Cascade – It's the Flux Capacitor - I think?
by Lieutenant JG Malak Muz & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   It's the Flux Capacitor - I think?
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Malak Muz & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Thu Feb 28, 2013 @ 2:54pm
Location   The Crows Nest
Timeline   SD71 1115

Malak stood atop the Peregrine fighter as he held a Padd in his hand. He was speaking to some poor Petty Officer under the bird,"Ok.. Keep it going, Keep it going." His eyes watching as the ebb and flow of the spikes were coming and going. There was a frown to his features after a moment,"No.. Hold It! Hold It! Hold I.." He turned away as a manifold bursted in front of him and he turned away as the sparks came out. He shook his head and looked down at the man who came from under the ship, looking as surprised as he ways. His hand coming up to run through his hair,"Damnit.. I don't need this bird going down on me." He hit his compin.

=^= "Lieutenant Muz to Engineering, Anyone up there by chance?" =^=

Having just completed transmitting the data on the alien ship to Drakt, Wyman closed the subspace connection. The last thing he expected was for someone to ask if anyone was "up there" in engineering. "This is engineering. What can I do for you, Lieutenant Muz?" he asked. As he answered, he called up the personnel files so he would know just to whom he was speaking.

=^= "Yea.. Can I get an engineer down here.. One of my birds is having an issue with it's impulse engines. I'm on a dead line with these things as we have a few critical patrols coming up - Would it be possible to have someone down here asap? =^=

Malak sighed and moved back as a few more sparks came up and there was soft cursing under his breath. =^= "I'll throw in some holodeck rations for this week.." =^= His tone joking.

Though the fighter jock couldn't see it, the engineer on the other end had quizzically arched an eyebrow. 'We're rationing holodeck time now?' he thought. 'I didn't know we were under low power mode.'

"Uh... Yes. I've got some time before I need to get back to working on that whack job ship. I'll be right up there. Engineering, out." With that Steve closed the comm link, grabbed his tool kit from next to his desk, and walked out of his office door. After this morning, the last thing he wanted to do was get back on that ship, so he was willing to take any excuse to avoid it. "Lebowski, hold down the fort. I'm going to go give the airdales some help."

A petty officer with a scruffy beard and scruffier head of hair raised a hand in acknowledgement. "The Dude abides, sir."

==Hangar Bay, a few minutes later==

The turbolift doors parted to reveal the positively cavernous hangar bay and the constant din of fighters launching and landing. Unceremoniously he sidled up to a pudgy, older Human with an unlit cigar hanging out of his mouth. "Excuse me Chief. I'm looking for Lieutenant Muz."

Giving the chief engineer a sidelong glance, the enlisted man pointed to a befuddled looking Trill standing on top of a Peregrine. "S'over there. Sir." he answered around the cigar in a thick Tennessee drawl.

"Thanks, Chief." As Wyman walked away he gestured to the stogie and added, "Those things will kill you, by the way." He didn't stick around to hear the most likely colorful retort.

Instead he continued over to where Muz was perched, looking ever perplexed by whatever was wrong with his aerospace craft. "Lieutenant Muz? I'm Lieutenant Wyman, and I understand that something is wrong with your ship."

"..One of my ships." The Pilot calls back down as he stands ontop of the Peregrine. He frowns and sighs as he makes his way over towards the ladder and then makes his way down. He pushes himself off as he turns to look at the man with a smile, his hand coming out to shake the Lieutenants. He nods his head and motions,"One of my pilots was about to start a standard patrol when the Impulse engines went out. Anytime we try to start them, it sparks. Internal Diagnostics show nothing wrong. I'm not sure why she is giving me any grief." He turns to look at the ship and crosses his arms.

Steve chuckled half-heartedly. "You will find that it's not always the best idea to trust a computer. Most of the time, but not always." By this point he was absently chewing on his lower lip, deep in thought. "Might be the driver coil.... though it could be something with the fusion reactor itself. I might need to take it offline before I jigger around in it."

By this point he had pulled a tricorder from his tool kit and was slowly scanning the impulse drive. "Hmm... definitely nothing mechanically wrong with it..."

"I thought that to.. I can completely power the Fusion reactor to one hundred percent.. It's just when you activate the Impulse drive." He shakes his head,"The Matter-Antimatter system is fine to.. I even took both of the reactors off line and activated the Batteries for back up power.. Still nothing." There is a cringe at his words and a slight frown. His hand coming up to go through his hair,"Anyway to prevent that by chance? I need all my birds up." He glances at the man.

Steve was only half listening, his eyes focused on the small display on the tricorder. It was an older model TR-590, not one of the newer models which was virtually all touchscreen. It clearly held some sort of sentimental value for it not to have been relegated to a scrap heap. "What the... frak..." he muttered, his eyebrows arching in surprise and confusion. "What in the world..."

Malak glanced to the man, raising an eyebrow,"Frak?" He offered to the strange language. A slight shrug as he looked forward and walked towards it. His hand coming up to touch the bottom of the Chasis,"Man. I don't want to needless light years on the new ships, but if we need to deconstruct it - we can.." He glances back,"I'll take it out of rotation."

By this point Wyman was completely tuned out to what was going on around him. Setting down the tricorder and pulling an access panel off the side of ship, he plunged shoulder deep into the small opening. "Do you have any gloves?" he asked, one eye clenched shut as he half-blindly fiddled around precariously close to a fusion reactor.

"..Not really." Malak says as he raises an eyebrow at the man. He moves away from him and goes over towards one of the engineering benches. He does come back with some high intensity gloves as he offers them to the man.

"Thank you." Wyman said, pulling his arm out of the fighter and pulling on the gloves. Once he was satisfied that they were on all the way, he dove back in. Squinting and gritting his teeth, a few grunts emanated from him. "Almost... al... most... HA! Gotcha!"

Triumphantly, Steve got free of the ship. In his gloved hand was a sphere about three centimeters in diameter. "Here's your culprit."

"...The hell is that?" Malak offers as he slowly moves forward to take a look at it, an eyebrow raising,"Space Debris?"

"This..." Steve explained, turning it over in his hands, " a deuterium pellet. Somehow, this little bugger made it through the fusion reactor without getting torched, and jammed in the exhaust manifold. So every time you tried to fire up the engine, the manifold would jam - that's where your sparks came from." At that he held it up to his face to make sure it wasn't still frozen. Satisfied that it was sufficently warm to not cause anyone frostbite, he tossed it to the Trill pilot.

"If it hadn't gotten stuck where it did, it would have just been spit out the exhaust and floated in space until the end of time. Or fired across the deck and lodged in a bulkhead - depending on the timing. So I guess having it get stuck was for the best." he said with a smirk.

"Oh wow.. That could have really taken out one of our people if we hadn't figured it out." Malak says as he catches and looks at the thing. He considers the object and then glances to Steve,"Thanks Lieutenant." He glances to the ship and pauses,"You ever play what is essentially Bajoran Raquetball?" He offers as he looks at him.

Putting his tricorder back in his tool kit and pulling the gloves off, Steve glanced up at Malak, "I'm honestly not much of an athlete. Yeah I did the Academy marathon, but I was closer to the back of the field than the front. Most of my exercise comes from chasing my daughter around."

"And That's where I come in.. We'll have to do raquetball.. Soon." Malak says with a grin and a dip of his head. He nods,"Thank you for all your help - Lieutenant, I hope you have a wonderful day."


Malak Muz
Starfighter Wing Executive Commander


Lt. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineer