Unity – Flights of Fancy (pt 2)
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Flights of Fancy (pt 2)
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun Aug 29, 2010 @ 12:47pm
Location   Deep Space
Timeline   SD30

Watts smiled to himself, his sneaky little mind had done a good job on this one. He had shared a large bottle of blood wine with Ning'tao captain on more than one occasion....and more....though his muscles still ached from the last 'and more.' He smiled again at the memory. But now he listened to the comm intently wandering what the cadet would do, he also had a direct link to the Ning'tao's captain, who was about to perform a little favour for him.

When the young cadet de-materialised on the Klingon transpoerter pad. Two Klingon warriors stood their, weapons drawn. One growled the other glared menacingly. "You are now a prisoner of the "Klingon Empire"


Blue was frightened out of her wits but her natural self-defence was to cover her fear by trying to make light of things.

=^= um... okay =^= she replied with hesitancy, unaware that she was still broadcasting to her squad via her headpiece. =^= so.. do I get to make a phone call to my lawyer then? =^= Only the Klingons could see her wince as she waited to become either dead or worse.

Surprisingly the first Klingon reached towards her and wrenched her forward. Blue squeaked but had no choice. She let him pull her hair aside and remove her headset. "That isn't working..... " she began to tell him, but was even more surprised when the other one fired a shot over her head. "noooooo " she threw herself sideways to duck out of the firing line, unaware that he had no intention of hitting her. The sideways leap landed her in the arms of the first Klingon who was laughing and the one instinct she had was to get out of the arms of her 'attacker' so she began to struggle, completely in vain.

"Let go of me, you brute. PUT ME DOWN!" she shouted at him, wrestling audibly with a far superior force.

The other one stood on her headset with his huge heavy boot and then the first one dropped her on her feet and they both began to laugh, chattering in Klingon.

Blue was completely confused to be released so abruptly and when they stood looking her up and down, clearly discussing her and laughing. She demanded to know what was going on, which just made them laugh more.

The Klingon's put away there disruptor pistols, with hearty Klingon laughter. One slapped her on the side of the back in companionship. "Ha! Come little warrior the captain wishes to meet her honoured guest." He laughed again and held out a hand to help her off the transporter pad. "She will explain everything."

"hon...... honoured?" Blue spluttered, having no idea that it had been the squashing of her active headset that had marked the turn round in the welcome she had first received. She tagged along as bidden feeling a little guilty at having kicked the shins of her host so hard just now. She hoped it was true that Klingon's didn't mind being assaulted and reminded herself that he'd picked her up first.

As they entered the dimly lit bridge, Blue was pushed ahead of her escort and into the centre in front of a large Klingon woman with huge hair and uneven teeth and a uniform that made emphasis of her cleavage. Blue had seen Klingon women before but this one, on the pedestal of her Captain's chair seemed bigger than ever. Unwilling to look afraid as all the training said this would be unwise so she stood up straight and stuck out her chest and chin as bravely as she could manage.

"HA!!" said the Klingon Captain balling her hand into a fist and slamming it against the arm of her command chair. "This one has spirit!" She stood up from her seat, and grabbed the young cadet and lifting her up in a massive friendly bear hug. "Watts has taught you well!" She put down Blue back on the deck. "You are are welcome on my ship young warrior. But tell me how is Watts? My bed grows cold at his lack of presence!"

Blue blushed bright red. "Th... thankyou..." she spluttered, unable to think about her Squadron Leader in bed with this huge, amazonian woman who was clearly so full of life herself. Not to mention strength! That bearhug was clearly meant to be friendly but it sure had hurt.

"Squadron Leader Watts is..... " suddenly the whole scam sunk into Blue's confused head. Watts had set her up. ~....Bastard!~ she thought. "......dead! When I get hold of him" she muttered.

"Ha Ha Ha!" came the booming laugh from deep within the Klingon woman's chest. "We had you fooled with our ruse yes?" The Captain handed her a stone carved chalice, in it was blood wine. "Here drink." she smiled her eyes sparkling.


Watts hoped the Klingons were not too rough on the young trainee, they had been known to get a little rough in their war games. But the ships Captain had promised by her honour ~and other things~ that the cadet would be well treated. Already though the squads comm links were going crazy about what had happened.

Will was seething. Hadn't he *said* he should go instead of the muppet? What was Watts *thinking* sending a child out to do an adult's job? If those damned great hulks were hurting her, they'd have *him* to reckon with! He growled down the open channel.

"Sir, we have to go and get her!" he declared. "She didn't get far, we must have enough fuel... We just can't leave her in the hands of blood thirsty enemies like Klingons!"

There were mutterings of agreement from the other two fighters' crews including Watt's own trainee.

"May I remind you Will, that the Klingons are not enemies they are allies, and even so how do you suggest we take on a Klingon bird of prey?"

"If they're our allies we can demand they hand her back. Threaten them if they hurt her, Starfleet will kick their asses!" Will growled.

"Two of our ships have warheads still. We could bluff it?" put in another trainee

~Is that how he acts under pressure~ thoughts Watts to himself. Making a mental note to write about it in his report to Dunham and mentioning the word 'aggressive'. His flight control panel beeped alarmingly. Watts smiled to himself. "I wan t signal confirmation at co-ordinates 18alpha. looks like a possible cloaked ship and its heading towards us...."

The squad went to battlestations which was fine for Reds 2 and 4 but it was very difficult for Red 1 with three pilots aboard.

Soaring through space and banking towards them in a steep bend at full speed and a shimmer of a de-activated cloak came the bird of prey. It's weapons were locked on the closest targets in the wing. Its green hull and elegant bird like shape, came down on them like a hawk about to grab a fish from a lake.

A couple of the trainees had never been so close to 'real' danger and were very scared but no-one wanted to show their fear or panic, however, the tales that would be told of their feelings and bowel-movements at this moment would become a great talking point back at the station later.

Will was too experienced to be one of the ones gripped by fright but he was already experiencing some protective feelings towards *his* little muppet allegedly helpless in the hands of the powerful and reputedly brutal Klingons inside that huge and impressive ship that appeared threateningly above them. He steeled himself for the worst on several levels.

The Klingon bird of prey sat there, hanging menacingly in the black of space. It didn't move, but according to sensor read out's from the fighters controls it's shields and weapons had powered down. Then over the comm came a young cadet's voice, with a hint of slight intoxication.....

=^= Hey Guyzzz =^= Blue slurred a little, suddenly aware that things weren't as clear as they had been earlier, not least of which her words. =^= Ooooh, Klongin blidwine ish a bit shtronger than i thought.. =^= she began to giggle.

Will's fists, which hadn't been unclenched in some time, flexed. =^= The bastards have got her drunk! =^= he growled. =^= God knows what their intentions are but by hell I'll send them straight to Stovakor if they've touched her! =^=

One or two squad eyebrows raised in surprise at how fiercely protective he was being over the 'pain in the a$$' he was always grumbling about.

Nonetheless, they were all anxious about her too and only Watts seemed to be taking this calmly.

=^= The Captin..... Marlok.... whantsh the Schkipper.... schee wantsh to take him prishoner =^= Blue chuckled, raising her tankard and clashing it against the Klingon Captian's larger one with more giggling.

The squad went quiet, horrified at the 'exchange' they thought was being proposed.

Their was a moments silence, it felt long and drawn out. The oponents faced each other, like forces from eras past during the cold war. Both sides just waited for the other to make the first move.

But the silence was rudely broken by a loud laugh that came from Watt's Comm =^=You tell her cadet that I still have bruises and fractured bones from the last time she 'took me prisoner.' It's going to have to be my place this time =^=

Down Blue's comm there came an even heartier laugh from beside her. A deep, resonant feminine laugh. =^= If he's not up to it, little Warrior, perhaps I'll have to find one of my many handsome Klingon officers for you to practice showing your boss how it's done bravely? =^= the Klingon Captain teased Watts.

Will's frown darkened. =^= Watts? Are you getting her out of there or am I going to have to do it? =^= he growled from the inside of Red 1. =^= This just went past funny.=^=

Montassi, the cadet in Red 1, currently in an uncomfortably tight sharing of space with Will, agreed heartily. =^= It went past funny when we ended up three in a fighter =^= he muttered. =^= No offence Sir =^= he acknowledged Will, not wishing to offend him at the best of times, especially at such close quarters.

=^= Awwwww, that's so sweet! =^= came back a young, still slightly inebriated voice.

=^= Don't worry about me, Will......er.... I mean Sir..." Blue addressed her skipper. =^= I'm having a great time.... And I came back for you all.... see? =^= she was so proud, thinking she'd somehow managed to save them, not sober enough to realise yet that their squadron leader had set her up .... set them all up.

The others, however, were much clearer on the matter.

=^= Shut up you little muppet =^= Will snapped back. He now realised he'd shown everyone that he cared what happened to her which had ruined his 'tough, impenetrable façade'. Being forced to show his protective feelings towards her had embarrassed him and that made him grumpy with her as if it was her fault.

=^= We were never in danger, it was a training Op. If you're too drunk to work that out you shouldn't be out playing with the big boys. =^= He grumbled.

=^= You know what? You're mean! =^= she burst out, her feelings hurt.
=^= You're always telling me I'm too young and that I'm a muppet and worse things. You never tell me I did well, you just grump at me all the time.... well, today I thought it out and I was brave. I did my best and for once it was good enough. The Captain says so! =^= she retorted sulkily, slightly clearer for the adrenalin now in her system again.

=^= In fact she says I could be a Klingon fighter pilot if I want and I DO want to. I want to show you all. =^= Blue looked across at the Klingon Captain.

=^= Can I get a transfer please, Ma'am? =^= they heard her ask earnestly. =^= I'd work hard and always be brave, I promise. And I'm not stupid, so don't listen to Will. He's wrong. =^= she added with a hurt pout.

The Klingon captain rolled her eyes at the intricacies of human relationships, in her culture it seemed so much more simpler when a man or women wanted a member of the opposite sex. She just snorted slightly and slapped the cadet on the back in a friendly manner. But she ignored the question and instead spoke directly to watts. =^= Watt's we are beginning the beaming of fuel to your fighters, they will be ready to go soon. Then we will escort you back to deep space Five. With your permission I would like to keep the cadet onboard until our return - we have to....how do you humans put it...talk about the birds and the bees.=^=

=^=Roger that. All fighters lay in a course for the barn warp two. =^=

Ensign William Highland had an uncomfortable ride back, in more ways than just being squashed into a small cockpit almost in the lap of another cadet.


Ensign Watts
Klingon Captain
NPC's by Dunham


Ensign William Highland
Cadet Anais 'Blue' Jackson
NPC'd by Jools