Beg, Steal or Borrow – Babysitting part 1
by Lieutenant T'Pal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   Babysitting part 1
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Wed Jun 17, 2009 @ 10:15pm
Location   Dana'l family quarters
Timeline   just Before Freedom't departure
Ayren was standing at the viewport where she could see the Freedom. It's shape became unfocussed as tears welled up in her black eyes. It was not the ship that had drawn her there, but someone on it. So quickly had the children and Akhil crept into her heart and now they were leaving and she doubted if she would ever see them again. They would quickly forget her, for her it would be harder. The pang of being so alone renewed the flow of tears that spilled over the beautiful diplomat's face. Her thought inevitably returned to the person she would miss the most....

[Some days before]
Squeals of laughter erupted as the twins crawled towards their 'prey' on the floor. Ayren kept on rolling out of their reach, but every now and them allowed herself to be caught, in which she joined them in their cries. By now her hair was a total mess, her clothing in disarray and she had some sort of paint above her one eye and over her cheek . Of the usual elegant and graceful beauty was little left.

She tossed the small baby boy playfully in the air, without really letting him go and then pinned him on the floor, 'eating him stomach while his sister was pulling the rest of her hear form the remains of the pony tail she came there with. Akhil needed to attend to some business and didn't hesitate to take the half betazoid up on her offer to baby sit. And the diplomat didn't hesitate to assist. She loved every minute.

Da'nal had just come off duty and was looking forward to an evening with the kids. Based on his first impressions he felt that he was going to enjoy is time here. He stopped in his tracks as a revelation occurred. He had justified his joining Starfleet to his father based on the example then Ambassador Worf had made. Now here he was a Lieutenant Commander, having risen through the ranks on a starship, currently serving on Deep Space 5, just outside the borders of the Federation. The parallel was uncanny.

He resumed his walk, a coy grin on his face.

He approach his quarters and as the door opened his ears where filled with the laughter. To his surprise it wasn’t Akhil but Miss Kelan. “Evening Miss….Ayren.” Remembering her asking to be called by her first name. “What brings you here this evening?”

His voice startled Ayren, having been so engrosed with the game. She looked up from her 'meal' where she was play eating a little stomach, trying to detangle another little hand that was gripping her hair.

"Comander..." she said turning her attention to the twins, "Look...look who's here!" She pointed towards the big Klingon and her hair was released as the little girl looked up to her father. When both children noticed him, Ayren got up slowly. "Akhil needed to attend some business and asked me to look after the twins.." se explained, while trying to rearrage her hair.

Stepping closer he closed the gap as the two little ones crawled to him. Reaching down he grabbed the back of their outfits picking both of them up and with a toss he scoopped them up, one in each arm. "Hope they weren't too much trouble. Klingon children can be....spirited."

She smiled, unaware of the paint marks on her face. "They are no bother to me. I often looked after babies when we lived on Qo'noS," she explained. "Well, with you here, I guess, my task is finished." she smiled s she gathered her things.

Nodding he turned and began to walk away but he could feel the kids reach back towards her turn looking at then and then to Ayren as she finished collecting he thing that his to little monsters had scattered about. "Where are my manners." He said. Please stay for a while. At east I can do is offer you dinner in return for your services."

'It was no service... I loved it. I should repay you for allowing me to have some fun amidst what is going on on the station," she said politetly. "I won't take up more of your time, unless I could assist to prepare a meal for them." The demi Betazoid was careful not to intrude on their privacy.

Bowing his head slightly, "I would be honored." As he set the children down the their chairs he wondered what 'business' Akhil had had to attend to? Turning back to his guest he smiled and pointed to his face, then to her. " I think one of them got you."

Half surprised her hand moved to her face where he had pointed. Distinctly uncomfortable, she smiled to hide it. "May I use your bathroom to look could be paint. They might have thought that they needed to improve my looks.." she joked.

"Well I doubt it was that," he said automatically. "The bathroom is right through there." He said pointing the way, even though she probably knew that layout already.

"I think they believe I lack cranial ridges.." she said when she stepped into the bathroom, half over her shoulder. She appeared moments later, her face cleaned and her hair tied back properly. "Akhil didn't expect you back so are an least an hour early." she said with a little smile, without accusation, more explaining her absence. "She went to look for an appropriate school for them and some equipment she needed. Ayren had sensed that he was thinking about her, but answered it without reference to the thought.

Outwardly he nodded but inward was another story. Akhil knew his schedule better than he did at times. Looking for a their age that wasn't even needed yet. He knew exactly what Akhil was doing, but he could not hold Ayren responsible.

"So what would you like me to do" she asked picking up Garath as he was now holding his arms out for her again 'eating' his stomach, causing an shriek to errupt form a strong little throat.

Turning to answer her he paused as Garath reach up to her wanting her attentions. Smiling as his son erupted in laughter and squirmed in her arms. A flash of mixed emotions began to churn in his gut; anger, grief, regret, longing, but amusement, comfort, and gladness as well. He was upset that it wasn't their mother they were enjoying, but glad that there 'was' someone the kids could bond with. "They both have several items preprogrammed into the replicator. If you could pull up one of the meal plans that would be ideal."


CDO: Ayren Kelan

Then - CStrat Ops: Lt. Cmdr Da`nal