Interlude – Flight Upgrades
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Flight Upgrades
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Thu Sep 09, 2010 @ 7:04pm
Location   Xo's Office
Timeline   SD34

Tasha slid the PADD back to Karen.
"I have yet to meet him, but his record is exemplary. He is astute enough to know when to do something and when to avoid, well, mostly. That is the only blemish on his record." She stated and tipped her head to the side, pondering the moment. "I agree, he is more than capable of running the department but then his rank doesn't quantify the position, so he will also need to be promoted. Thoughts Commander?" Tasha asked, pressing herself back into the chair opposite Karen.

Karen smiled, "I appointed him acting CAG in your absence, the only reason I didn't go the whole way is because I didn't know your own thoughts, and once done it's difficult to undo something like this. I'm in support," she said. "Shall we bring him in? Then you can meet him."

Tasha nodded her head thoughtfully. "Or we can pay a visit down to the flight deck. I have not seen it in a while and it will give me a chance to see who Lieutenant Dunham has handled it so far and how comfortable he is in his own environment." She proposed and took some comfort in Karen's own ease with the smile.

Karen pursed her lips, "Alrighty!" she said, "Let's go visit Dunham," she agreed getting to her feet. "I think you'll be satisfied," she added.

Tasha responded with a girlish chuckle and shook her head at Karens 'Alrighty' and stood as Karen drew alongside. She held her hand outwards. "After you, Commander." She said, as they moved towards the door.

A few minutes later, they were both transported onto deck 215 and the primary docking area.
"I forget how large this station is on times." Tasha remarked as the moved past the large window area that looked out into the main docking bay.
With a glance through the strengthened plexi-glass, Tasha could see an older Ambassador class was undergoing repair and along side that, a Luna class that was undergoing its 7 year refit.
She paused, catching sight of a smaller ship below the 2 starships.
"Is that a Daystrom?" She enquired without expecting an answer as a smile came to her face as she recalled her first ship, the USS Dakota which was a Daystrom. "When did that dock?" She shook her head and bridged the small gap between the 2 of them. "A surprise every day." She muttered as she kept pace with Villiers.

"There's been a lot more room since the Rommies moved their bird out," Karen said, that 'gap' - a vast space of the bay that appeared to be unused had been tricky to explain, especially when vessels were waiting outside for access.

The door to the maintenance bays slid apart as Tashs & Karen entered.
Staff & crew were busying themselves with repairs, refits and upgrades.

Tasha looked to Karen, the question on her face, not knowing who Dunham was except for the image on his file.

Dunham sleeves rolled up and lying back on a flat roller trolley, hummed to himself as he worked underneath A Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighter. A tool box lay by his side and he reached around for a power converter and a hydro coil spanner. He was working on the fighters plasma injector matrix, by re-routing the inverse polar field. Around the small craft sat other fighter of various different sizes and shapes. Deck hands worked hard on repairing and upgrading fighters, pilots checked their planes over while other used the simulators for combat training.

"Is that you RIck?" Karen asked the feet. "The Captain is back," she added.

"What captain?" Came a inquisitive cheerful voice from under the starship. Dunham had never met Captain Tasha Tahir as he had arrived on the station when she had left for earth. He didn't really understand what the commander was on about. He did however understand after he rolled out from under the fighter and saw a female officer with captain's pips on her collar. "Sorry Ma'am" said Dunham apologetically as he got up hurriedly and stood sharply to attention.

"Captain Tahir, meet Lieutenant Dunham, our acting CAG, Lieutenant Dunham, meet Captain Tahir, our Captain," Karen introduced them with a half suppressed smile.

Tasha was also doing her level best to stop herself from laughing.

"Lieutenant Dunham. It is nice to finally meet you. Commander Villiers speaks highly of you." Her eyes fixed on Richard. "Do you have somewhere a little more private we can talk. Commander Villiers and I need to discuss some outstanding issues with both you and the flight department." She stated.

"Yeah sure no problem ma'am" said Dunham picking up a rag and rubbing away the oil on his arms and face. "Please follow me" he lead them up a metal girded stair case up to the gangways and walkways that hung above the hanger bay. Up here was the flight control and docking control for the fighters as well as Dunham's office. As they entered the tidy room which was no way an example of his own shared quarters, which were always a mess. Dunham crossed the room to the replicator "May I get you both a drink?"

"Nothing for me, Lieutenant," Karen declined the offer. It was only about fifteen minutes since she'd had her last espresso and she was, really was trying to cut down.

Dunham smiled and shrugged. "Fair enough" he turned back to the replicator and ordered himself a Bolian tonic water for his nerves. He was use to the presence of the commander, but since he had been on the station he hadn't had to meet anyone at the rank of captain for some time. Excluding his mother, but he never really counted that.

Tasha was quietly impressed with his office. Everything in place and a place for everything.
"A tidy office makes a tidy mind, Lieutenant. Mind if we sit?" Tasha asked as she moved to one of the black plastic chairs that was stationed close enough to the desk to be dragged backwards.
She turned to Karen nodding with her head to the other chair aside hers. "Commander Villiers and I have been discussing your current role, as Acting CAG and we both feel that you are more than capable of taking full command of Flight, but I have one problem with that." Tasha stated as Richard waved to the chairs to be utilised.

"ok" Dunham's tone was thoughtful and inquisitive, as if he didn't know what the captain was talking about. He was curious as to what the captains issue was, he hoped for a moment that it was not his wedding plans with another officer on-board her station.

"It was only right to have someone in the role, keeping things running," Karen said seemingly in defence of her action.

Tasha dipped her head. "By all means Commander," She responded to Karen's glance filled apprehension, "you placed the 'acting' on the Lieutenant, I think you should be responsible for the rest!" She grinned.

Karen let out a sigh. "If I must," she said turning back to Dunham. "Lieutenant, it is both my pleasure and privilege to confirm the position that you have held in keeping. I am sure that you will serve this station with equal vigour as its CAG in your own right. In addition, it is my heartfelt duty to recognise your services, and to formally acknowledge your efforts. Do you have any questions, Lieutenant Commander?" she asked extending her palm, the additional pip concealed within its fold.

Dunham physically relaxed, his shoulders slumped as he de-tensed. He took the offered hand with a firm warm had shake, he grinned like a child in a sweet shop. "Thank ma'am, thank you very much." He said sincerely and with enthusiasm. He felt the pip in his hand and pinned it onto his collar.

"Its long overdue," Karen said with a nod. "Well, Captain, I think our work here is done."

"urrrmm..yeah... quick question." said Dunham uncertainly "how long have you been back on the station captain?"

"Since yesterday morning Commander, why?" She asked at his question.

"Know one tells me nothing around here" he said with smile. Though the sound of commander sounded good to his ear's.

"I know that feeling!" She replied with a grin and followed Karen out of the Service Bay.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham
CAG Squadron Leader

Commander Karen Villliers
Executive Officer