensign...?"

"Watts. So do you know anything much about what went down around the colony on Korvas VII?" Said Watts simply and to the point.

"Listen, Starfleet. I don't know anything about that colony. I have been in the sector before, but only once or twice. I know better than to go wandering about in dangerous territory." Glanf didn't like being questioned by officials, especially when he had a load of stolen goods hanging around.

Watts wasn't a security expert or investigator but even he had played enough games of poker to know when someone was bluffing. He held up both hands. "Wo there. Nobody said it was a 'dangerous territory'...why would a Federation colony be dangerous Mr Glanf?"

Glanf withdrew slightly, picking up the crate almost as if it might protect him from the questioning. All of a sudden he wished he hadn't left his disruptor in his ship.

"Look, Ensign Watts, I didn't say that colony was dangerous. The sector though is another matter. I know for a fact that there are three rogue trading posts within five light years of your Korvas VII colony. Not that they care much. They're in on it."

Glanf realised he was probably giving a lot of information away, better to let someone else get into trouble than Starfleet start searching through his valuables right now. He made a mental note not to go within five light years of Korvas VII in a while. Shame there was a lot of profit to be had around there.

"In on what Mr Glanf?" Said Watts simply and direct to the point.

Glanf started walking the crate over to the ship. He had a lot to do still and this guy was getting in the way of his schedule.

"Look. All I know is that the colony has been trading with those outposts for a while. I did a couple of supply runs for them a while back. You know, pick up a few crates of something and take it somewhere, no questions asked." He shuffled more towards the ship airlock, realising he was carrying a crate of 'something' and letting on more than he should do. "Good money though."

Watts pierced his lips in thought. "Hmmm. Interesting. Here let me give you a hand" he said innocently. Picking up a box totally oblivious to its contents. He even smiled as he passed the crate to Glanf for him to stow away. "So perhaps you could hand over some locals for these bases?"

As the ensign handed crates across to Glanf he considered his options. He could feign forgetfulness, but it was probably a bit late for that. He had said he'd been there. He could try and do a runner, but with that anomaly doing who knows what to local space he didn't want to risk his ship again. Or he could help the Starfleet officer. He felt sick. It wasn't that he was against Starfleet, it was just the idea of being the good boy and getting a pat on the head from the nice uniform made him want to puke. It was however the only way out of the situation. Bugger. On the other hand he hadn't really felt in the mood to lift all these heavy crates by himself anyway.

"So if I give you a few co-ordinates and maybe a few names you'll go away and investigate them?"

"Yes of course Mr Glanf." said Watts with cheer in his voice while handing him another crate. He then took out a datapad and handed it to the alien. "If you would just like to input the information into this then I will be on my way."

Glanf slowly tapped the data into the PADD and watched as the ensign left the room. That was weird. He was just glad that he hadn't asked what was in the crates he had helped load. All but the last few were now on the ship. Glanf considered those he had just implicated in his giving over of data and realised that he had seen hide nor hair of them for the last three years. They had probably forgotten about him. He shifted more 'cargo' on board and walked back over to pick up the sack of isolinear rods he had pilfered from private quarters. As he picked it up his communicator bleeped.

=^= Ensign Watts to Glanf =^= The comm came through.

Glanf tossed the sack through the airlock into his ship. He moved over to pick up the last crate left in the docking bay.

"What the...?"

=^= Ensign Watts to Glanf =^= The comm came again.

=^= Yeah I got that. What do you want now? =^=

=^= Pardon me sir but I don't think I have had the pleasure yet. My Name is Ensign Watts of Starfleet. I would like to arrange a meeting with yourself if possible in regards to a matter of sector security=^=

Glanf put down the crate he had been moving to the ship and sat down on it. He scratched his head and looked around the empty bay.

=^= Er.... =^= For a moment Glanf had a strange sense of deja vu....


Ensign Watts
Played by Lt Richard Dunham

Played by Lt Greo Tovon