Beg, Steal or Borrow – Inside the city gates
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Inside the city gates
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon May 18, 2009 @ 2:52am
Location   CO's Office/Turbolift
Timeline   SD8 18:15hrs
Gabriel stood along side the Romulan while maintaining his previous smile and calm demeanor. "I apologize for the convenience sir, it shouldn't take us too long to speak with Commander Davies and try to sort out this misunderstanding." He said as the turbolift came to a stop at OPS.

H'daen's expression did not waver, "I was under the impression that the station was under the control of a Captain Tahir," he said.

"Earlier today, Captain Tahir was called away from the station on a Starfleet matter. I am not exactly sure of when we should expect her return." He said while making sure to keep out any sensitive information that he did not need to be aware of.

"Very well." he said not liking the change one bit. What was the point of having agents if the intelligence they reported back to one was out of date! "Are you certain that this Davies understands both the importance and the delicacy of the situation? Perhaps I should have consulted our Ambassador first ..." H'Daen suggested, he knew nothing of the progress of that part of the plan and hoped to pick up just a little bit from his surprisingly accommodating companion.

"That won't be a problem whatsoever, Commander Davies is a very understanding man. Considering the complexity and sensitivity of our current situation, I'm positive he will be more than patient with you." He said as they approached the Ensign sitting at the Ops console. "We need to speak with Commander Davies" He said to the younger female officer.

The woman looked up from the console to the man who had spoken and then to the Romulan. Her face remained unchanged as she tapped the console, signalling Davies.

=^= "Commander, I have Lieutenant Gabriel and a guest out here on Ops wishing to speak with you."

Davies who was stood looking into the patterns of the wood grained desk, thinking of nothing in particular when the ensigns call came through.

Lifting the cool cup to his lips, he sidestepped the chair and peered out of the viewing window onto ops. His heart skipped when he saw Dorian with a Romulan. His first though was that Dorian had found the saboteur.

=^= "Send them up." =^= He responded, tapping at his chest but remained stood at the window.

She motioned to the steps leading up to the Commanders office. She did not need to say anything.

Gabriel entered first with a smile on his face, "Commander Davies, good to see that you are doing well considering everything. I wanted to escort this gentleman to speak with you concerning certain items belonging to the Romulan government." Gabriel said as he stepped aside to allow the Romulan to enter making sure that his back was to the door and his front was facing the Romulan.

David was amused by Dorian's smile, wondering if it were a gesture of pleasure or of a knowledge that he was trying to pass along. He eyed the Romulan suspiciously as he moved back around to Dorian, placing the cup onto the table as he passed.

"Thank you Lieutenant, considering the events of this afternoon, I am bearing up." He clasped his hands behind his back, not really knowing the best way to address the Romulan. He raised his head in a questioning nod to the Security chief.

"He mentioned something about being on one of the vessels that was involved in today's earlier incident." Gabriel commented. "I believe you said something about artefacts?" He added.

H'dean linked his hands behind his back and nodded to Gabriel, "Indeed I did. Captain Tahir and I had the pleasure of speaking before she ... left," he said stepping forward as he glanced Davies over. "My name is tr'Rehu, Tahir was most concerned about my report to her of a security breach by a Federation vessel. It has since been discovered that a particularly rare and valuable set of artefacts was taken from the Rhianndhaell and that the craft which carried the thief docked at this station."

"I see. So you have spoken to Captain Tahir? May I inquire as to why? Surely you must have known about the conspiracy going on aboard DS5?" He asked in a calm voice.

"I found cause to make the investigation myself. I confess myself astonished by the action of my compatriots after I left the ship and made my way here ... I can only surmise that they found evidence that the Federation was indeed aiding and abetting the thief ... I did say that these artefacts were of particular value, commander."

Gabriel raised an eyebrow in response to the implication that the Federation would ever help or materially support a thief. However he maintained his demeanor until the Romulan finished speaking. He recognized that this was the best way to learn what the hell the Romulans were up to.

Davies shook his head. He knew that Tahir had spoken to the Romulans and that she had offered to aid them in the efforts to retrieve these so far unseen artefacts. Davies worked his way back around to his seat, but did not sit.

"I am sorry, but I have to admit that I find it hard to believe that you knew nothing of the planned attack and that you have managed to come aboard and conduct your own investigation. Would you mind telling me how long you have been aboard the station?" David watched the Romulan intently, wary of both his motive and his explanation.

H'dean nodded, "The truth is sometimes very strange, Commander," he said his dark eyes meeting Davies'. "I can fully appreciate your scepticism. I took the liberty of coming aboard unofficially about an hour before this unfortunate series of events ... in my absence it seems that somebody's sense of his own importance got the better of him - that's so often the way when these Tal'Shiar types find themselves in possession of a starship. It seems that I was not fully appraised of Taibak's orders otherwise I would never have allowed him the opportunity to strand me here which I think you will agree puts me in a difficult, not to mention embarrassing position."

Circling the chair, David again glanced at the unmoving Gabriel, who stood like a guard dog, shadowing the Romulan, yet maintaining a reasonable distance. David sat, sliding himself into the chair.

"I am glad that you can see things from my point of view, but tables turned, I don't think I would be happy stranded on a Romulan station if we had attacked. How would you like me to proceed Mr H'Dean?" The Commander inquired with a tilt of his head.

As he ignored the misuse of his given name H'daen tr'Rehu pursed his lips. His words were very carefully chosen. "My sister, the Senator Rhiu ir- Ainleth has a deeply personal interest in the stol ... missing artefacts and I am sure that she will be raising some rather penetrating questions in the house regarding this incident." H'dean paused

"We can't have rogue elements thinking that they can roam the galaxy making assaults on space stations, can we?" H'daen paused as he refrained from waving his own diplomatic immunity under the commander's nose unless it became absolutely necessary, "We have a consulate located here don't we? Perhaps you could summon the ambassador so that I can discuss arrangements for the recovery of our goods and my subsequent return to Romulus."

Davies felt himself redden in embarrassment. "I am afraid that Ambassador t'Kellian is not aboard at present, but she is on route back to the station." He glanced at the chronometer, "She will be aboard in the next 35 minutes or so and I am sure she will be as eager to see you, as you, her." David replied, not sure if there was a connection or not but could see that h'Daen was clearly uncomfortable about something. "If you care to wait, I am sure that our Chief of security will afford you some protection until she is ready to meet with you. As to rogue elements, well, I am sure that is a problem wherever in the galaxy we may roam."

Turning his attention to Dorian, David paused. "Lieutenant, would you be kind enough to escort our guest here, to the Romulan Embassy." Davies did not add what he was thinking, he did not trust any Romulan at present especially not the Ambassador, until he fully aware of all the facts of her disappearance.

"Absolutely," Gabriel said as he waved over two security officers that he had posted outside of the Commander's door. "Ensign Dovan and Cir'tal, please escort our 'guest' to our specially arranged quarters on deck 26." Gabriel ordered as the men nodded.

"Not on board?" H'daen repeated, "That's absurd ... why would the ambassador leave the station and return so quickly?" That too was news to H'daen, "Perhaps I should wait in the consulate," he suggested.

"I'm sorry, but that won't be possible for various reasons. The most important reason being that shortly after the attack there was a . . .riot of sorts in front of the embassy resulting in several casualties. Right now, our security forces are still working to establish order in that portion of the station." Gabriel said with a smile. "However, while you are waiting, starfleet will be more than glad to entertain you in one of our special guest quarters on deck 26." Gabriel added as he stepped aside to allow the trio to exit the office.

"I do hope, Lieutenant, that that is not code for something I would find less than comfortable," H'daen said carefully, "I believe both you and your marine friend have already confirmed my diplomatic status within the Federation."

"We're still working on that my friend. Besides, there's no way my Commander will allow me to put such a distinguished guest in the brig or similar drab confinement" Gabriel replied as he put his hand on the Romulan's shoulder and gestured him towards the door, "This station doesn't necessarily have the experience of being attacked on a regular basis, so it is taking us time to get back on our feet in regards to long-range communications. We have yet to officially get in contact with Starfleet Command regarding our current status." Gabriel added. "However, I personally will look into verifying your credentials and will make sure that you are properly taken care of." Gabriel said.

H'daen's lips thinned but he chose not to remind the Lieutenant that not long beforehand he had been quite willing to accept the verification that the marine had given. He merely nodded, a curt gesture; had he, H'daen wondered chosen the wrong officer to further his cause?

As the two securities guards followed behind the Romulan Gabriel pulled one officer to the side and spoke in a tone low enough for just the two of them to hear. "Once you deliver him to his quarters, initiate security protocols. I want access to his quarters denied to everybody except Commander Davies and myself. He is to have no subspace nor internal communication access. " Gabriel said with a nod.

"Sir, what if he complains or attempts to leave his quarters?" the younger officer replied.

"Simple, shoot him." Gabriel said with obvious finality in his voice. "We'll deal any 'official' complaints lodge with the embassy." Gabriel said he dismissed the officer to escort their "guest" to his quarters.

As the door behind him shut he looked at Commander Davies. "I don't trust him or whoever his contact is within the embassy. He can cry to the embassy or even all the way to Romulus itself for all I care," Gabriel said to the older officer. I also plan on having a conversation with the Romulan that the Freedom captured. I'm willing to bet that the attack on Da`nal's family and the attack on the station are related to some degree." Gabriel responded as the smile faded from his face.

David nodded his head, still envisaging the Romulan diplomat being shot for poking his head unexpectedly out of the door.

"I am in absolute agreement with you Dorian, it just doesn't feel right, but then again, nothing ever seems to with Romulans. If you get a chance, have a chat with Commander Da'Nal, I should think he will packing." He paused, then added.

"I will more than grateful when Captain Tahir returns to take control of this station, it's far too complicated for me as a starship commander. Thank you Lieutenant." He said, leaning back in his chair.


CO: Commander David Davies (Also perplexed, Shattered & Exhausted)

Riov H'daen tr'Rehu NPCd by Louise (perplexed and biding his time)

Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security/Intelligence Officer