Judgement – Old reunions
by Ambassador Cala Lurn

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Title   Old reunions
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Ambassador Cala Lurn
Posted   Sun Feb 06, 2011 @ 1:08am
Location   Diplomatic Department
Timeline   Current

Cala had walked into the Diplomatic Department looking around the new place, that she was going to work at. She looked around seeing all the purple in the room working away on something. She glided her way around and went into her personal office. Being an ambassador she was entitled to have her own office just like the Chief of Diplomats. Her office was much smaller then the Chief’s but it was enough to suit Cala’s needs as an Envoy. She would go introduce herself to the Chief of this department, but she had heard he was off on some business. She went into the system to see if she had any mail or an assignment. Since after all Star Fleet did have something she needed to do while she was here.


“I can’t believe she is here,” stated Roselyn to Andraxys, who was standing next to her. Andraxys looked up at Roselyn and stated bluntly, “Who?”

“My mother,” whispered Roselyn, “I can’t believe she’s actually here.”

“And that’s a bad thing,” asked the Orion going back to what she was doing. Roselyn’s heart started to pick up speed. “I haven’t talk to her since I’ve ran off,” she confessed.

“Were you in trouble or was he a horrible mother?”

“I thought she was a horrible mother for not giving me attention when we lived on DS9, so I ran off. Looking back on it I was being selfish, not realizing there was a war outside of my door,” said Roselyn looking at her mother’s office.

“Maybe you should go talk to her. I bet she would love to see you again,” stated Andraxys looking at Roselyn at the corner of her eye for an answer. Roselyn looked at the Orion woman for a few minutes, “Perhaps,” she stated unsure of herself.

Andraxys got up and grabbed Roselyn, “Come on.”

“What,” bellowed Roselyn feeling like she was lifted from the ground and moved across the floor. Andraxys pushed Roselyn towards her mother’s office. “Go talk to her,” she stated, “At lest you still have a chance to talk and make a mends.” Then she turned around to leave Roselyn at the door.

She stood there a thin metal door was know between her and her mother. She took a deep breath and pressed the chime on the door and waited to enter in.


“Are you sure its fraud,” Cala stated asking the Star Fleet admiral.

“Yes,” stated the Admiral, “I figured we’ve been friends for 20 years. I know you’d could do something about it. Since after all you have a way of things.” He smiled at her.

“Of course I’ll do it,” stated Cala, “I’ll go meet with him today and see is side of the story and get to the bottom of it.”

“I know you will. I have full confidence in you Cala. Good bye my friend.” Then the Star Fleet logo popped back on view screen. As she was going to continued to look at her messages she heard her door chime.

“Come,” stated Cala wondering who was at the door.

The door opened and Roselyn walked threw the door with her head half way hanging down and her hands were behind her back. She walked up to the desk and stated, “I would like to officially welcome you to are department Ambassador.”

“Why thank…”, Cala looked at the woman standing in front of her desk. Cala slowly stood up from her seat and walked over to Roselyn. She opened her arms and hugged her, with warmth. Roselyn leaned against her with a weird look on her face. “I have miss you my little Rose,” stated Cala was happiness and joy, “Why so long to talk to me know? I’ve missed you so much.”

Then she pulled Roselyn away to look at her. Roselyn looked at her mother, who hadn’t age a day since she remembered her. “I don’t know why,” stated Roselyn, “I thought you were mad at me.”

“Why one earth…,” then it hit her, “Yes at first it did. But I’m not no more. I’m glade you’ve come to see me. There is much to catch up on.”

“Yes,” smiled Roselyn to her mother, “There is a lot.”

“Have dinner with me tonight. Just the two of us,” stated Cala hoping she would.

“Ok,” replied her daughter, shocked on how her mother was reacting to her.

“Good,” stated Cala, “Now if you don’t mind I have business to do. But I look forward for tonight. I’ll pick you up after your shift is done.”

“Of course go ahead I have work myself. I get done in four hours so. Yeah I look forward to it.”

Cala kissed her daughter on the forehead, “It is good to see you again. Until tonight.”

“Tonight,” Roselyn stated with some chipper in her voice. Then turned around and left the office. She walked back to her Orion friend.

“So,” asked Andraxys who noticed her friend was back.

“Were having dinner tonight,” she replied with worry then turned her head to watch her mother leave her office and out of the department.

“That’s good. Is in it?”

“I don’t know,” Roselyn stated going back to work.


Posted by:

Ambassador Cala Lurn
Federation Envoy

Ensign Roselyn Theodore
Diplomatic Aide

Lt. Andraxys Antalla
Diplomatic Aide