Incommunicado – In case of emergency, break glass
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Lieutenant JG Petro & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & UFP Ambassador Ryan O'Hara

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Title   In case of emergency, break glass
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Lieutenant JG Petro & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & UFP Ambassador Ryan O'Hara
Posted   Sat Jun 02, 2012 @ 10:27pm
Location   Ops/ Hangar bay
Timeline   SD57 15:25

The last thing Petro remembered was the loud screaching sound that came through the communications system. Her only thoughts were to get back to the station and let them know what they had found, but holding on to the waking world had become a challenge that she could not win. She looked over at Rushtone, his face swirling in the lights. Robert looked worse, his eyes bulging from his sockets. She knew she was hallucinating but there wasn't anything she could do about it. Her eyes closed despite her efforts to keep them open. Silence soon followed as the noise around her faded away into nothing.

His hands were on fire, but Robert was adamant despite his subconscious yelling at him to let the chips go, that these were vital to the safety of DS5.

The last thing he heard was Dunham yelling at his radio, but to Rushtone, it was distant and soft, like a welcoming lullaby.

Rick yelling down the commlink to anyone who could hear shouted =^= Repeat this is garrison vessel USS Polux requesting emergency docking procedure. Navigation is out and I'm barely able to guide her in on manual. We have wounded onboard...please respond! =^= Rick prayed to the powers that be that they could hear him, communications were so scrambled and jammed because of that thing out there in the black of space. ~As soon as this things docks I'm bloody well going home ~ he thought to himself petulantly. Rick was contemplating using the transporters when he heard a faint comm signal response.

William Harris was standing at the console when the crackle of a communication began to filter through. He tried to increase the gain, but the first attempt was less than useless. He then began a series of relays and an amplification clean-up when the message was repeated and Harris was just able to make sense of it.

=^= "DS5 to USS Pollux, Message understood. Clearing main hangar bay."=^= Harris responded and immediately hit the console signalling flight control to prepare for the damaged craft coming in. He then signalled Engineering and medical to have teams in place before finally hitting the Red Alert.

When the alert klaxon had sounded Lyhse looked up from the reports she was reading. Muttering damn to herself; It hadn't been that long they were discussing this mission with Dunham, part of her wished to assist the more important aspect of the mission, the crew. As she raced to the hanger bay she thought to herself she would be little or no use in helping them reluctantly decided to start damage assessment of the Pollux.

In Ops, Tahir was preparing to head down to the hangar bay. The report read 'significant damage and one casualty. She found herself hoping it was not Petro, that would set her back years! She grabbed at her jacket, signalling to Commander Villiers, Major Darson and the UFP Ambassador, figuring that Chelsea and Bruce would already be en-route.

Ben Kensington found himself in a situation that was between a rock and a hard place. He knew that his CMO had been on nights, their rotas always ran so that they covered each other as best they could. Usually Bridget Stapleton was the third roster that made up the whole 24 hour spread and they all took the rotation in synchronisation. Since Bridget and her husband had left the station, Ed McBain, the Chief Nurse and most senior general practitioner there had stepped back into the empty *c* rota leaving Lance Murdoch free to keep his surgery lists running on a regular basis in theatres.

As a department therefore, Sickbay was running smoothly as ever, but lately Chelsea herself was not only missing her friend Bree but also looking after her cousin's children and with her husband Rick out on the stricken mission she had been working at night and then getting little sleep during the day taking care of the kids so she had seemed to Ben to have been burning the candle at both ends.

His dilemma was should he call her in after three nights on the trot and now in her much needed rest day? He thought that unwise, knowing how exhausted she had been when she had gone off duty an hour ago.

On the other hand, how was he going to survive her wrath when she found out it was Rick coming back in, someone in his party was reported injured, what if it were Dunham himself ? Chelsea would have Ben's head on a plate for not calling her. But what if it was someone else? He should go and see first and then decide.

Arriving at the main hanger bay, Ben ran into the middle of the wreckage, clutching his med kit and surveying the scene. He could see that the most injured person was Rushtone and he ran to his side and began to administer analgesic from a hypospray as he carefully and gently put protective *cages* around the man's hands and lower arms. He then stretched antibacterial film over the plastirod meshing which offered a sterile environment for the 3rd degree burns beneath but without making contact.

His patient was unconscious and he clearly had something in his melted hands that was giving Ben's tricorder an irradiated reading. Kensington knew better than to touch the items but he knew he had to move them. Carefully he took out a pair of insulated 'incident' gloves and gently used some medical forceps to lift them free. He dropped them into a *bio-hazard* container and sealed it. Then he flicked his com badge. He didn't like speaking to Murdoch, but this patient needed surgery.

=^= Kensington to Lt Murdoch =^= he made contact. =^= Medical emergency in the main Hanger Bay. EM Transport of one male patient with 3rd degree, 30% (of his body) burns - hands and arms are most affected. Direct to the Theatres? =^=

The report was necessarily to the point and left out the obvious that Lance, with his extensive medical experience would naturally not need to be slowed down by.

"Beam him into ER 2" Replied Lance.

Once Rushtone had been transported to the Theatre block, Ben moved to Rick Dunham's side.

Rick stirred "I'm fine. I'm fine" said Rick his eyes still closed. He gently tried to push Ed away, but really didn't have the energy, and his head swirled a little. Then is eyes snapped open "Where is the captain?"

"Here." Tasha said as she entered the Hangar bay to see a swirl of light take away someone. The Pollux was a mess and looked as though it had flown into an asteroid field. Pits and dents covered the front of the hull, but the rear appeared to be fine.

"Where is Petro?" She asked nervously as she drew alongside. Ed McBain who had been tending Petro looked up and called across. "Here Captain" he said as Tasha moved amongst the injured. She looked down on the charred face of Rick. "How are you feeling Commander?" She asked Rick as she eased herself down to her knee but still allowing room for Ed to work on the Flight Officer.

"Like I went twenty rounds with a Gorn and lost" said Rick sardonically.

Ben couldn't help but chuckle. "Two Gorn" he added with a smirk. "Judging by these bruises. Chelsea is SO going to kick BOTH of our butts." he sighed as he began regenerating the bruises.

Rick Struggled to get up saying "I gotta get home and see if she's alright."

Ben put his hand on Rick's shoulder. "You go home in a mess like that you'll get me shot!" he said, getting out a regenerator and trying to keep the CAG still so he could start repairing his wounds.

"Do as the doctor orders Commander." Tasha stated as she looked again at the damaged shuttle as someone called her.

After his wounds were healed by the doctor Rick returned to his quarters.

Petro lay unconscious at the back of the Pollux, superficial cuts on her face and hands covered in dry blood. The disarray of the craft both inside and out had obscured her from immediate view.

Meanwhile Ed had scanned the little J'Naii for injuries.

Tasha darted over and into the shuttle. Inside looked a great deal worse than the outside and the smell of what could only be described as rotten eggs hit her nostrils like a boxer in flight.
"Phew!" She exclaimed as she looked down on the paler than usual J'naii.

Petro moaned. "'nav...Qob....dochai...Rakka"

Tasha shrugged her shoulders, not knowing what Petro had said as Ed threw a confused look at her.

Lyhse attempting to keep out of every ones way while scanning the Pollux with her Specialized Engineering Tri-Corder.

Darson entered the hanger bay after everybody else was well into rescue operations, fresh from attempts to break through the subspace interference with a networked, suped up antenna, complete with every ECCM that they had in storage. Unfortunately, not only had the plan failed, but it had quite literally blown up in their faces with the power conduits unable to handle the load. A feedback look had resulted in several burnt out relays and a small layer of soot on Darson.

He shook it off and moved over towards Dunham and Kensington, but bypassed them and headed straight for where the Captain had disappeared into the wrecked remains of the ship. He entered silently and moved quickly, passing still sparking consoles and damage that was, quite frankly, amazing for them to have come back from. He passed his hand over a blackened bulkhead as he up to a flickering wall panel and thought to himself about the dangers of space as he brought up a damage report. What he found wasn’t encouraging, nor conducive for staying here.

He entered the room at as Ed and Tasha were talking over the slowly writhing body of Petro, “Captain,” he said as a way of alerting her to his presence, “We need to get out of here. A lot of the sensors are off line, but I can tell that this ship is leaking coolant, and the computer is telling me that the levels of Trilithium resin in its tanks is dropping. This could just be an error, and I’m no engineer, but I think the relief valve is fried and locked open. Commander Freeman has to get damage control teams down here most Riki-Tik, and I need all you three to get out of here. Can she be moved?” He pointed to Petro.

"Yes" Ed confirmed. "She's going to be okay physically but we should get the counsellor to talk to her."

Tasha just nodded as the all encompassing light whisked them away to sickbay.

"Lieutenant, get back here and let the team get the leaks plugged please. We don't need another officer in Sickbay today." Bruce yelled from a few yards away. "Besides you're in the way of the medics." He hadn't known they had beamed to Sickbay but still there would be time for them to adequately look over the wreckage latter.

== Sickbay ==

The medical teams were already working on Rushtone, Lance already preparing himself.
Tasha decided to offer a gentle reassuring pat onto Petro's hand. "I'll be back in a minute." She whispered as she edged towards the surgeon and the injured communications officer as her comm gave an odd signal.

"How is he Lieutenant?" Tasha enquired, not trying to get in the way.

Lance looked down at Rushtones burnt limbs and shook his head, "I'll do what I can to save his hands, but I can't make any promises with this much tissue degredation."

Tasha turned and tapped her comm. "Excuse me Lieutenant." She said holding her hand up she listened to the message and tapped to forward the message to Commander Freeman.
"I'm sorry Lieutenant." She apologised to Lance, "how long will he be in surgery?" She questioned in reference to Robert.

Lance frowned. "As long as it takes, could be couple of hours could be all night. Or we could just lop them off at the shoulders and have him out in half an hour if that suits you better?"

Tasha looked at Murdoch and hoped that was just a medical jest.
"No," She replied shaking her head, "as long as it takes is fine. I am quite sure that Robert would appreciate having his lower limbs." She winked in response and headed back to Petro who was barely concious.

"Petro, you are going to be fine. The doctors will look after you now and I'll be here if you need me." She spoke quietly as the doctor moved Petro onto a bio bed.

Petro moaned a little, rolling her head from side to side. "O...kay" she muttered.


Bruce looked over the data given to him from the emergency team. With the number of casualties and medical personnel involved he had decided it would be best to give them as much room as possible and had kept back from the wreckage and let the team do what they needed to do to allow him to enter and access the shuttle. Lyhse had joined him after he yelled at her. After reading it through and noting they had sealed all the leaks he turned to Lyhse. "Go in there get the data off the black box and get back out here. The less contamination to the shuttle the better seeing as there will probably be an inquiry about this."

Lyhse waited for the medical triage team to clear away before she entered the Pollux; Directing the Hanger Bay personnel, the internal fires where extinguished. Warp Core, power, anti-matter containment was verified to be 'stable'. She knew Wallace Class had three Officers and twelve crew, Lyhse searched for any trapped or unaccounted for personnel after this was completed She tapped one of the deck hand's to act as her 'Safety Spotter' she headed to the third sub-deck. She finally reached the juncture where the 'Black Box' was located; noted the scorched areas where the 'feeds' lead into the 'Black Box'. Closer inspection proved pulling the Black Box out would be moot, the casing was fused into a lump. =^= Sullivans to Lieutenant Commander Freeman, Pullox's Black Box is destroyed, repeat Black Box is


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham

Lieutenant JG Petro
Communications Officer

Lt Ben Kensington

Lt. Cmdr. Bruce Freeman

Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans
EO/ Manufacturing Production Officer

Colonel James Darson

Doctor Lance Murdoch
Head surgeon DS5