Beg, Steal or Borrow – Care to explain yourself?
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & 1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady & Ensign Brian Moxis & Lieutenant T'Pal & Colonel James Darson

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Title   Care to explain yourself?
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & 1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady & Ensign Brian Moxis & Lieutenant T'Pal & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Thu Jun 25, 2009 @ 11:54pm
Location   Main Security (Brig)
Timeline   SD 9 - 11:00hrs

*Taps* "Gabriel to Ensign Moxis, report to the brig." Gabriel said as his hand moved from his commbadge back to the PADD in his hand. He was surprised that he had allowed such a jewel to slip by him without being noticed. It was not every day that he had the luxury of having a Marine as a guest within his facilities.

Gabriel nodded to the officer at the door as he entered the room and strolled to the holding cell holding. . .

"Lieutenant Daniel Brady, Marine Executive Officer. To what do I owe this fine pleasure?" Gabriel said with a smile. "Hmm, well let me see: Disorderly conduct, Assault, Battery of a Law Enforcement Officer, Public intoxication, Criminal destruction of Property, etc." Gabriel read aloud.

The Lieutenant shrugged his shoulders, "I wouldn't go as far as saying criminal destruction of property, because I don't remember breaking anything. But then again, I don't remember a great deal from last night." He wasn't sure whether to be a smart-ass or not as he didn't know the Lieutenant Commander well enough.

"Now I know that civility isn't a word that you Marines tend to hold in much regard, but around here, you actually have to play nice with others, especially those of the fairer gender." Gabriel added. He turned and noticed the arrival of Ensign Moxis into the small room.

"Good, now Ensign, please explain to me what happened last night." Gabriel said to the officer.

"I had been off duty for about an hour. Walking by the lounge I had noticed some people getting thrown out. I decided to stop in and grab a quick drink. Before I had even taken the first sip I heard a female yell. I followed Mr. Logger through the crowd and noticed the 1st Lieutenant here refusing to let the Chief Diplomatic go. We gave him several warnings and finally he took the first shot at me. I hit him a few times in the back of his knees to get him down on the ground but it didn't work. Finally after he blacked out from the hits from the Barman she was free. She didn't look to hurt sir." Brian took a deep breath staring at the marine.

Gabriel returned his gaze towards the obviously enthused 1st Lieutenant. "Your side of the story please?" Gabriel requested.

"I'd had a bad day to start off with, so I thought I'd smash down a few drinks. I saw the Chief Diplomat walk in and I tried to impress her. And things went from there I guess. I made a few wrong moves that resulted in myself getting yelled at, me throwing a few punches and getting hit a few times and then blacking out. I think I may have hurt her by accident." Daniel said, struggling to remember just the basics of the events. He was still slightly hung-over.

"Well that just makes things even more interesting." Gabriel said while lifting himself off the wall and looking at the PADD again. "Well, you just stay here and do push-ups or sit-ups or whatever it is you Marines do when not shooting somebody." Gabriel said as he exited the cell.

When he came back to his desk he looked towards Ensign Moxis. "Ensign, I want you to go talk to the Bar tender and see if he wishes to press charges against the Marine. I'm trying to turn around this department, and the last thing I want is for the civilian population to think that we are handing out slaps on the wrists. I'll get in touch with the Diplomacy Officer." Gabriel said

"Right away sir." Brian turned around and walked out. Headed to the lounge.

*Taps* "Gabriel to Ms. Kelan, please report to Main Security." He said as he reviewed the charges that had accumulated in such a short amount of time.

Ayren was not surprised at the call, frankly, she had been waiting for it, but she needed to be certain. The had several meetings and would have to interrupt one, and wouldn't do it for anything else. "In connection with what is it, Commander?" she asked tapping her commbadge.

Gabriel grumbled slightly. He wasn't used to having to explain his request, things went smoother when people just complied.

*Taps* "It involves the incident last night between you and 1st Lieutenant Brady." Gabriel responded.

"Thank you, I am on my way," she answered and excused herself from her present company. Her aide was well capable to continue and Ayren had warned her that she might go to Security.

- - - Several Minutes Later - - -

Gabriel looked up as the woman entered his office. "Thank you for coming down on such short notice, hopefully I wasn't interrupting anything of any consequence." He said lightly.

A small smile tugged at her lips. "I have been expecting a call Security, and had made arrangements for that possibility," she said matching his tone.

"Right . . . "he said as he shifted his attention towards the PADD in his hand. "I've been going over what happened last night and I've already spoken to both the Marine and Ensign Moxis. I wish to know what exactly do you wish to do? Press Charges or no?" Gabriel asked.

"Usually I would not, but drunk or not, his behavior was unacceptable, so yes I am pressing charges," she said firmly. She had been thinking about it and having been Starfleet herself, she knew very well what was expected of officers, marines or not. How much he had hurt her was not the issue, but the fact that he would not let go after several warnings, that was issue. She sincerely hoped that he would not remember that she caused him a headache.... not that it was illegal, she preferred to hide that ability.

Outside, Darson strode angrily through the corridors of the station, bearing down on the Main Security office accompanied by two MP’s. He had just learned that his XO was in the brig under charges of assault as well as a multitude of other equally horrible charges.

He entered the Security suite and headed straight for the receptionist. He had better things to do than get his erstwhile XO out of the brig, and so he wanted to get this done and out of the way with as quickly as possible. As he came up on the receptionist, he said as politely as he could manage, “Pardon me…the Marine Commander is here to see Lieutenant Commander Gabriel regarding a Marine that you currently have incarcerated in your brig. First Lieutenant Daniel Brady.”


A smile crept across Gabriel's face as the Diplomacy Officer decided to follow through and press charges. He nodded quickly and began the paperwork that would be necessary for the task. As he extended his arm across the desk he was greeted with the arrival of Major Darson followed by the Jarhead Duet.

"Well, look who decided to join the party!" Gabriel said cheerfully. "It's 11:00'o'clock, do you know where your Marines are?" Gabriel l said with a laugh as he finally found use for the old Terran cliché.

Ayren raised her one eyebrow at the sarcastic remark from Gabriel and felt hot under the collar. It was clear that he enjoyed the Marine CO's predicament. She was just going to comment, but held her tongue.

Darson stood silently in the doorway of the office for a second, and then stepped slowly inside. As he moved forward, he gestured silently for the two MP’s to wait outside, and they quickly and efficiently obeyed. The door hissed shut, and he moved towards the desk, throwing a quick glance at the seemingly embarrassed CDO. He let out a little sighing sound and addressed Dorian calmly, “Mr. Gabriel…what exactly seems to be the problem here?”

"Well Major, it seems like your boys don't understand what the word 'No' means." Gabriel said as he slid a PADD across his desk to Darson giving a general explanation of the event. "Ms. Kelan here has decided to exercise her rights as a Federation citizen and press charges against Mr. Brady." Gabriel said as he handed the PADD to Kelan to authorize.

Ayren took the padd and after reading it through, she pressed her thumb at the allocated space and authorized it. Her eyes flashed sharply in Dorian's direction. "I would like to make something quite clear, Commander. Do not use my pressing charges as an advantage in whatever personal issues you have with the Major," she said annoyed. "I will have no part in it," she stated firmly.

“Too late,” Darson thought. He could tell that Dorian had already decided to make this matter personal. He quickly read through the PADD, his frown building inside his mask with each additional line of text. No matter what happened next, this did not bode well for Lieutenant Brady.

He looked up sharply at the sitting dark skinned man when he was done reading and said, “I want him remanded into my custody, immediately.”

"For the time being, I'll release Mr. Brady, but on the condition that he have absolutely NO contact with Ms. Kelan. I will also be in contact with our station Commander in regards to appropriate punishment since this is an incident involving not one, but TWO Starfleet officers." Gabriel said as he nodded to the nearby officer to release Brady from his cell.

"Any questions?" Gabriel asked.

Darson quietly stared at both of the other senior officers in the room for a couple of seconds before saying in a flat and uncharacteristically serious and businesslike tone, “Mr. Gabriel, as Lieutenant Brady is a Marine, I am his Commanding Officer. As a regimental commander, non-judicial punishment is available at my sole discretion. However, I can assure you that this conduct of Lieutenant Brady, being unbecoming of an officer of the Corp and a Federation Citizen, will be result in him being disciplined…severely, as well as being noted on his CSV."

"Ohhh yes, I'm sure there'll be lot's of toilets to scrub with a toothbrush in his future." Gabriel said sarcastically as he placed the Padd on his desk to be properly uploaded into the main database.

"If that is all, I have a lot of work to get to." Gabriel said to the gathering crowd in his office.

Ayren's eyes went from Darson, to Gabriel and back to Darson, ignoring Dorian's rudeness. "I am certain that you will make the right decision regarding Lieutenant Brady's punishment," she said, containing her own annoyance. "Major... Commander...if there is anything else, please do not hesitate to contact me," she offered.

Darson merely gave a small shake of his head before turning and heading silently out the door to go and retrieve his wayward XO from the brig.


Lt. Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security

Ayren Kelan
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Major James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer

Ensign Brian Moxis
Security officer

1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady
Marine Executive Officer