Incommunicado – From darkness to light
by Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   From darkness to light
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Sun Nov 27, 2011 @ 7:25am
Location   Docking Bay - Petro's Quarters
Petro guided her small craft to the designated area and set it down with a veterans touch. A year ago it would have been a rough landing but after spending time on her own, building and perfecting her own ship she learned a few tricks. Now she can not only land with barely a whisper she can fly in formation with a fighter wing, though her own ship has limited weaponry; just enough to cause a distraction for her to get away.

After running through her systems check, Petro picked up her belongings and stepped of her ship. She still hadn’t decided on a name for it but there was plenty of time for that. Perhaps it would come to her one night when she least expected. She had considered calling it Rakka, after her best friend but somehow she didn’t think the ship, as good as was, it didn’t live up to the name.
She passed through the checkpoint per standard procedures and made her way to her old quarters. She was not at all surprised that they were still unoccupied. No one wanted a space as small as hers. Returning as the quartermaster made it a bit easier to assign quarters to herself.

The belongings were neatly placed in their respective places, small decorations here and there to add a little ambience and it was just like home again. She changed into her Starfleet Uniform, donning her new rank and checked herself in the mirror. Her physique had changed quite a bit since the last time she stood there. Her body was taking a more feminine appearance which mostly showed from the waist up. Satisfied that she looked as polished as she could, Petro left her quarters to return to the fast paced world of Station Life.